monarch butterfly

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 Hero outfit.

Name: Ethan monarch 

Alias: Monarch wing 

personality: Curious, Idealistic Self motivated persuasive but can get very jealous of people better than him.

age: 28

likes: nature,insects and studying the ecosystem.

Dislikes: Forest fires and the arctic.

Home town: Missouri

occupation: entomologist

Likes; Honey tea, butterflies ,lilac mead and nature

Dislikes: fire and the cold

height: 5'10

weight: 149 - 183 lbs.

Sexuality: Straight

Race: American

fighting styles and skills.

Entomology: he has knowledge, on all kinds of insects, including their biology where they are etc.

Powers and abilities.

Naturally Enhanced physical abilities: He has naturally enhanced strength allowing him to lift 20 tons, have enhanced speed allowing him to run at 100 mph has enhanced endurance durability and can use his agility with his wings to dodge bullets. he's also in a sense, resistant to storms and the tough weather, allowing him to survive tough storms.

lungless : he doesn't have a need for oxygen, as he can breath with no need for oxygens with his lungs being gone due to how he's got some physiology of a butterfly.

Scale burst: Monarch butterflies have tiny scales on their wings that can scatter into the air. so he can release a burst of these glowing scales from his wings, creating a dazzling cloud that can serve multiple purposes:

Blinding Burst: The scales reflect light, creating a blinding flash

to disorient enemies.

Sharp Particles: When focused, the scales harden into sharp, microscopic blades that can shred through obstacles or harm enemies, this also can cause bleeding damage to people's bodies, leading to blood clot.

Healing Mist: Alternatively, the scales can form a soothing mist that heals minor wounds of allies caught within the cloud this, can be a good support based power allowing the user, to recover and close up wounds.

Migration- warping:: Monarch butterflies are known for their long migrations so he can tap into this migration instincts which is  allowing him to warp to short or medium distances to gain advantages in movement, and distance. Unlike traditional teleportation, his movement is marked by a swirl of glowing butterflies, giving him a unique, ethereal mode of transportation.

Short-Distance Flight: He can 'blink' a short distance in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a beautiful trail of monarch butterflies.

Long-Distance Relocation: By concentrating, he can teleport to specific locations he's been to before, mimicking the migratory path of a monarch.

Cocoon Shield He can encase himself in a protective, energy-infused cocoon that forms instantly around his body. The cocoon acts as an impenetrable shield, capable of absorbing energy, physical blows, and elemental attacks which this means elemental attacks, just bounce of or do nothing to the shield.

Metamorphic Regeneration: While inside the cocoon, he can accelerate his healing process or amplify his powers, emerging stronger and refreshed meaning any disease he gains will be healed instantly.

Energy Burst: When the cocoon is destroyed or opened, it can release a burst of energy, pushing back or stunning nearby enemies.

Monarch Aura:: Monarch butterflies have a distinctive look that often wards off predators. the user can project an aura that exudes confidence, beauty, and dominance, which can either inspire allies or intimidate enemies. This aura can have various effects, like causing people

Intimidation: Enemies within range may become hesitant, lowering their attack power or causing them to flee which means they will be letting their guard down for the user to attack them at high speeds, or he could use his wings powerful strength to generate air pressure to send the target crashing into a wall due to air pressure.

Inspiration: Allies become more determined, receiving a temporary boost in strength, speed, or resolve.

Charming Grace: By amplifying his aura, the he, can momentarily entrance or hypnotize enemies, making them less hostile or confused making them do his biting and, do whatever he say, this can also work on the opposite sex more as he's used it on the opposite sex being female villains, though one flaw is it can be countered or resisted by those who have a strong resistance to mind attacks.

Monarch pheromones: He can generate powerful pheromones, as well as generate a toxic effect to where people are stunned, due to a reference of butterflies tasting very bad but in the form of a gas and it could be used for making people temporarily blind, or even used to attract females. this, can also help him sense nectar, in areas to use for his weapons as a projectile or for consumption.

Wing blades :: The monarch's wings may appear delicate, but the hero's wings are razor-sharp when needed. He can harden the edges of his wings to slash through enemies or objects, similar to a blade. This can be used for both offense and defense:

Close-Range Attacks: The wings can be used to strike enemies with deadly precision in close combat meaning his wing have strong force to send someone flying or cut them or even knock them out.

Feather Attack: He can throw feather-like blades from his wings as ranged attacks, which dissolve after striking their target as his feathered wings, can dismember people's arms if using enough force.

Monarch metamorphosis: Reflecting the monarch butterflies, transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, he can temporarily enter a state of metamorphosis where he undergoes drastic changes, enhancing his current powers or developing new, temporary abilities but this means he'll gain more monstrous appearance, in a stage where he's become a monstrous humanoid butterfly monster.

