Things She Doesn't Know

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Prompt: "You sneeze so hard that your soul exits your body and travels a far distance away. Find your way back before your body is no longer salvageable".

Episode 1

"Ah, finally I finished all my remaining work".

Emily picked up her coffee mug and drank all the rest of her coffee. She took out her phone from the desk and started checking her WhatsApp messages. Then suddenly a message appears on my phone screen, and she immediately clicks on the message. As she was reading the message, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, he is so cute. She chuckles."

Suddenly someone knocked on the door of his cabin.

"Come in. Emily says.

A man in a black suit opens the door enters the cabin and welcomes her. "Ma'am, I have completed the work you gave me," he says and walks towards her desk and places the file on the desk.

"Okay, I'll check the file at my house," she says and then her gaze falls on the wall clock. The walk clock was displaying 12:01 a.m. Then she looked at him again and said "Mr. Harry, I'm going to my house now. So, send the details of my tomorrow meetings on my phone. Emily says.

"Okay, ma'am." He says and walks out of the cabin. She then puts her phone in her purse and stands up from her chair, grabs the file from the desk and then walks out of her cabin.

"I didn't tell him I was coming home earlier. What if he's not home? I should call him."

Then she took out her phone from her purse and dialled her husband's phone number. She puts her phone to her ear and starts walking towards her car. When she reached the car, she opened the car lock with her key and went inside the car.

Then her husband picks up her phone call and says, "Honey, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm just missing you," Emily replies.

" So, when are you coming home?" her husband says on the other end of the call.

"Maybe, I'll be home at 1 am. By the way, are you home?" Emily says.

"Yes, I am at home but dear, why are you again coming home late? This is not fair," says her husband.

"Sorry, honey, but I have some work to finish," Emily says.

"Only this time I forgive you, not next time." He says.

"Okay, bye," Emily says and hangs up the phone call.

"He's completely unaware that I'm coming home. Thank God he's home." She giggles.

As she is about to start the engine of her car, suddenly she feels a subtle tickle in her nose that induces a sneeze of epic proportions. Her nose was itching so much that she started feeling dizzy. She tried to stop her sneezing but it was unbearable. Then she is unable to control herself and sneezes with a loud voice which she had never had before.


After sneezing, she experiences a profound sense of disconnection. She feels like she is hovering in the air. When she opened her eyes she found herself in a room. She started looking around her. She was completely unaware of that place. Then suddenly her eyes fell on a picture and she was astonished to see the picture.

"What? How did I get here? This is impossible," she shouted.

Episode 2

Emily reaches out to take the photo frame in her hand. When she touches the photo frame her hand passes through the photo frame. She is not able to hold the photo frame.

"What's happening to my hand? Why can't I touch the photo frame? Wait, have I turned into a ghost?" She screamed.

She starts wandering around the room in panic. Suddenly a thought comes to her mind. "Wait a minute, if I've become a ghost then why do I only come to Jenny's room? I have to find Jenny."

She looks to her left and sees a door. She walked towards the door and walked out of the room. But she didn't need to open the door, she just passed through the door. Then she reaches the lobby. Her eyes fall on an old woman who is sitting on the couch. The old lady was crying alone in the lobby. She also had a photo frame in her hand.

Emily walks a little closer to the old woman. Then suddenly the old woman started saying.

"Why did you leave me alone? Jenny my dear.

Emily was stunned to hear the old woman's words. She can't believe what she just heard. "What? Is Jenny no more? No, that can't be true." She cried.

"But it is true.

Suddenly a voice came to her ears. She looks to her left and right to see who just said it. But she didn't see anyone else except the old woman.

Then her eyes fell on a big photo frame which was hanging on the wall. Jenny was in the photo frame. Jenny was smiling in the photo frame and it felt like her grey-blue eyes were staring at Emily. In the photo below she saw the date of Jenny's death and the date was 26.9.2023.

Emily says, "Jenny died three days ago. How could I not know? No one told me. Uncle told me that she was in France to study because she got a scholarship."

Then Emily glances back at the old woman and says, "Auntie, I feel so bad that I wasn't here when she died."

But the old woman can't able to hear Emily's voice. Then Emily walks out of the house. When she came out of the house, she was baffled as to where she was. Because she didn't know where Jenny's real home was.  She never came to Jenny's real house.

"where am I?"

Episode 3

On a stormy winter night, Emily was stepping onto the street. Everyone around her feels shivers in the body due to cold but she does not feel anything. When she looked down at her shoes she saw that they were not making footsteps on the snow.

"What do I do now? I can't even ask where I am," she said with a sigh.

Then suddenly she heard a screaming sound. When she glanced back, she saw a couple who were yelling at each other.

"Hey, stupid woman. You have no right to say that to me." The man says angrily.

"Then what should I say? Tell me." says the woman and then she punches her husband hard in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. Everyone on the street starts staring at them. Some people were irritated by them and some were laughing at them. Her husband stood up from the ground and punched her in the face. Then they both started fighting with each other like crazy.

Emily can't stop laughing at them and says "Are they crazy?"

"Yes, they are.

Emily was surprised that someone had responded to her. She turned to the left and noticed a little girl. "Can you see me?" Emily asks in astonishment.

"Yes, I can see you." replies the little girl.

"But how?" Emily exclaimed.

