Mosquito Human

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Name: Jabulani Han 

Species: Human 

Ethnicity: South African/Chinese 

Personality; Easily annoyed, Doesnt respect hypocrites, is pretty neutral and patient 

Age: 20

Height: 5'6

Fighting Styles and Skills

Hematology Skills: He has mastery and, understands everything about blood knowing how different kinds of blood have an effect on people.

Powers and abilities

Mosquito-Human physiology: he has the physiology of both a mosquito and human hybrid to where he's able, to survive on the blood of anything he eats.

Superhuman physical abilities: he has superhuman physical abilities allowing him, to fight on a superhuman level, and even Endure alot of pain and damage to the point he'll just survive destructive damage.

High-speed Flight: he can fly at a High-speed flight, allowing him to fly and handle the air pressure.

Regenerative duplication: When damaged or cut to pieces, he replicates clones of himself, becoming an army of mosquitos and at the same time healing from any wounds he's suffered.

Compound Eyes; he can perceive any attack and dodge at high speeds extremely fast and use his eyes to make sure he knows what's coming at him.

Living-Hive: he's a living hive of mosquitos where, if he's fully destroyed he'll just come back, stronger and as a hive of mosquitos that consume blood, to regrow his entire body. He's also in a sense a Hive mind where the more mosquitos, he has formed from his body, the more he has control over where he can make them, and do whatever he wants.

Blood Energy: he can generate form and manipulate, different forms of blood, granting him advantages and creating Blood construct weapons. He can even solidify his blood, to make strong weapons or armor. he could even control blood matter of different, types of blood.

Mosquito Dominance: he can generate and form a Large number of mosquitos, to consume blood, as they go right to him.

Containment Immunity: he's immune to all forms of viruses and Disease.

Resistance to the cold and heat.

mosquito-Perception: he can perceive by using all the mosquitos, across the world when it's activated, which gives him knowledge over every area in the world and can know where to go to the places he wants to go to.

Disease Energy: he can control and manipulate, diseases with ease and even, use them to infect others with strong diseases this means,he could cause plagues like the black death,corona viruses, etc.

Blood Regeneration: When consuming blood, he Regrows His body parts instantly

Weaknesses: He's vulnerable to fire and ice attacks where he's capable of being crippled by fire or ice attacks and specific types of blood, he consumes makes him Sick like boiled blood,is really bad and


Mosquito-Swarm: When summoning mosquitos from the Wilderness or his body, he sends them, to swarm his opponent, draining them of all their blood to the point there, is nothing but flesh and bone.

Plague of Mosquitos: he can spread a plague of multiple mosquitos, consuming and killing multiple creatures, in the environment.


Hybrid form

Monster form


-Despite being granted the powers of a mosquito he can handle, getting burned as it takes a while for him to heal through blood-

-the heat and cold won't kill him as his human flesh is more resistant to it-

-he can reproduce like a normal human-

-he can grow as big as a hawk or even bigger allowing him, to have stronger durability-

-his insectoid body, granted him more speed-

-he's more resistant to Bug spray and is capable of handling it as it's more like Sucking up cigarette  smoke for him-

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