Mineral Conduit

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Name: Kito Teleola 

Race: biracial( He's part Nigerian Portuguese and Chinese)

Species: Conduit 

Occupation: Miner/Mineraloligist 

home country:  Nigeria 

Height: 6'6

Weight: 167 pounds 

Alignment: Good 

Blood type: AB Negative

Goal: to Study different kinds of minerals. 

Likes; Mining, his crystals being made for glass, and Studying different minerals.

Dislikes; his crystals being used, for witchcraft or divination, dislikes corruption and people, stealing from him

Age: 18

Hobbies: Mountain Climbing, Mining, and collecting minerals of different kinds.

Personality: Quiet, Honest, and virtuous but has trust issues when it comes to thieves stealing his gemstones, he can also lose his patience with the thieves who steal gemstones and would beat their asses for stealing things that don't belong to them but he has a passion for rock climbing weather it's walls, or mountains as it helps him overcome obstacles in mountains.  

Fighting styles and skills

Contortionist skills: He's trained his body, to stretch to unnatural levels, so he could use it in tight areas of caves in case he's trapped in the tightest areas of a cave or building, forcing him to stretch his body through tight spaces.

Excavation Skills: He's a master at excavating, which can allow him to detect elements, in the mines, along with treasures and water.

Mining Skills: Has mastery in mining as he's been raised to mine ores and minerals for a long time.

Athletic combat skills: he can use his athletic skills mixed with wrestling to grab people, when running at high speeds and can use his muscle strength to body slam someone into, the ground. he could also use his muscle strength to throw powerful punches or kicks at the person breaking any bones, the person has.

Rock Climbing Skills: he's a skilled rock climber as his grip became stronger to the point, he can break bones.

Wrestling  Skills; He has skills in wrestling, and has strong muscular physical abilities, to allow him, to throw his opponents, away from him at a far distance. 

Mineral-arts: He has a combat skill, of using Minerals as a martial art and mixing it with his combat skills.

Powers and abilities

Mineral-Conduit Physiology: like any elemental conduit, he's in a sense a mutant, to where he's still human but has superhuman abilities of that of a conduit as he naturally developed his powers from his conduit gene where he's gained superhuman abilities becoming unnaturally strong compared to most, this also means his powers of controlling the minerals of the ground and earth are natural to him but need to be trained to use them, as he could also have the same biology as a human, being capable of reproducing like a human, his cells are also capable of protecting him from dangerous diseases.

Rubber-Metal-Skin: When he absorbs rubber metal, his skin becomes Elastic and tough as he's able to stretch his limbs and, extend his limbs to long lengths to where he can Stretch to 10 meters. this allows him, to grab onto things from far distances and, stretch his limbs to other lengths.

Superhuman Physical abilities: he has superhuman physical Abilities allowing, him to fight people on an even scale and, take down stronger and larger targets. He's even trained his physical abilities to levels, where he can throw a needle at Far Distances, go through glass, or crush someone's bone with his fingers.

Gemstone tears: he has unique, tears allowing him, to generate gemstone-like tears that can turn anything, it touches into a gemstone like a diamond, or amethyst. 

Mineral Property Assimilation: he, can assimilate different properties, of the earth allowing, him to gain power from the different minerals and make, his skin as tough as the minerals this, means he could become poisonous or capable of causing diseases if he absorbs minerals, like Quartz or mercury or even uranium, to gain a metal body similar to mercury or, zinc. 

Mineral-Exploitation: he can generate, Minerals from thin air, and use them, for combat at the same time, Fire Long ranged Crystals, to Impale his opponents or make them into a liquid-like form where the liquid crystal can be used like a whip, cutting, and doing whipp damage at the same time. this also can be increased in density, allowing him, to create powerful constructs of crystals. he could also Absorb minerals, like Obsidian Gold Diamond, and iron to increase his physical abilities. "Bone marrow is something else, he could potentially, manipulate and control as the bones of the human or animal is a mineral itself making it easy for him, to control people like their puppets". ; however, the drawback is, the vulnerability to extreme heat, capable of melting minerals.  he can also use something, called mineral reconstruction to reconstruct, anything that's completely destroyed back to its original state, or use mineral reconstruction to deconstruct, something to the point it's in pieces or nothing but dust.; one sub-power he has is controlling caves and the underground allowing him, to gain advantages in the underground to make a maze, where only he knows the way out and, the people in his maze are trapped. one example of the most dangerous, minerals he could infact absorb is uranium, as this mineral could cause radiation poisoning to someone while he's immune to it due to his natural power to Assimilate minerals into his body.

