Just Imagine

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Ok, I'm just brain storming here, but just follow along with this:

Just imagine it's the week before the release of the 5th Smash Bros. game. Everyone's pumped to buy this amazing addition to the franchise. All new features to this game have been revealed and all new fighters and veterans have been announced...or so we thought.

As I said, it's just the week before the release of the 5th Smash bros. But, without any warning whatsoever, Nintendo unleashes a brand-new character trailer to the public. People are skeptical. 'Who could they possibly be revealing now?'

Imagine you find the trailer without any prior knowledge of its existence. You read the title: "Super Smash Bros. 5: An Old Enemy Returns...and Better than Ever." You grin with sheer excitement. Who could they be bringing back as a veteran? Could it be Snake? Ice Climbers? Roy? Maybe perhaps Young Link? Or could it be Wolf? Heck, maybe even Lucas.

You click on the video, with pure curiosity filling your sight and then the trailer begins.

The trailer begins one way: With characters already confirmed for the new game being knocked off the stage without a breath. The camera is angled, so you aren't able to view which character is destroying all these other characters. Samus, Mario, Kirby, Sheik, Zelda, Ness, Captain Falcon, Shulk, Lucina, Marth even! being massacred by one unknown fighter.

The only thing you know about this mysterious fighter is that it was once in a previous SSB game. What possible fighter could be given such unbelievable power!?

And then, the screen goes completely back. All you can hear is a faint music from the Pokemon franchise, getting slowly louder and louder. It rises with your anticipation. Soon, the blackness starts to fade and the screen slightly reveals itself. You can make out small images, but it's too dark to make out anything revealing. You can make out spiked ears and a small body, but that's it.

Then the darkness starts to disperse a bit more. You squint your eyes and our able to examine deeper details. The creature is a light yellow, small, and has spiked black ears. Your first thought is 'Could it be Pikachu?' as for the fighter greatly resembles the iconic Pokemon.

But you realize Pikachu has already been confirmed for the game. Who could it be then? You then gasp. 'No, no, it couldn't be...'

All the dark shadows on the screen vanish and all that's there is a small Pichu with a tiny grin on its face. "PICHU RETURNS AND IS BETTER THAN EVER!" The loud narrating voice in the background shouts.

You sit there, awestruck. Why would the bring back such a pathetic fighter from Melee?

The trailer continues and shows Pichu's abilities. It's attacks, just like in Melee still hurt itself. You remember this being one of the worst things about Pichu when playing Melee. You couldn't stand the sight of the thing.

The trailer then moves to Pichu standing next to Ike, which was practically a tower over the Pokemon. You chortle. 'Ike is the best player in the new game! Pichu is going to get killed!' It is true. After Smash Bros for Wii U, Ike has been buffed to be the best fighter in the 5th Smash Bros Game. With his high defense, strong attacks, and quickened speed, nothing could match the power of Ike...or so you thought.

The narrator tells you that Pichu's attacks are now the strongest in the game. With a snort, you stare at the pathetic weakling. How could such a puny thing have the strongest attacks in the game? How dare they even say that when standing next to Ike!?

You notice that Pichu and Ike are standing on one of the largest platforms in the game: Palutena's Temple, which has confirmed a return in the new Smash Bros game as a playable stage. The two fighters are standing at the left edge of the stage. You think it's going to take Pichu forever to knock Ike out in such a large stage!

The trailer shows Pichu using a side Smash Attack, but you're stunned that they don't charge it to full power. Pichu launches the side smash Attack at Ike and it hits him. (Remember that Ike and Pichu are standing on the left side of Palutena's Temple)

Anyway, the Attack hits Ike, but one thing leaves you completely stunned: Ike is launched from where he was once standing and all the way to the RIGHT side of the stage and is knocked out instantly. You stare at the size of the stage.

'How could? How did? How did Pichu...launch Ike, of all people, from one side of the stage...to the other...with a side smash Attack...that wasn't even fully charged. Ike was even at 0%! He didn't have any damage on him! How is this possible!'

The camera zooms in on the grinning Pichu, who just sits there, playing with it's own tail.

It's impossible to accept that this, once pathetic joke of a fighter, was now the strongest fighter in the game...but it is true.

The game is released a week later and everyone, absolutely everyone, fears Pichu and its grinning cheeks, including you.

You dread and weep in fear when you challenge your friend to a game of SSB and your friend decides choose Pichu.

Watch your backs, everyone. Pichu is here...and better than ever.

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