7 ~ I Don't Break Promises

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- BamBam's POV -

"I spoke to Jungkook in form today, about music partners." I began.
"What did he say?" Jiwoo asked.
"He doesn't want to swap." I sighed.
"What? Why? I thought he hated me." she looked at me confused.

"So did I." I replied. "Turns out he 'doesn't want to get into trouble' which is a load of bull."
"Why wouldn't he want to swap then?" Jiwoo questioned.

A thought suddenly popped into my mind, don't tell me...

"Jiwoo." I suddenly became extremely serious. "Whatever happens, don't let him get to you again."
"Don't worry BamBam." she replied, smiling. "I'm not gonna let it happen a third time, I'm not that stupid."

"That's good." I smiled. "I have to go now, see you later."
"See you tomorrow!" Jiwoo waved goodbye and walked off, leaving me to walk into my house.

As I was closing the door, I saw two figures walk past: One was wearing our uniform and the other was dressed in black, wearing sunglasses.

Hold on, is that Jungkook? Why is he here? He could just be going to a friend's house, but why is this friend dressed all shady?

I need to text Jiwoo.

[Me]: Jiwoo. This is important. Don't turn around, but I think there's two guys following you.
[Jiwoo]: Following me?
[Me]: I'm not completely sure, but I'm warning you just in case. Do you want me to come back out and walk you home?
[Jiwoo]: No I'll be okay. Thanks for the warning, I'll be careful.
[Me]: One more thing: One of the guys is Jungkook.
[Jiwoo]: Jungkook? Are you sure?
[Me]: Positive. He's wearing our uniform.
[Jiwoo]: Okay. I'll text you when I get home.
[Me]: Alright, be safe.

I'm worried. What's he up to?

- Kim Jiwoo's POV -

BamBam told me I was being followed by two guys, one of them being Jungkook. I could feel my heart racing, not in excitement, but in fear. What was he going to do? Who's the other guy? Are they gonna kidnap me!?

I turned left heading towards my apartment building and caught a glimpse of them. He's right, it's Jungkook. There's another guy dressed in black, which is kinda scaring me. Oh god. Don't turn left, don't turn left.

They turned left. Oh god. They're following me. Gahh!

I sped up, walking through the lobby doors and sprinting up the stairs. Well, I ran for about 20 seconds and then I stopped to catch my breath. That is, until I heard two pairs of footsteps coming up the stairs.


I ran further until I reached my floor. I ran until I reached my door. I was panicking, struggling to breathe properly. I fumbled with my keys, dropping them on the floor like an idiot.

Quick! Pick them up! Now! I shoved the key in the lock and opened the door. Looking to my right I saw the door leading to the stairs open, so I swiftly closed my door and locked it.

Thank god, there's no way they're coming in here. I leaned against the door and sighed in relief. They can't catch me in here. Nevertheless, I still jumped out of my skin when I heard the doorbell ring.

I looked through the peepy-hole in the door (or whatever it's called) and I saw the two guys stood there. Maybe if I don't answer the door they'll go away.

The doorbell rung again, and again, and again, but they wouldn't leave! I placed my ear against the door and listened to their conversation.

"C'mon, let's just leave, she's not gonna open the door!" The guy in black huffed. I swear that voice is familiar.
"Nope." Jungkook replied. "I'm not leaving until this door's been opened."


"H-hello?" I muttered. "W-who is it?"
"Is this Kim Jiwoo? It's me, Jungkook, from school." Jungkook's voice perked up a bit. I opened the door just a little bit, stopping it with my foot so they couldn't barge in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "W-who's your friend?"
"Can we come in?" The guy in black asked.
"I'm sorry sir, but I can't let strangers into my home." I muttered, avoiding eye contact.

"Awh come on! If you know Jungkook you're bound to know me!" The guy in black took off his glasses and smirked at me.


"I-Uhh.... Well..." I was speechless.
"Can we come in?" Jungkook asked, and after a moment I sighed and opened the door, allowing the two to walk into my home.

Now, I know this may sound a little stupid since I hate Jungkook and all, but I am a big fan of BTS. Like, A HUGE FAN. Yeah, one of the members goes to my school, but he's such a prick it's unbelievable, so I pretend there's two different Jungkook's: the one that goes to my school and the one that's in BTS.

So since I am such a big fan, you can understand how I feel when two BTS members turn up at my door, asking to come in for no reason whatsoever. I'M HAVING BREATHING DIFFICULTIES!

"Where are your parents?" Jimin asked me. I froze. Shit. Do I tell him?
"I- umm, they're out right now." I lied. "They'll come back soon."
"Oh, okay." He smiled, sitting down on my couch. Jungkook gave me an apologetic look, then followed suit and sat next to Jimin.

Right, breathe in, breathe out.

I sat down on the couch opposite the two guys and sighed.
"So, why are you here?" I asked.
"I'd love to know that question too." Jimin turned to look at Jungkook, who began to look awkward.

"Don't tell me you don't know!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook. I sat in anticipation while Jungkook began to stutter.
"Well, I- uhh.... I wanted to know when we should start our assessment?" He blurted out.

Why is he acting so different?

"I don't mind, start whenever." I huffed, looking out the window.
"Is that all?" Jimin asked. There was no reply. "Well then, it was nice meeting you Kim Jiwoo, but we have to leave now."
"W-wait a minute," I stopped him. "H-how do you know my name?"

"Oh, didn't you know, Jungkook here doesn't stop talking about you. He's always going on about how you're different to all the other girls." Jimin explained. I was dumbfounded. Different?

"Different?" I turned to face Jungkook. "What's that supposed to mean?" I saw Jungkook begin to blush. Crap, did I cross a line?
"Well, you don't squeal like the rest of the girls, even though your an ARMY, which got me a little confused."

Crap! He knew I liked BTS!?

"Well, I have my reasons." I huffed, folding my arms.
"Is it because I was rude to you the other day? Because if it is I didn't mean t-" I interrupted him.
"No, I have my reasons Jungkook, and I'm not willing to share them." I replied.

There was a silence.

"Can we just be friends?" He asked.
"Why would you want to be friends with someone like me?" I retorted harshly.
"We have to do an assessment together." He replied.
"Is that all?" I glared at him.

"Look, trust me on this, whatever I did to offend you, I won't do it again. I promise." He stared me in the eye.
"And what makes you think I can trust you?" I asked him.

"Because I don't break promises."

Word Count: 1258

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