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Name:  Tomato 

Personality: dense, tough isn't intelligent, and, easily confused, doesn't also understand things of the world, like cars or other Extremely advanced machines. 

Species: Homo-Sapien. 

Tribe: Cave-Shaman tribe 

Sexuality: Straight 

Title: Cave-Shaman

Blood type: Blood Type-O

Age: 100-200 million years old 

Mental-Age: 18 

Height: 8'9 feet tall 

Weight: 143  pounds 



Shaman-Staff(with this stuff, he can use the spiritual flames to burn anything demonic with ease, even burn people's souls with it)

Meteorite Axe

 Fighting styles and skills.

Expert hand-to-hand combatant: he's a skilled combatant, allowing him, to fight on an even, level with other opponents, and, can take on people who are more skilled than him, or even take on large dinosaurs.

Survival skills: he's a skilled survivalist, who's learned, to survive the toughest types of environments, and even survived tough things like large dinosaurs and monstrous beasts.

Dinosuar Companionship: he has companionship, with Dinosuars, like raptors.

Weapon Skills: He has, skills with different kinds of weapons, at a superhuman level.

Crafting abilities: He can improve and, make the best weapons, even use anything to make tools, better, or even make clothing, as well as other things to help survive the toughest environments.

powers and abilities.

Authority over Caves: he has, some authority over the many caves giving him, an advantage in the area making it where he could gain power, from being in there as he's limited to the caves that give him a boost in power, temporarily, even so far to be nigh impervious. another advantage, is the fact he gains, a seismic sense allowing him, to perceive what's underground and know what's gonna attack him even, if he is blinded.

Superhuman physical Abilities: He's at a superhuman level, of physical Abilities, having Superhuman Strength, speed Endurance agility, and Superhuman durability as his Durability is his most powerful compared, to his other physical abilities making, him into, an immovable wall. he also has, dense flesh, from his superhuman physical abilities allowing, him to be almost near impossible, to impale.

Primal Soul:  being a prehistoric human, he's got a Primal soul, being capable of communicating with prehistoric animals; and even able to understand, Dinosaurs' emotions to the point, that it's like telepathy.

Longevity: He's got a slowed-down aging making him live, the longest out of everyone in his tribe.

Prehistoric-Soul-Shaping: As a "shaman" he's learned, to control the souls of prehistoric dinosaurs and, many creatures allowing him, to keep himself, alive by just using them, and the animals aren't harmed but they can, be used to summon spiritual Dinosaur constructs.

pyrokinesis: he can shape and control fire and create "fire" to burn people alive, he's learned, to use this thanks, to his parents, training him to use the power of flame, to not only fight but use it, to cook the meat they used to survive.

Prehistoric Energy-Exploitation: He can shape, and control prehistoric energy, with his shamanistic Powers, allowing him, to augment his physical abilities, or fuse them with his staff he could also manipulate and, shape Fossils into tools, another advantage is how the more power, he gains the more powerful he becomes augmenting his physical abilities.

Ancestory communication: he has, the capability of communicating with his dead ancestors, from the afterlife to gain knowledge, and can help him get his original form of training he learned years ago and even use his capabilities to get info from the past but it's not gonna be perfect as not everybody from his past knows, of every animal's description.

Prehistoric-Shamanism: he has a spiritual, connection, to animals, where he can control and, shape the Souls, of the animals, and give them their attributes, for combat and hunting or, he could control animals and beasts and use their Attributes, to augment his physical Abilities. another example, is him flying like a pterodactyl gliding in the air; it also includes cave Art and, involves many things Revolving around cave art becoming Constructs of Ink and, even control stone using it similar, to geokinesis summoning, projectiles and minerals. Another, unique power he has is control over "Dinosaurs" This, can allow him to manipulate create, or Understand them emotionally and, he could even control Ice-based Animals like the saber tooth tiger or Mammoth, another way for Him, to gain powers of said "animals" is making Bone mask, of said animals like for example a Tyrannosaurus-Rex it grants him, the physiology and bite force of said animals in a human form, and the highest level is being able, to turn into hybrid versions of dinosaurs, where he's able to transform into a hybrid Dinosaur or a beast form of a Dinosaur. another, example of the powers, and Uses of prehistoric shamanism, is the use of cave art being, turned into something of paint constructs, or controlling the bones and, skulls of animals, even manipulating animals like one example, the Kodiak bear.

