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Name: Alexander Desta 

Race: Biracial  he's part Sidama and Greek) 

Height: 6'6 feet tall 

Weight: 167 pounds 

Likes: Simple things, meditating and reading

Dislikes: Arrogance, pride and Foolishness.

Hobbies: Enjoying tea, reading, and enjoying music 

Denomination: Eastern Orthodoxy

Sexuality: Straight 

Blood Type: B-

Birthday: June 5th 

Affiliation: Spider Society, and the church.

Alias: Spider-Saint or Saint of Spiders.

Occupation: Priest


Personality: Calm, has a Dignified demeanor, patient, is even a reserved man that he'd go so far as to keep himself Reserved even, when He's getting mocked. but does judge a lot, when seeing the hypocrisy on both sides, of different groups. he can be a forgiving person who will let you take the consequences of your actions and will make sure, you see your consequences and learn how you, hurt many different people.

Age: 25

Fighting styles and skills.

Religious knowledge: he knows many religions, and understands that there are different beliefs, like Judaism, Christianity, etc.

Wrestling Skills: He learned, how to wrestle and use his skills, to keep someone bounded to the ground or Break the bones of his opponents.

Taekwondo Skills: He learned taekwondo growing up and, used taekwondo against his enemies and will fight against them.

Demonology: he has, knowledge of many demons, and how many disguise themselves, as a so-called deity and lie to many, to gain worship.

 contortionism: he's trained in contortionism, for his athletic, body which can be useful for his spider powers.

Powers and abilities.

Reborn-human Physiology; After, becoming born Again, in the holy Spirit, he's a born-again human, with the power of the Holy Ghost.

Superhuman Physical abilities: he has superhuman physical abilities allowing him, to fight on par with monstrous hyenas and, handle large giants, he's even fast enough to run at 50mph dodge bullets with his agility balance on a pole, and even lift large cars and, vehicles or even large buildings that weigh 700,000 tons.; he's also very capable of handling his own opponents who are superpowered.

Arachnid-Authority: he's been given Authority over "Arachnids" like spiders, giving him chances, to change their size to that of a horse, or create multiple clones, to outnumber people in size as he's been given authority from God to have, control over spiders. ; he could also use the arachnid spiders, to cause pain to the wicked as the spiders, cause more pain to those who have committed many wicked sins.

Yimakh-Sheo: he can curse anyone, legally as a spokesman of God, in which if the reason is just and, right then it will work as if it's someone stealing from the poor and, not giving money cursing them, with poverty, or making them blind.

Ruach-Ayin: He was given the power of "Ruach Ayn", which translates to spiritual eyes". these eyes allow him to see and perceive the spiritual realm, which allows him to perceive and dodge attacks from demonic spirits like succubus incubus etc he could even foresee the future past, and present, and he could even clarify eternal truth, and not be affected by lies of the devil and men.

Eternal Soul: His soul, is "eternal" and cannot be stolen or, corrupted by any demon as demons, and the devil, cannot, take the Soul of man. the only, person who can take his soul, and destroy it is the Lord himself.

Scripture Control: "With, the powers of the scriptures, through that, of the holy spirit", he can cause, powerful burning damage, to anything unholy, causing the demonic, flesh and bodies, to burn and die, and, can shape scriptures, into a weapon allowing him, to harm, wicked beings.

Holy Spirit: through the holy spirit, he's immune to such things, as demon possession and, demonic influence making him a lot more immune, to their power, along with immunities to, magic and many other things that are of satan as it's the holy spirit, using him, that helps him become immune, to such demonic things.

prayer: through his prayers, he can ask for anything, from God if it's just and right including asking for more strength if it's needed to fight against more power but if it's selfish he will, not get it if it's just for his selfish desires.

Thaumaturgy: he has the power to cause miracles, through the power of the lord, in which he could do anything if it's right and just," the drawback of this power is if it's not just no miracles will happen as God will see it as unjust to harm the innocent." another, way he can help others is by asking God, to help heal others, or learn ways to heal others through any means.

