Memory Vs Reality

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Luis Tamayo was on the winner side as Raquel finally signed the exclusive contract with the Marquina Corporate, and that day was her first schedule doing the advertisement filming.

On her way to the studio, Alicia noticed from the rear-view mirror that Raquel kept finger-fidgeting and her feet didn't seem to stop from stomping. "It's a little possibility you will meet him, Raquel, relax".

Raquel turned her eyes to the same rear-view mirror where she found the reflection of Alicia's eyes. "What?! No, I'm not thinking about that, I don't care if he shows up. I just don't think bringing Paula is a good idea" her voice softer so Paula, who was sleeping next to her, didn't hear.

Things were new to Raquel that now she was a mother, she had a kid who's still depending on her. It became troublesome when she had to do the work but she's tagging along. However, like what she always said, Paula came first, she had both Alicia and Tatiana come to the studio so there's someone watching over her in the site while she was working.

"Don't worry, I'll keep Paula safe and sound in your waiting room, no one's gonna know she's there" Tatiana quaked from the back seat, Raquel turned to her as saying thank you.


Sergio was outside of his office to meet his business partner in a private lounge, he had no plan to visit the studio as he believed the staffs were doing just fine. But when his assistant asked if he wanted to take a brief visit since they're pretty close to the site, he thought it wasn't a bad idea.

As his car made its way to the parking area, he saw a big van; most probably it was Raquel's because it looked like a celebrity van. And it still made no sense for him that she's here working for his project.

It was a break time after the first session of the shooting. When Raquel got out from the studio, it's the exact time Sergio's about to come in to meet the director. They're almost bumped to each other, they're both surprised for the sudden encounter, they're facing each other awkwardly, their eyes meeting - then shifting gaze to another directions - then meeting again - then shifting gaze to another directions again until Raquel said sorry. Instinctively, Sergio took a step away as making spaces for her to walk.

Instead of continue to walk, as a matter of courtesy, Raquel asked a minute or two of Sergio's time, so they moved a little bit further.

"I know we didn't have proper chance to say hello, but since we meet again here, I'd like to say thank you for trusting me and my team for this project"

"Well, I'm just accommodating what people in the company want. But you're welcome"

"Still thank you anyway. Alright, I have to go back"

"Ah! Yes, yes. Of course"

"Thank you for your time, Sergio.. I mean Mr. Marquina"

"Oh come on, Raquel. Sergio is fine"

"Alright, Sergio. Bye.."

"Bye... Raquel..."

Just like that, the awkward conversation that wasn't so much at all ended. He watched her back all the while wanted to call her again but his voice was just disappearing in the tip of his tongue.

Little did he know that he's disappointed that after what she did to him, the whole three years he spent feeling dumped, then she acted like she forget about everything. But then, what else he could expect, fact said their story's over long ago, she moved on and carried on with her own life without him.


The studio was packed with staffs and teams; as if she never had a void, she did it so well. She was too focused on the camera and director to notice that Sergio was secretly there in the very back behind those people, observing how she's doing.

"Woah, she really looks like a goddess!" His assistant, who came out of nowhere, remarked. There's spark in his eyes while looking at Raquel. "It must be lucky for someone who has her as a girlfriend or even a wife" she added, still looking at her lovingly.

"Yeah, you're right. She's beautiful, even more beautiful than the last time I saw her" Sergio unconsciously replied, being carried by the 'fanboy' vibes shared by his assistant.

"I wish I could get her autograph and a selfie after this" his assistance excitement was in the air until Sergio realized the oddness and looked at him.

"Well, This is not a fan meeting. What are you doing inside the studio anyway?"

"Ah, my apologize, Mr. Marquina, I came here to remind you that we have meeting in the headquarter so we have to go back now"

Sergio nodded as he also remembered his schedule of the day, so he asked him to go and prepare the car. Before he left, Sergio gave a final look to Raquel who was still doing her work, and agreed that once he felt so lucky to have her as a girlfriend and once he also wished to have her as a wife.

In Raquel's waiting room

"Tatiana aunty...." Paula called, looking uncomfortable.

Tatiana gave a glance to her, "Paulita, wait a second, I need to make a phone call" but quickly back to her phone for work purpose.

"Aunty..." she called again, sounded like in a pain, she needed to pee.

As she saw Tatiana was still busy, she got an idea to go to the restroom by herself, she felt brave enough. Most important was, it's almost unbearable.

She sneaked out without Tatiana realizing it. She was walking and walking, exploring and looking for a restroom sign(mistakenly she got in men restroom). When she found, she made a fast run. And then...

"Auch!" Paula exclaimed, bumping into a man in the restroom entrance from the opposite direction. Lucky her, she was not falling down as the man grabbed her fast, but surely she almost wet her pant.

The man then get down on his knees to match Paula height, softly caressed her forearms asking if she was okay. But she looked pale.

