The One That Got Away

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Location: Paris, France

Calum's POV

"Go on" Mikey said as he looked at me intently.

I gulped. I wasn't ready to tell him. Not yet. Not ever.

I forced myself to return his gaze, "Well, we probably shouldn't talk about it here... ya know because...."

"Well, I'm not leaving until you at least tell me a little bit about where you were" he glared at me before playing with his shoelaces "it's the least you can do."

I took a deep breath, "I spent my time waiting for her to come back."

"Wait, don't tell me..." he said looking up into my eyes, "Actually, let's go. You need to tell me everything right now."

He quickly sprung to his feet and began walking down the dark street, creating more distance between us and civilization.  I followed him with my head down, preparing myself for his inevitable anger.

He stopped suddenly on a square of concrete and urgently motioned for me to join him. As soon as I stepped on the square, he placed his foot on the crack, and in the blink of an eye we were descending underground in complete darkness.

"I didn't know there was an entrance here." I said, facing the sound of his breathing.

"Me neither, I kinda just found it by accident. And best of all, it's a private."

That is practically how fast the process was in case you were wondering 😊

As a door opens, Mikey stepped into the small room, pulling out a metal chair and motioning for me to sit in the other.

"So, tell me everything."

I took a glance around to make sure there weren't any camera's or recording devices in the room before leaning across the metal table.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this - I mean it should have never happened -  but she got away from me."

"What do you mean she got away from you?" he asked, irritation rising in his voice.

I lean back in my chair and tell him everything that happened on the roof, "... and so when she never came back, I finally realized that she was the one you told me to watch for.  I can't believe I let her slip right through my hands."

Mikey rubbed his face in his hands, letting out an exasperated sigh, "She's a tough one..."

"Yeah" I said, looking down, "But I made it too easy. I let my guard down, and for a moment, let myself feel like I was living in a normal moment in a normal life with a beautifully normal girl.  And to find out too late that all of that was a lie."

"We can't let her get the pieces-"

"-Yeah, I know-"

"-No, I'm serious Cal. She can't get more pieces or that will be the end of us. We will be out of our jobs and most likely dead. Do you understand?"

I sighed, "Yes I get it Mi-"

I was instantly silenced by the look in his eyes. I had seen that look before.

"Mikey...." I cautioned.

A little part of my was beginning to worry for Sally.

"What!" he snapped.

"Don't go all Huck on me now..."

"What do you-"

"-You know exactly what I mean!  No funny business. Think about it, it will probably be easier to have her alive, and she could possibly lead us to the core of her organization and take the whole thing down - not just her."

Mikey looked deep into my eyes as if he was reading me, "Is this about..."

"Just please don't do a Mayala on me!"

"But Cal, she was a major threat!"

"But she didn't deserve to die!"

"Well it was your fault for falling in love with the enemy!"

"Mikey!" I yelled, slamming my hands into the table, "Just please don't kill her, at least, not yet."

He looked back down at the cold, concrete floor, "Fine-"

"-Good, so let-"

"-But if it ever comes close to life or death for you or myself, this Sally is definitely leaving the face of this earth wishing she was never even born."

He punched the opposite wall to the one we came in on and another door opened.  Stepping inside, he motioned for me to follow.

Once we were enveloped in darkness again, Mikey patted my back as we rose toward the streets of Paris, "I'm glad you are alive man, but why do you always go for the ones that could hurt us?"

I blushed, glad that he was unable to see my face, "I don't know man... they always seem to be the best."


Hey y'all. This story has been gone a long time, but don't worry - I'm still working on it (very slowly but surely).

I hope you liked this chapter as well (I know its not one my longest ones).

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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