"Are you a ghost?" The little girl asks her.

"Maybe yes." Emily hesitates.

"Oh, that's why you're asking me. I can see ghosts. I just don't know how." The little girl says and smiles at Emily.

Emily is happy that someone can see her. She looks at the girl and also smiles. "So do you know them?"

"Of course, I know them. They're my parents."

"Oh, I'm sorry I called them crazy," Emily says immediately.

"Don't worry. It's okay. They're crazy. By the way, I can sense you're confused about something," the little girl tells him.

"Yes, I am. Can you tell me? Where are we now?" Emily asks.

"Oh, we're in Basin City.

"What? We're in Basin City! I'm far away from my city." Emily says fearfully.

"Then why did you come here?"

"I don't know. And I don't even know how I became a ghost. I was in the car and then suddenly I sneezed and found myself here." A flood of words came out of her mouth.

"So, when you sneeze, your soul gets separated from your body. Right now, your body is in your car. I heard that if the soul doesn't go into the body within 48 hours then the body will no longer be savageable. The little girl said.

"Oh my God, are you telling the truth?" Emily panicked.

"Yes, this is true.

Episode 4

Emily and the little girl were walking on the street. Emily was still surprised that she was so far from home.

"Emily, did you recognize me?"

She heard a voice again but this time she was familiar with the voice. She turns her back and says, "Jenny, are you here?"

But she didn't see anyone. The little girl glances at Emily with confusion and says, "What happened?"

Emily turns to her and says, "I feel like my friend just said something to me. Did you hear too?"

"No, I didn't hear any voice. The little girl answers."

Emily finds it strange that she is the only one who hears the voice. As soon as she blinked her eyes, she found himself in front of his house. She was stunned to see how she got here.

"What just happened? A second ago, I was with a little girl. How suddenly I appeared in front of my house. She shouts and her mind is whirling now.

Then she passes through the door of her house. When she came inside her house, she saw that her husband was sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Suddenly a girl wearing a blue mini-skirt comes into the room. The girl walks over to Emily's husband and sits beside him.

"Sweetie, how many times do I have to meet you secretly?"

Then Emily's husband places the remote on the table in front of him and wraps his arm around the back of the girl. "This is the last time because Emily is going to die soon." He laughs.

"But when?" the girl asks.

"Just soon darling and then we'll get married." He replies.

Then suddenly Emily's husband's phone starts ringing. He pulls his hand away from the girl's back and quickly grabs the phone from the table. He swipes his finger left on the phone screen and answers the phone call.

"Hello, are you here? Oh okay." Emily's husband said on the phone and then hung up.

He stood up from the couch and walked towards the main door to open it. When he opened the door, he saw a man in a grey suit and pants. Then he steps aside to let the man enter the house.

"Uncle, have you planned?" Emily's husband tells her.

"Yes, I have planned." The man says and he walks towards a long couch which was next to the girl. When he sits on the couch, he looks at Emily's husband and says"What is she doing here?" Emily can get suspicious of you. The man says.

"Yes, I know. Sorry uncle." Emily's husband says and asks the girl to leave. Then the girl stands up from the couch and walks out of the house.

Emily stood motionless in the room. She was so astounded that she froze in one place. "What's going on here? My husband wants me dead so he can marry his girlfriend. And my uncle, who was like a father to me, knew everything.

"I've planned everything. Emily will die by the end of this week. If you want half of her shares in the company then you just have to follow my plan carefully," says Emily's uncle.

Emily's husband nodded.

"What? My uncle wants me dead too. They all just want my money. Emily cries. But no one can hear her.

Then she ran out of her house. When she came out of her house she saw a girl. The girl's grey-blue eyes were staring at Emily.

The girl says, "I hope you saw everything with your own eyes."


Episode 5

"Jenny, what's happening to me? Can you please tell me?" Emily says and busted into tears.

"Emily, I want to show you their real face," Jenny says, placing her hand on Emily's shoulder.

Emily looked at her and hugged her tightly.

Then Emily steps back from her and says, "Jenny, how did you die? Why don't I know about it?"

Jenny's facial expression turns furious and then she says, "Emily, your uncle and husband killed me when I found out that they wanted to kill you. And now, you know why they wanted to kill you. ".

"This whole time, I was living in a lie. Plus, I was unaware that I had lost my best friend." Emily says.

Suddenly everything begins to fade before Emily's eyes. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in the car. As Emily's soul reunited with her body, she felt a sense of relief. She feels as if she has just woken up from a dream. Then she looked out of the car window and saw that the sun was already shining in the sky and the sound of birds chirping can be heard now.

Suddenly her phone starts ringing from the seat next to her. Then she picked up her phone from the seat and swiped her finger to the left on the phone screen to answer the call.

"Honey, where are you? Why didn't you come home? And you weren't even in your office. I was so worried about you." Her husband says on the other end of the phone call.

Emily says, "I didn't come home last night because my friend had a big accident. At midnight I was at the hospital with my friend."

"Oh my God, is she okay now?" Her husband says.

"Now, she's feeling much better. Honey, I'll be home in a bit." Emily says and hangs up the phone call.

"My darling husband and my lovely uncle, now no one can save you both from me." She chuckled. Then she started her car engine and drove her car from the office parking lot.

The End.

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