"Did you bump into me that hard, chick?"

"No.. it's just...I want to pee"

"Ah! Sorry, chick. Emergency, huh?" The man said as making a space for Paula, slightly thinking if she would be okay if using the toilet by herself, what if she slipped, what if the water splashed on her.

"Wait!! chick but why you come in boy's one you should go to the girl's one"

"But, uncle.. I want to pee but I'm scared of the monster inside the toilet hole"



"Do you want me to help you?"

"Are you a good person?"


"My mom said I'm not supposed to talk with strangers, they might be bad people"

"Oh well, how about talking about it later after you done your business, young girl. Come on"

The man found it's hilarious that he's inside the toilet with a chick he just bumped into, waiting for her while turning around facing door.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

"I'm not supposed to say my name to a stranger"

"Hey, I'm helping you from monsters, we're not strangers anymore"

"Uhmm, okay. It's because you're helping me. My name is Paula"

"What a cute name, and you're cute too. My name is Sergio"


Done with her phone call, Tatiana turned around and then her heart just dropped. "Oh Lord! Where's Paula?! No no no!" Tatiana was panicked, of course, Paula was not there. "I'm so dead!" She mumbled while ruffling her hair, she had to find her before Raquel finished her work.

She walked around, scanning every spot while biting her finger nails. Her impatient steps lead her to a hallway where the restroom was. When she saw the view of Paula holding Sergio's hand out from the rest room walking side by side, she was shocked. "No freaking way!" She gasped but the hurriedly hid herself. She peeked again in case she was mistaken, but yeah, they're still holding hands and had a conversation, kind of. She wished Paula didn't talk about who she's here with.


Sergio lower his body again to meet Paula's height to talk to her.

"So, Paulita, who are you with?"

"My mom"

"She must be working here, then why are you tagging along while she's working?"

"I want to be with my mom, I miss her when she's not with me"

"What a mom's daughter you are. Paulita, sometimes, you have to let your mama do what she has to do. She surely will misses you to, therefore, when she comes home you can give your sweetest smile and warmest hug, she will be very happy"

"Really? I want my mom to be happy, I love seeing her smile, she's so pretty when she's smiling"


Tatiana was contemplating whether to take Paula at the moment, and her ringing phone made her losing ten years of living, it's Alicia. "Oh God, they must be already finished the shooting, what do I do now?"

"Alicia, what?" She tried to sound normal.

"Where are you? We're just finished"

"Uhm... Paula wants to pee so I take her to the restroom, wait a moment, Ali" Tatiana initiatively told a lie to save her life while kept checking at those two.


"So, do you want me to help you find your mama?"

"No, thank you, I remember the way"

"Really? What a brave chick! Well, alright! Honestly, I have to go somewhere too"

"But, uncle, can you promise me something?"


"Yes! Since my mom will be angry if I'm talking to a stranger, promise me you're not going to tell her"

"Okay, I promise, I don't even know your mom so you're absolutely saved. Go quickly to your mama, or the toilet monster going to catch you"

Sergio made gesture as if he was a monster while made a claw hand and growling to tickle Paula's belly. It's funny enough for Paula to make her laughed happily.

Sergio waved her goodbye saying it's nice meeting her, and so did Paula, with her sweet smile, and somehow he just realized the way she wrinkled her nose and squinting her eyes reminded him of someone. He just bitter laughed in the end.


Once Tatiana could no longer see Sergio, she tiptoeing to Paula.

"Oh God! Paulita, you can't just go out alone like this, do you know how much I'm worried about you?"

"I wanted to pee so badly but you're busy"

"Aaaah, pee?! I'm sorry, but Paulita, what were you doing with that man earlier?"

"He helped me while I pee"

"And then?"

"And then what?"

"Does he know who you are?"

"Yes! We exchanged name"

"I mean, do you say the name of your mama?"

"I think I didn't say it"

"Good job Paula! But we can't let your mama know about this, okay? Or we both will be scolded"


While waiting for Paula and Tatiana...

Raquel looked distracted, it's the first time in three years she finally can talk to Sergio. She believed she was okay, she spent her time focus on her Daughter and that's a wonderful time, but when she looked at Sergio's eyes, it's disturbed her that she started to doubt if she's okay. The look in his eye's still calming and drowning as before, nothing changed much. However, she couldn't figure it out yet what she felt was purely only because she's still felt sorry for him or there's a past feeling lingering.

Three years ago

It's been a month since she left but Sergio seemed hasn't moved on at all. He gave her space but sometimes he just missed her so bad so he made a call.

"I'm going there in two days"

"You don't have to"

"I have to! I miss you and I don't know when you're back"

"Sergio, it's over between us"

"I just want to meet you..."

He sounded somewhat desperate, and after thinking for a while, Raquel agreed.

