30 Day Pokemon Challenge

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I just want to to do this because I feel like it. I found it online so I just feel like it. By the way, I'll be answering these questions right now instead of a span of 30 Days. Feel free to join if you wish. All answers will be answered right here and right now:

Day 1 Favorite Pokemon: Aggron

Day 2 Least Favorite Pokemon: Ditto (don't ask why)

Day 3 Favorite Starter Pokemon: Torchic Evolution Line

Day 4 Favorite Eeveelution: Glaceon

Day 5 Favorite Legendary: DEOXYS 

Day 6 Most Terrifying Pokemon: Banette 

Day 7 Most adorable Pokemon: Pichu

Day 8 Most Amusing Pokemon: Jessie's Wobbufet

Day 9 Favorite Pokemon Type: Steel

Day 10 Least Favorite Pokemon Type: Rock

Day 11 Favorite New Pokemon from X and Y: Delphox

Day 12 Favorite Pokemon Attack: Draco Meteor

Day 13 If you lived in the Pokemon World, what would you be? I've always wanted to be a Gym Leader.

Day 14 If you were a Gym Leader, what would your specialty be? Either Steel or Ghost.

Day 15 Favorite Region: HOENN 

Day 16 If you lived in the Pokemon World, where would you live? Anywhere in Hoenn

Day 17 If you could be any Pokemon, what would it be? Aggron 

Day 18 Favorite Gym Leader: Sabrina, Giovanni, Norman, and Elesa 

Day 19 Favorite Elite Four Member/Champion: Steven and Cynthia 

Day 20 Favorite Pokemon Professor: Professor Oak, duh.

Day 21 Favorite Pokemon Bad Guys: Team Aqua! 

Day 22 Favorite Rival: Blue 

Day 23 Pokemon that reminds you of a friend: Armaldo (don't ask) 

Day 24 A Pokemon you'd find useful in real-life: Skarmory

Day 25 A Pokemon based on your favorite Pokemon: Girafarig 

Day 26 A Pokemon that is your favorite color: Sableye

Day 27 Favorite Pokemon Game: Pokemon Sapphire

Day 28 What did you nickname your Rival? I was actually a mature child and named my first Rival Silver. 

Day 29 Favorite Pokemon Tune/Song: The original theme song...you know...until X and Y ruined the song by doing a remix of the song...

Day 30 Most nostalgic element of Pokemon: Listening to the original theme song! 

Okay people! That's it!

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