Slime-Alien hybrid

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Name: Sebastian Paulo 

Species Human/Alien hybrid 

Age: 18-26

Race: Greek/Japanese 

Birthday: March 5th 2001

Personality; Kind caring, pretty fair, and a chill person but can be threatening and intimidating when in a fight. He's also not the type to waste his time, with people, in arguments.


Augmented form/First form 

Second form/Liquid-Slime body(this form allows him, to phase through attacks in a liquid form and, control his body fast, this can also be used to create dense weapons made up of slime)

Third form/Armored form(he hardens, his flesh to the point his skin is like armor, allowing him, to be a tank)

Fullpower form/Berserker form(in this state he's at his strongest level of power, making his body release a toxic acidic aura, that's like a toxic gas and is capable of infecting those, causing cells even if they are protected by energy, to have cells and flesh, melt away when close to him, the best way to resist, it is either have a strong resistance or have, acid attacks aswell or use ice-based elements to freeze the gas)

Anatomy; Due to his elastic, Slimey, and acidic body, he can change and control its body, where If he wants, to live a normal life, he can deactivate the powers, where he's in a more elastic state, which can be used as he can make his acidic, hair feel just slimey, not acidic where, it doesn't melt or Destroy cells. his parts, while living daily life, are Elastic like rubber and, still work in a sense so any part of his body, like his arms, legs Head neck, etc. is Elastic and, can stretch back and return back, to his body casually. the other, fact is he basically is capable of phasing through Blades and bullets as the bullets, would just bounce back or just, get stuck in parts of his slime body.

Fighting Styles and Skills

Acidic Combat; He can infuse acid, into his fists and use it, for combat along with mixing it, with other martial arts. he also, has the ability to form Acidic Energy, allowing him, to Shape and form Acidic Energy into constructs or beams of energy.

Powers and abilities

Alien Hybrid Physiology

Superhuman physical: he's superhumanly strong in all physical abilities being capable of throwing powerful attacks and running at superhuman speeds.

Vacuum Adaption: he can adapt, and survive the vacuum of space.

Acidic-Energy Dominance: A form of Energy that's like base energy beams, but when it hits the target, the parts of the body of the victim, will melt causing the victim to die a slow and painful death depending on how much power is added. this can also be resited if you have dense skin and a strong healing factor.

Elasticity: he can not only, become dense but also be elastic, with his physical body, which includes every part of his body as it's like he's rubber and at the same time has amorphous biology.

Acid Dominance: he can manipulate Acid, and control it, allowing him, to cause Decay, and death Once, you are hit with the acid he forms, you'll melt away. 

Resistant to Impact, Explosions, Rockets Fire, and, magma.Oxygen Independency: he can breathe without Oxygen.

Weakness;  He's vulnerable to elemental attacks like cold energy beams. He's also capable of being immobilized as that's another way to stop him. Powerful, vibrations could also harm him if they're at an unnatural level of sound, which could destroy the strongest level of glass to the point it causes his slime body, to fall to the ground melting like a liquid.

Limitations: His acidic Energy, cant warp reality, he cannot absorb attacks, that could freeze him and he's unable to absorb beings with cold energy-based attacks. 


-as a Slime Acidic Humanoid he's basically seen as a bit of a monster by alot of people, when it comes, to his looks and physical appearance-

-he's got a strong physical body Despite his, body being elastic and liquid-

-the abilities, he has involving Acid can allow him, to be immune to common illnesses-

-when he's training physically, he deactivates, his powers like his acidic powers so he doesn't melt the weights-

-his Acidic Energy, can work similarly to base energy, where he's capable of augmenting his physical abilities by powering up and absorbing other forms of energy, he can even make constructs made up of acidic Energy. the other benefit is the fact he can channel his energy through acidic energy aswell as Control Acidic-energy-Psionics-

-he's got some alien DNA where, his species works like an alien but is also still human as his species on his father's side is where he gained the abilities of a Slime acidic Human and has, his human side augmented-

-his half-alien physiology makes his flesh denser, due to his body as a slime with acid, being impossible to cut and break-

-his father takes, the form of a human but with a more dense slime armor, that can protect him from damage-

-the muscular build he has, is the result of his birth and natural mutation, allowing him to use his strong muscle mass for combat-

-his species, can Survive at an unnatural level, allowing him to survive anything that could kill him-

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