Limited-Gravity-Exploitation: He, can control his gravitational pull, at a limited level, to where he can fly at a limited level allowing him to fly across cities, and use his Mineral powers to fight back or even, use the earth around him to throw sharp projectiles, or anything related to the earth, to attack the opponent.; he could also use the gravity, to cause people's bones to break apart becoming dust.

Rapid Healing Factor: When he takes damage, he can regenerate at a rapid rate, recovering damage from bullets, swords explosives, etc.

Containment Immunity: due to his conduit abilities he's got immunity to every single illness and disease allowing him, to be fine in toxic and dangerous environments.

Resistant to fire and elemental attacks 

Seismic-sense: He can sense vibrations, to help fight and find more Minerals around the area but the flaw of this is he can't find them in specific areas where there are no minerals.

Mineral Sensing: He can detect and, sense Minerals, everywhere to the point he, knows where every crystal, is, or even senses where someone going to attack if he's blinded or not. 

Weakness; Break through his Defenses, and you can harm him to where his durability, is broken.

Limitation: He Needs to absorb minerals, of different variants, to be able to use the different minerals, but he needs to know, the information and knowledge on the material and, info of it as this can help him learn more and, figure out ways to use his powers, so he can find creative ways to use them.


-since he was a child when his powers, developed he's been hiding in places where the DUP Won't know-

-his father did teach him ways to fight back, as it was his way of defending himself in case he didn't have any minerals to use-

-he can still use weapons as it's another way to shoot down DUP Soldiers-

-the gemstones he's gathered are the many things, he's absorbed and found to help him, train his Conduit abilities-

-he in a sense studies alchemy to, help him benefit his powers of minerals relating to his conduit-like powers but doesn't believe in witchcraft as that's just a red flag to him-

-he lives in a tough land, giving him a reason, to live in a large forest, he stayed in-

-the reason he's not a fan of divination due to people using the crystals he's owned for selfish reasons, to mess with supernatural shit-


Sulfur-Bomb: he, generates sulfur and fires a blast of hard sulfur exploding into, the person completely burning the person alive, and leaving a burn mark, at the same time it causes poison through sulfur dioxide and hydrogen Sulfide.

Arsenopyrite-Pillar: he makes a pillar, impaling his target and injecting arsenic into his victims, causing copper poisoning.

Crystallization: he can make someone into a Crystal, where their alive but unable, to move until he decides to deactivate it.

Steel Wall: he shapes minerals and makes a wall made up of pure steel, capable of surviving nearly everything

Crystal-trap: he forms a trap, with crystals, where if someone steps in it, they will get trapped, by multiple crystal walls, to the point it becomes, a cube that's indestructible from the inside and outside.

Crystal-Teleportation: he can teleport through areas using, his own crystals allowing, him to get to other places he can get to.

Gaias-Rage: "He uses brute force to create an Earthquake, and destroys cities and, buildings by stomping or, punching the ground with great strength" This completely creates cracks and holes in the ground, causing the buildings to collapse to the point nothing is left but destruction.

Stone Fist: He turns his fist into tough dense, stone allowing him, to use the stone around both of his fists to do damage while working like boxing gloves.

Mineral-Invisibility: he, can Become invisible, by using Minerals, around the environment, becoming impossible, to find as it's similar, to Metallica, from Jojo becoming invisible using metal.

Quartz-Bullet: When he grabs a hold of quartz, he fires a bullet barrage of quartz bullets, from his fingertips, after absorbing them. when they are impaled the target will get Quartz poisoning completely, leading to a slow and painful death as the victim, will suffer the effects fo quartz causing them, to have a disease from quartz.

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