At Raquel's place in LA

In the patio, Raquel was having a conversation with a man, Andres, until Tatiana came to join.

"Raquel, are you sure? I already have reporter Cruz stand by for detail information from us. It's going to be messier, you know that, right? We still have time if we want to cancel..."

"I came all the way here, Tatiana..."

Sergio will come in two days, not that she didn't want to meet him, if she's being honest, she missed him too, but that's gonna be the opposite reason she left him and run away. It broke her heart but she had to push him away further to save the agency and also the people in it.

She's now looking at some of pictures of her together with Andres looking like mad-in-love couple. She picked three, the first of them holding hands, the second of him kissing her temple and the third of them just hanging out.

"Here" she handed the tablet to Tatiana. "Please send those three pictures to reporter Cruz and keep Andres's face blurry for privacy and nobody except us and reporter Cruz himself allowed to know that we're faking this dating news. I'll talk to Tamayo and Alicia about this"

"Raquel... "

"Almost forget, tell reporter Cruz I'm going to marry Andres as well"

"You're going too far! What if people find out that you're ended up not marrying him?!"

"Just say it didn't work out for us, simple"

"Also, isn't too cruel for Sergio?"

She was trying to stay calm before, this plans were also put his head in a whirl. Unstable emotion, being tired both physically and mentally, she seemed to get easily provoked.

"What??! Too cruel for Sergio? So you think it's not cruel for me? It's fucking hurt, Tatiana! But I have no option!"

Tatiana and also the other members of the circle, Tamayo and Alicia, had been holding on the urge to oppose her decision but she was being determined.

"You do have options! It's not like we're forcing you to follow Sergio mother's wicked game! You don't let us to fight with you"

"Fight for what?! We're already losing. And do you think I can go on with Sergio peacefully when his mother ruins the agency and all of the people that I love because of me? Do you expect me to feel sorry and regret for the rest of my life?"

"Woah.. Woah.. Woah.. Ladies, calm down, please" Andres, who felt awkward with their fight in front of him, finally took a chance to intercede, raising both of his palms on each of them. But then their eyes gazed sharp on him.

"I'm sorry I know this is none of my business but please don't fight"

"And that's exactly what we felt for you, we'll be forever sorry and regret that your life ruined because we don't do anything" Tatiana confirmed and left.

Raquel let out a heavy sigh for the unnecessary fight. She absolutely felt sorry for yelling at her, and then she looked at Andres who was still in puzzle.

"Sorry, Andres. You shouldn't witness that"

"It's okay, Raquel. Sometime shit happens" he tried to lightened up the atmosphere, but when he looked closer, he found her looking pale and frail.

"Hey, you ok?"

"I'm good. Just headache, nausea and fatigue for these past days"

"Well that's a lot. Go see a doctor, Raquel, you look like need it"

"Thanks, Andres. I'll do it later"


Two days after, Sergio packed his suitcase and checked his ticket with smile on his face, he could already imagine seeing Raquel after twelve hours, not a short time at all but she' worth all the time.

He's about to call his driver to take him to the airport but turned out he got a text from Monica.

"Mr. Marquina, I'm sorry I think you need to know this"

His smile turned into clenching teeth, his furious eyes locking on the screen, his other hand formed into a tight fist rumpling the ticket he's been holding. He looked away, let out a bitter sigh; his heart beating faster couldn't believe what he just read. Throwing away the crumpled ticket, his chest puffing up and down as getting red in the face. He called her right away, she expected that for sure, so this time she needed her acting skill for granted.

"You owe me some explanation, Raquel"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean!"

"I have nothing to explain"

"So, it is not for your mental health, not even for your mental security, you left me for him? You're not cheating on me, aren't you?"

"We're through, and when I have a new boyfriend after that, how can you say I'm cheating on you"

"Roses don't grow overnight, if you know what I mean"

"It's been a month! I'm sorry if I have moved on before you. It is what it is"

"Really? That's all you can say to me?"

"Don't expect much from me. Let's move on with our own lives"

"You're right. I did expect much from you but this is all I got. I thought I know who you are, but I'm so wrong. You're just a nightmare dressed like a daydream..."

"And I hope you wake up from your nightmare, Sergio, I'm sorry.. "

Right there, right after she hung up the call and knowing that's probably going to be the last call from him, she broke down into tears. She cried before but until the very day she really lost him, the pain hit her harder.

She was a silent-cry person, but that day, her sobbing was just too much to keep it silence, she let out a howl of pain louder while holding on her ache chest.

Tatiana, who stood away but still can see and hear her, felt nothing but worry and gloomy for her. She gave space for her, she knew she needed time to let out her emotion, until when Raquel tried to stand up, she looked wobbly and then legs getting weaker as she fall down on the floor.

"Raquel..!!!" Tatiana screamed, hurriedly come to her.


<<Hope you Like this chapter too>>


Next Chapter Name:Encounter

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