Super Eating: He, can eat a large amount of, "Food" at such an unnatural, level and is able, to consume matter itself, which gives him more energy, and keeps him fit.

Rapid Healing Factor: he's been given a "healing, factor" that heals him fast in a rapid late, to where he's able to heal, from damage; So he can Survive attacks, that break through his skin and, heal instantly from stuff like Diseases and illnesses, and this can be increased in a transformed state, where he's a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Danger-Sense: He can detect and, dodge automatically, using, his senses to dodge any incoming, attacks and projectiles.

Fighting instincts: "When, he's fighting his instincts, activate allowing, him to either gain stronger in durability and, Strength or allow, him to Dodge incoming projectiles" he could even Predict, powerful attacks, allowing him, to know what, his opponents, gonna do.

Longevity: he, can live a long, time without, needing food, as it helps him, survive on large islands.

toxin Immunity: Due, to getting brought back from being frozen solid, and brought to the modern, world he's been given immunity, to toxins, from some experiments which means any toxin or poison that's injected into him is not doing anything to him.

Weakness; He can be, harmed by People, who can break through his dense and, tough skin, he also has Low intelligence, compared to most modern humans and his mind is easy to "Manipulate" his insides are also vulnerable due to having dense skin which makes his organs vulnerable to something that can harm his insides.

Limitation: the more creatures,he consumes the more training he needs, to obtain said forms.

Origin: due to him, being born in the most ancient time period, he's seen many things in his life, like dinosaurs he found, special types of Shamanistic practices, his tribe created and, their practices were forgotten when he was found in the future, but when he did live he saw things, like global floods, very large men who were, bigger than him in size and even the most bizarre things. Another, thing he did need to do was, survive, the larger creatures like a T rex for example, and then there were things like he fell into the coldest environments, freezing him alive until he was brought back to the modern world.


-his tribe being shamans, of sorts believed, in many bizarre practices like using the bones of the animals, to make staffs for spiritual powers-

-his tribe through some bizarre acts and, seeing the "spiritual" and, used that to help control the souls of animals-

-through some acts, they pick mates, through who's "Stronger or who's better at hunting"

-the best meal, they've ever hunted, was a Tyrannosaurus rex as they all jump, or Shoot arrows to kill-

-his tribe had found ways, to make weapons, made up of"meteorites", allowing them, to cut the largest creatures in half-

-another way, to gain powers and transform, into an animal they had, was by consuming them making them more powerful as well as gaining their anatomy-


Bite: he, adds more Force, to his attacks, chomping down, on his opponents, causing the flesh to tear, and the bones of the target, to be chomped in half.

Choke: He, grabs his opponent by their neck, or shoulders and chokes, them making, them lose oxygen.

Charge; He runs, like an animal and, charges at his opponents, breaking their bones and spine at the same time, giving him a chance, to eat them alive.

Slap: He slaps, the opponent, into the ground, doing a lot of damage, as this will, cause the target to crash into, a wall.

Momentum-Charge; When he begins running using, momentum, gaining more speed strength, and agility allowing, him to break through defenses.

Chomp: When he's charging at an opponent he chomps down, on the flesh of his opponent breaking the bone and tearing it in half causing blood, to gush everywhere.

Size-changing technique: thanks, to his shamanistic, powers he's capable of becoming larger, in size, that of a gigantosaurus that's 45 feet long and 12 feet tall.


T-Rex-hybrid form.

Beast form


-due to Tomato's History in his life during ancient times he saw things like many historical things until he was frozen solid-

-when he used to do Shamanistic practices, he stopped cannibalism when brought to the modern world- 

-he does have a soul like every other human-made in God's Image he was just, during a time when God created, the Earth he was during a chaotic time God mentioned how the earth was created-

-during their time of Hunting, he killed alot of animals to either, make items, for survival or use their bones, for his weapons-

-he is in a sense mute and, uses sign language to communicate- 

-the new things he's seen, in the modern world like cars and, trucks confused him making him, think their food-

-he doesn't understand the new things of the world, and is confused about many things like the lgbt community, or new technology-

-he's done some weird forms of fire worship, without knowing he's worshiping a God he's unaware of during his time in the prehistoric era-

-when his tribe, goes out hunting he has, to go with them just, so they can get meat for their shamanistic powers to develop the powers of the animals they've eaten-

-despite his intellect being pretty low he's capable, of understanding simple things, like cooking and survival-

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