JOJO Stand User/Ballin

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Name;  Davin Jackson 

Race: Biracial  ( he's part French, Japanese and Dutch )

Species; Rock-Human

Sexuality: Straight 

Occupation: bank teller 

height: 6'7 feet tall

Weight: 167 pounds

Blood type: AB positive 

Hobbies: Treasure hunting, testing his stand abilities on things related to money, and, gambling. 

Age: 23

Personality: Will talk shit, has a sense of humor, is idealistic, is serious about saving money, and doesn't like thieves, would rather keep his money safe. he enjoys adventure, to find more money and, even treasures. but one thing, he has that bothers, him is his gambling addiction before he obtained his stand, he gambled a lot growing up he even is materialistic due to having so much money he's become in a sense greedy.

Standname: Ballin 

Stand type: Mechanical 

fighting styles and skills.

Economic skills: he's a master of economics, as he can understand the details, and mathematics, and can detect Security. He Can even notice the smallest detail and is calm when working with money.

Boxing skills: He has a skill and, mastery in boxing.

Gambling skills: He's very skilled, at gambling and can use his gambling skills, to win a lot of money but one thing, that can fuck him over is him getting ahead of himself, thinking he could beat someone capable of beating him in the game.

Powers and abilities

Enhanced Physical abilities: He's Strong at an Enhanced level allowing him, to fight people on an even scale, do more damage than normal, and endure the most damage, he could even dodge bullets at the speed of sound, or even tank projectile explosions thanks, to his durability.

Quantity Exploitation: Through his stand, he can generate and Shape the quantity of his money, as he doesn't make fakes but makes sure it's a real deal and not counterfeit. this can be used, to help, as this has no limit to how much he can create. his stand, could also interfere with other quantities like mathematics, or defy them as this power can defy the quantity of something.

Monopoly King:  Through his stand, he can buy anything, as it's also like a walking bank account due to it being a mechanical type of stand, but at the cost of needing to manage his money in order, to keep things in order.

Technology Exploitation: When his stand is around, electronics anywhere as everyone's using electronics, he has control over all of them, even capable of controlling their bank account. so if he wants, he could screw over, this includes also slot machines,currency counting machines etc.

Quality Sensing He can sense the qualities, of different kinds of gold and, use it to help people with diamonds if they are fake or real and even check how rare the coins and objects are.

Currency Exploitation: can manipulate and control currency allowing, him to form dense coins in a wall. but he needs, to make sure it's not fake or illegal money as he's worked years to understand money and currency so he uses the real thing his stand forms, through his knowledge of money as he's against counterfeit money. He could even turn People into coins with his stand.

money-magnetism: He can attract different kinds of money, from his stand, allowing them, to come toward him.

Kinetic-Energy: he can manipulate and, form kinetic energy into coins, his stand allows him, to throw projectiles at his opponents.

Gold Exploitation: he can shape, manipulate, and form gold, from his stand, allowing him to create golden constructs and, creatures.

golden luck: he has golden luck allowing him, to obtain wealth faster, meaning if he's gambling he could, just win the money by beating the game and winning thousands of dollars, but at the cost of possibly gaining enemies, for winning a large amount of money.

Rock-Hibernation: When he forms a stone outer shell around himself he's got a defense but is in hibernation to deal, with any sicknesses or illnesses he could get as he'll just rest. he is also camouflaged in a sense allowing him, to be unnoticed and be seen as an invisible object and can even move as a rock but needs to focus to do so.

Weakness; Can still be harmed by another stand user, and suffer damage from stands, that could counter his ability.

Drawback: He needs, to manage the money he has, if he has too much he wont know, how to use it as it's something he needs to do.


Coin-Bomb: he has, his stand, and flicks a coin at the opponent, creating an explosion, turning the target into coins, and killing them. this can be countered by an even stronger stand with a high resistance.

Coin-bullet: Ballin, infuses kinetic energy, into a coin and trhows it at high speeds of a bullet going at 375  meters per second, causing not only damage to the level of a bullet but also causing radiation poisoning if it's silver as dimes back then in the 1950s, were neutron-irradiated and contained radioactive silver and copper. 

Coin-healing; he has his stand, absorbs coins, healing himself.

Currency-Spike: he forms a Spike from his stand, by using currency as it's made up of pure energy and, can be used to cut people in half. it can also, impale other stands, to do damage.

golden-wall: he can, create a wall of gold, that's used to protect him from damage. it's also hardened, so it can be used, to tank anything capable of destroying gold.

Golden Sword; He forms, gold from his stand, and creates a sword made up of gold and, uses it for offensive combat.

Monetary-Punch-barrage: When his stand, is throwing punches it proceeds to turn the opponent, body into coins of different kinds across the world, as this would be both painful and brutal. 'the fatal part is the stand, could be aimed towards the organs, which it leads to death via money'.

Value-Amplification: The more value the money he has, gives, the more power he gains, for his stand. this can help, the stand in combat, so he could use it to increase its speed strength agility endurance and, durability.

Coin-Sensory: he can use Ballin, to sense coins anywhere, as it's any coin, including the hardest ones, to find as his stand can go from far distances away from him, without any problem.

poverty-Feild: he induces poverty into those who deserve, it causing those to reap what they sow, making them poor and have nothing left for their greed.

Coin of Bad Luck: he uses his stand, and creates a coin to cause nothing but every circumstance, to go against the person who picks it up as it would only be a one-time use since usually it's best to be used, against those who fall for it not those with common sense.

Currency-Touch: He, can turn anything into currencyformher forms of metal that's worth something, like diamonds rubies, emeralds Silver and he could use this ability to turn people into said forms of currency, or even make walls, strong as the metal, giving him a form of defense. ; one way he could also use it is by making money allowing him to live life normally.

power of value: When he activates his stand he can have it affect the value of someone, money if they have a lot of money, or if it has value it can increase his physical strength, speed agility but mostly durability where he or his stand, can tank the damage and, be fine but the cost is he'd be an immovable object where he's getting thrown around and, forced to fight in one spot.; the negative is if they have something worth nothing of value or just a less amount of money, it wont give them any boost, and would just make them more vulnerable to attacks. 

Origin: He grew up in life he's grown in poverty, having no money no food nothing he even wanted, to help his family whom he had known for years he loved his father and mother, who raised him well on how to handle money even go so far to tell him, the importance of money and not to waste it allit all, like they spend time together going to events, fairs festivals, etc, but when his parents were scammed, that's when he was put in poverty, and as for what happened to his parents, they developed a disease being cancer, due to working in an environment the, person who wont pay them, forced them into working there so he had to work off, the payment at age 12, and it was tough that he'd be stuck in situations and when need working and actually got the money, being 12,000 dollars he still failed, to pay the bills as his parents, died in front of him as his stand awakened, due to trauma. ; so when he began trying to get money, he always gambled and sort of gained a stand, since his stand ability always activated, allowing him to get money quickly as he's dealing with his gambling addiction daily. 


-he chose a Job as a banker as it's something that can help him get out of poverty-

-becoming famous through his stand when he could, help people seems selfish to just, help himself rather than help others-

-he's in a sense the type who doesn't go and talk about his past-

-he punishes corrupt criminals by having their money Flux and glitch in the ATMS through, controlling the technology through his stand making it where they cant use their money when it's theirs-

-he's not the greedy type, as being greedy fucks everyone over-

-treasure hunting, was his way of dealing with his gambling addiction-

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