Spiritual Webbing: He has special webbing he can generate, that can be used in unique ways, where he can control people like their puppets, do damage to them spiritually and, even harm the souls to the point, that the target feels mental pain. the other effect of spiritual webbing is the amount of pain, the person feels with the amount of sins they've committed, where it weighs them down and causes them to get slower or weaker.

Webbing: He can shoot, regular webbing out of his hands, allowing him to web swing across buildings mountains, or trees.; he could even web people up making it impossible to get out of and it's resistant to temperatures.

Rapid healing factor: he has a rapid healing factor, allowing him to heal and recover from any form of damage like fire bullets, and cuts,  meaning he could regrow a limb at a rapid rate.

Wallcrawling: he can climb onto walls buildings onto solid surfaces when climbing.

Contaminant Immunity: he's immune to all known viruses diseases and Poisons thanks, to his healing factor.

Weakness: Disruption of His spider-sense, can affect him, or people who can bypass his spider-sense can harm him and, his Sin of lust is a Problem for him.

Origin: growing up, in Israel, he's a pretty smart, man he learned many things growing up, understanding Judaism, the faith itself, and how, the Jews worship the Father but he, soon left Judaism and, became a part of the Greek Orthodox faith, as he's started gaining hate from a lot of people. so he'd become a hero once when, he awakened his powers, after getting bit by a spider, leading to him gaining his spider powers and, while developing in his faith, he gained spiritual powers, the lord allowing him, to do things in the lord's name and, would protect those, who are persecuted.


The pain of sin: When He activates, the power of the holy spirit He causes the target to feel pain, from their sins like forms of pain, like mental and physical pain, it's also a double-edged sword where, the pain of sin is also causing the user pain due to them, committing a sin they do not want to do.

Blessed Healing: through the power, of the holy ghost he's able, to heal those in need, healing anything mental and physical as it's slow but, takes time.

telekinetic-Crush: He uses, his psychokinesis, to crush someone alive, or break their neck, destroying any trace of oxygen.

Bladed-Whip: when using judgment, his symbiote, creates a bladed whip, used to punish the deceivers and false prophets.

Curse of blindness: when, someone tries, to use corruption, to get into, heaven or buy the holy ghost he, shall curse someone with blindness as the curse, is just enough to deliver justice.

Blessed Spiders: He, generates, spiders he has, authority over, Arachnid spiders causing them to grow Instantly to the size of a Cow, and, allowing the spiders, to tear demonic, beings apart, which the spiders are a hive mind being controlled, by Alexander leading to the demonic spirits, get tortured to death, and they can feel every form of pain, imaginable.

Spider suit.

Spider-Pope Uniform

Holy Spider-Suit

final spider-suit

His church


-he does not accept Pharisees into his church until they stop being trash and fix themselves-

-he will accept everyone, including the nonbelievers into, his church and wants a respectful and, civil church-

-he calls those, who don't have mercy on, the oppressed Satan as he sees them as nothing but the children of Satan-

-what he'll do, when dealing with hate, is merely not accept it but look them, down with a stern look and, wait until they are done wasting his time-

-his original home was Israel but he left, due to a lot of Jews hating on him, thinking he was pagan for worshiping Jesus-

-Alexander may be a Calm man, but he does not tolerate those, who add onto the gospels-

-he will go against his own followers, who follow him, for not following Christ and, doing the opposite, and even nonbelievers, who hurt the innocent as if the people he followed, left him well it's better to save the innocent, rather than keep false Christians in his church-

-he's never been the type to attack, satanist as he's been kind and loving, to them but he does not make, excuses for them if they attack his children, in the church for no reason-

-his sin was greed and doing witchcraft as before, he met the lord he was doing demonic things like summoning demons and not understanding how dangerous that was-

He infact used to be a alcoholic, being that he's always dealt with drinking alcohol to calm himself of anger and wrath when, people pissed him off-

-he's lost the ability to do witchcraft, as he doesn't need something that has no use to him-


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