Size Alteration: He can shrink to small sizes, like that of a butterfly to sneak, past areas allowing him to get into small holes or for fighting large enemies, he becomes the size of a giant allowing him to fight other giants.

Armored Exoskeleton: He can create an exoskeleton-like armor

to increase his durability and resistance to physical attacks.

Flight Acceleration: His wings grow larger and more powerful, allowing for faster flight speeds or the ability to carry heavier loads.

Nectar absorption: Monarch butterflies feed on nectar for energy, so the user can siphon energy from his surroundings to recharge his powers or heal himself. He can absorb energy from plants, natural sources, or even weak life forces to recover as it's like him consuming poisons like a monarch butterfly.

Pheromone Secretion: he secretes and generates, pheromones as he can use it for stealth and even use it for interrogation.

Rapid Healing Factor: Siphoning nectar-like energy can heal his wounds and revitalize his stamina as well as regrow limbs.

Nectar Boost: By draining large amounts of energy, he can temporarily increase the potency of his abilities, making him faster, stronger, and more durable as its by consuming a large amount of nectar increasing his physical abilities aswell as his speed gaining a massive amp.

Lepidoptera Monarch: he can can summon a swarm of mystical monarch butterflies that act as both scouts and support in battle. The butterflies are made of energy, capable of gaining energy, for the user to recover any damage the user suffered.

Reconnaissance: Sending butterflies ahead to scout an area, relaying sensory information back to the hero.

Energy Drain: The swarm can overwhelm enemies, draining small amounts of energy from them to power up the user for more power.

Healing Swarm: The butterflies can surround allies, healing them by transferring life energy into their bodies which the butterflies, also work like parasites to the enemy to where, they feel their blood is drained .

Migration vision: Monarchs have an extraordinary sense of direction and memory for migration routes. this means he, has enhanced perception abilities that allow him to sense the energy and life forces around him:

Nectar sensing: He can see the energy patterns of people, objects, and even locations, which helps him find weaknesses, track enemies, or locate hidden objects as it's connected, to butterflies finding nectar as it connects to him being able to sense the nectar.

Pathfinder: He has an innate ability to find the best route or direction to any destination, even through confusing or dangerous terrain.

Vital Bloom: Drawing on the connection monarchs have with flowers, the hero can channel life energy to cause rapid plant growth. He can summon massive vines, flowers, and roots from the ground to either: this means any flowers, thats around him he can make into a weapon.

Flower trap: Entangle foes in thorny vines or massive roots to immobilize them as it's involved with large thorny flowers capable of cutting or trapping people.

Flower Shield: he can use plant life to create natural barriers or healing zones where allies can recover as this would be used when using large flowers to defend himself to resist powerful blunt attacks.

Flower enhancement: The flowers can act as amplifiers, boosting the users physical abilities along with powers as he gains a boost in his abilities.

Camouflage: he can camouflage, his body in areas nobody,woud find him since his body, matches the colors of the area he's in.


-ice based attacks harm him due to his connection to insects like butterflies-

Fire also harms him due to the extreme heat and how he's capable of being burned alive-

-bright lights, cause him problems to where if he's basicully hit with a powerful blinding light he'll temporarily be weakened-.


-when eating poison too much, he has to use the bathroom a lot-

-when his mind is effected by mind attacks his flight is going out of control, making him go into an erratic flight making him crash into trees or buildings-


When he was young he's had a fascination with insects he's studied, learned and figured how they reproduce fly survive so one day when he was messing with monarch butterflies, his powers activated he developed large wings, of a monarch butterfly leading to him being able to fly at high speeds but he had to learn how to fly due to his knowledge on how butterflies fly as it took him a few minutes or hours, on how to do the same thing butterflies fly including handling the air pressure and he even learned after a few, months he's become descent in flight. he then, began using his powers and abilities of a butterfly and would use them for flight which he made the suit he has on his own and would protect, those in need.


-he chose, the job as a entomologist to get paid and study the insects, of the world with his powers to help him with that-

-as an entomologist he's chosen the job as it help him with the bills and even work had with others who study insects-

-he went to school-college to help him, get the knowledge he has-

-his wings, developed when he was young so he had to control his wings for years, and learn how to keep them down for a while-

-he can create artificial nectar, that can act similar to Spiderman's web fluid to where if he puts it in a gun, it will be used as a projectile weapon to where anyone hit with it will, get stuck to it-

-his blaster on his arm, can use nectar ammo, or energy blasts for projectile attacks capable of poisoning the person-

-his skin, is in a sense sensitive to the cold but he can handle it, he's just annoyed by it-

-he has near sighted vision, making his eyes sensitive-

-his home is Joplin Missouri-

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