Son of Abbadon

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Name: Desta 

Race: Somali

Blood type: AB 


Sword of khoshekh(this blade, when used to cut someone, can affect the sins of someone, while swung at the person causing pain to the person which in each strike is thrown the blade will cause cutting damage and spiritual damage.)

Sword of Khoshekh chain form: he changes, the form of his sword involving a chain and a different look of the blade, making it capable of doing whip and cutting damage with the chain added to it. 

Gender: male

Alias: Prince of the Abyss or the Principality of the Abyss.

Age: 100 years old 

Height: 10 feet tall

Weight: 167 pounds 

Species: Nephilim

Personality:  Smug, a prick who has a shit-eating grin and enjoys fucking with people, Self Absorbed and Doesn't give a fuck, about common rules, he's also got a bit of a gambling addiction. but he can show, kindness to those in need and has a soft spot, for some people and can show respect to those who's earned it.

Fighting styles and skills.

Superhuman Whip proficiency: he's skilled with whips, and can manipulate, or shape them into, other long, whips that, can be used, to tear Demons, and other fallen angels apart. 

Superhuman Swordsmanship: He's a skilled swordsman, capable of using blades at superhuman levels, even creating large cuts in mountains and, Buildings or even cutting large buildings in half with his blade.

Powers and abilities.

Sheol Lordship: Like, his father, he rules the abyss and, has One-half part of it as he's got full control of the domain in half of it with power over the primordial darkness, Even control over the creatures in the abyss like the locust and can keep demons, bounded in the darkness.

Superhuman physical abilities: He has superhuman physical abilities, allowing him, to endure damage, survive bullet fire, and explosions, he even has an impervious body, which makes bullets and projectiles made by mortals useless.

Barak-Exploitation: he can exploit, and gain power from blessings, as the Hebrew word for blessings is Barak, this can even be used to help people if it's just and right to bless the right people.

Size Alteration: he can alter and, change his size to anything including becoming a giant at the size of 450 feet tall, or becoming tiny at the size of a mouse.  this could also mean he can change his other limbs' size to that, of a giant for combat.

 Shakhor-Flame Exploitation: He can shape dark flames into anything, and Cause the flames to Physically, mentally, and Spiritually cause the most pain as it even causes the person to feel convicted of their, past transgressions, to those who harm the Lord's people, and make them fall to the ground becoming weaker and the Hebrew word,shakhor means black in hebrew.

Gemstone mimicry; He has, black pearls and, black onyx crystals inside of his body, making him have more dense flesh.

Power over Locust: he has, full control over all, locusts and can use it, to punish the wicked tearing them apart but they won't be able to die. this means, that when he releases them they will tear and torture people, making them want to die but in reality, they won't as it's pure Pain and agony for the wicked whose sins make the pain, even more painful.

Power over khoshekh: he can shape control and form darkness from his body, even use it to Absorb damage or, negate powers like a black hole this could even be made into constructs for cutting or armor. he could, even fire beams of darkness that, can become more powerful with more light, absorb as darkness consumes light, and even make it into, an explosion of darkness.

Eyes of Conviction He, can perceive and know, the sins of man, and when he activates, it causes those who committed evil, to feel conviction and a lot of mental and physical pain making, them fall to the ground. the other fact is this, can work on false gods who claim, to be a god but aren't  God himself. as they will feel the sins they've committed and even make them feel the same pain they caused to people but this won't effect the true creator due to what he's done was justified and it doesn't matter what people's opinions say. the drawback, of this power is it can affect the user, where due to his human nature, he feels convicted for the evil he might do to people and, wants to repent for it.

Mortal-Soul: Despite, being a Nephilim, his soul, is more human, allowing him, to get close to the lord but he, needs to not let sin control him, or he might fall from grace, showing he's got vulnerabilities to some demonic forces. another, way to counter demonic powers, is having strong willpower, allowing close possibilities to get close to the lord.

Sheol Exploitation: He can shape, control, and manipulate Sheol, the Abyss itself this domain is very much, part of the biblical afterlife and very much capable of causing, the ultimate destruction of those who chose evil and can protect those, who chose God by sending them, to Abrahams bosom. the other, positive is the Power it grants, a boost in power making him, more powerful Physically. Another power, he has is control over many souls, that exist in Sheol his limitation however is the lord Himself who has more control over him. another power, he has is controlling absolutely nothingness, he could erase someone from existence, create a black hole, or even summon an eldritch locust from the abyss itself, leading to the person getting tormented, for "Five Months".

Telekinesis: he can telekinetically, control people, from a far distance he could, even grab a large mountain and throw it, at people. "he could also throw projectiles like knives from a far distance using telekinesis"

Biokinesis: he, can control his Biology and other body, parts including, others giving him, an advantage, to do damage or tear apart people's bodies. this means he could go and generate multiple limbs and body parts allowing him to do many things, a human can do he could even, generate many organs or control the organs of people even causing people to die through their organs blowing up.

Terrakinesis: can, control, and, manipulate the earth and ground, allowing him, to cause earthquakes or, trap people within, quicksand.

Destructive Famine: he can cause a great famine, summoning many, demonic locusts, from his body and, even making it, where they can cause, those who, want to die, to still live through the torment.

Containment immunity: he's immune, to all kinds of viruses DIseases, and, poisons.

Weakness; anyone, who is like God himself, can defeat him or he could be defeated by other divine beings.


Abyss-Angel form


Seal of Darkness: He, generates, darkness at a high level, being able to seal anyone, into the bottomless pit.

Flames of Sheol: He, generates black flames from his hands and throws them at his opponents burning them alive, physically and spiritually. it causes gnashing of teeth, emotional and physical pain even pain to the soul being the worst form of pain, being it connects, to the Sins of the man who's committed it and will get more painful, for sins they've never repented of.

Locust of torment: He, generates locusts, from his body and, torments, people with thousands of locusts, made to torment and, punish people for their evil deeds, and sins against their brothers and sisters causing the most pain, due to the sins they've committed.

Apocalyptic-Flames of Death: He, generates black apocalyptic flames, allowing him to burn every evil Wrongdoer and, causing the most destruction, to them as their sins and deeds, even their unrepentant hearts cause more pain, due to their deeds leading to them being burned alive, but feeling pain in their heart soul and body as the target is on the ground unable, to move or do anything other than feel nothing but Gnashing of teeth, along with emotional physical and spiritual pain.

Origin: When his father, abbadon had a child with a woman being his mother, he was born in a family connected to the church, he had one thing unique to him being his body had gemstones in his body like black pearls or black onyx making his flesh denser than normal and he also grew up a bit rebellious but he did need time to grow out of his rebellious phase but when he continued aging he's become a bit descent and would, protect those who were oppressed and would punish the wicked who didn't feel regret for hurting the oppressed.




Mother: Sarah 

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