Son of themis

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Weapons and equipment.

Scales of Impartiality: the scales of impartiality, are used in a courtroom, where he uses them to weigh, the sins and, crimes of men, but are also used to in a sense know the Many sins, everyone has committed.

Gavel of Judgement and Justice: This gavel, is unique and different in that it can do blunt damage to people who commit the crime" It's, used for justice and, is meant to cause more conviction, regret, and Shame once you are hit by the gavel".

Rudis Of Power and Justice: the blade, grants him power and, can augment his physical abilities and bring justice to those who hurt the innocent.

Divine Cuffs: these, cuffs can have a big effect, on people's bodies, making it where, people who's committed sins, equally and, leads to their sins causing them, to become weaker and unable, to Break out to the point, it's near impossible.

Name: Shofet Dawet 

Race: Biracial ( he's part Greek and Sidama)

Species: Demi-Titan

Occupation: Judge 

Sexuality: Straight 

Age: 25

Height:  12 feet tall

Weight: 167 

Personality: Just will deliver, justice, isn't a fan of liars, will judge you righteously and he's unbiased when it comes to the law.

Blood type: AB positive 


-if you, want to atone for your sins and evil, leave the country if you've taken it too far and, just move somewhere, so you don't hurt anyone-

-I will not make excuses and, will give you a chance for atonement if you've taken it too far but if you truly don't care you are getting judgment-

Fighting styles and skills

Expert hand-to-hand combatant: he's a skilled combatant and is capable, of fighting other criminals who broke the law.

Lawmaking: he's skilled at making just laws and capable of making just laws even if nobody, will listen.

Military combat: he's very skilled in military combat and, knows how to hit every vital, spot including breaking the bones.

Powers and abilities.

Demi-titan physiology: Due to him being the son of a Titaness and, a human male he's got the powers that Themis has mixed with the human abilities of an adult male as his titan powers allow him, to fight other divine beings.

Authority of the Law: As a representation, of the law, he has full authority over it, allowing him to not only have full control over it but also Embody it in a way and even know the laws of every crime within America and other countries.

Superhuman physical Abilities: He's superhumanly strong in all physical categories like strength speed agility durability reflexes.

Future Fate: he can perceive and, know the Fate of someone within, the future but, cannot stop it due to how people's choices, can change so the more people change their decisions in the future, the more stress he has on his mind; this can also mean that he could possibly, see the many fates someone, could have based on their actions and, he won't force them to change or control their free will.

Weight of Sins: When he activates this ability, on someone it's like his scales, when the weight is heavier from the crime, the more sins, the target has, the more they will feel the weight of their own sins, to where their on the ground uncomfortable as it also leads, to guilt, regret and wanting justice if the sins are extremely large and it even, causes you to have conviction from the many sins and, crimes you've committed in your life making, you feel shame, regret and disgusted with yourself.

Crystalkinesis: He can control and shape crystals into anything, like weapons and objects material, and even, use them to create defensive walls or cages, to keep criminals in prison, or make special cuffs, to keep them bound. He could also make Statues and, shape them into strong powerful guards made to protect people outside their homes.

Sin and Order Sensing: he can sense everyone's "sins" as they can be a lot higher when in a large group of criminals or sinners everywhere he could even, since if anything is in order,this means if it's a crime he will know, it's in order or not if the police are doing their job, and if they're not well he'll know they're getting out of order. 

Conviction Energy Exploitation: he can generate form and, shape Energy beams and, constructs that, can cause men to feel the conviction of their, sins and wrongdoings, how it works, is the more sins they have, the more painful the attack will be to the Opponent but if it's common to mistake like you accidentally hurt someone than it's just is like a Slap or punch to the face it, could also have negative affects of convictions like they feel more weight off their sins having, more weight on their bodies.

Nigh Omniscience: he can nearly See the Past Present and Future, of every creature in the world, along with many things including the law, and justice system but it did develop when he was growing as a child which allowed him to become as knowledgeable as he is.

Barrier Exploitation: he can generate form and use barriers, in different ways, either protecting people or for blunt attacks, when forming a barrier around his fist.

Immortality: he's immortal in the sense of having longevity where he can outlive most people and survive without any need for food and water and is immune to all known diseases and illnesses.

Order Exploitation: he brings order, to the law, and keeps the law, in balance as he's limited, it willingly, for the people and country where it doesn't matter, if you are in a community, you shall suffer the consequences as it's Order that needs, to be kept in right. He can also control, a form of energy connected, to order where it can do damage, or even make them, feel the consequences and pain many they caused.  He can also, deliver and control the punishment depending on how, vile and cruel the crime truly is.  

Justice Exploitation: If he sees something, "unlawful and, cruel he will bring justice" to those who come, to his court and, will make the decision by, making justice leading, to an even worse punishment, delivering justice, as how bad it gets, depending on how Worse the crime gets.

Weakness: He can be dealt, with by other divine forces and, beings stronger than him, one whose counter is someone who can be the opposite of law and justice being a being of disorder and chaos who can harm him.

Drawback: If the user commits a crime his powers, will cause harm to him temporarily electrocuting himself depending on how bad the crime is, like for example if it's just a small item, it will just be a warning to yourself, to just pay for it but if it's murder you get a dose of the pain you, caused the person as it's like getting electrocuted.


Ultimate-Freedom: a technique, where he grants, those who are in bondage, freedom from slavery, and everything that keeps them in bondage.

Eyes of judgment: his eyes of judgment, are glowing bright cosmological, eyes that when activated, glow with different violet colors which the colors are amber-like yellow similar to God's Judgement and glory, and have glowing looks.

Divine Judgement: When he brings judgment, he brings down the evildoers and destroys them because this ties them to their sins and even punishes them for oppression. He can also bring judgment by calling a storm from heaven or by burning a man alive with holy fire.

transmutation: when he's Delivering justice he turns his targets into Birds, an object a statue, or even Salt.

Justice-Strike: he infuses order energy into his body and, throws a powerful strike, both causing negative damage to the number of crimes, the person committed at the same time, making them feel mental pain from it.

Eyes of truth: the eyes of truth, allow him, to see and perceive what's false and, what's true as they can be used to help others, and see through the lies, that can cause, pain, to those who lie and, twist the truth as well as harm those, who twist the context for their own benefit.

Penance of Justice: when he activates his ability, this causes instant death, to those who commit injustice and oppression causing the soul, and body to get destroyed as it only works on those, who commit acts of injustice but not against, those who do it for justice and divine judgment.

Power of Truth: What, he means, by truth is he, can get people, through his eyes, to tell the truth, and, only the truth, that means, he's affected, two so if he activates his eyes, the other effect is, forcing the person, to tell the truth, and, how it can cause Lies, to be nearly gone and, only truth about the crimes, being Revealed the eyes, are amber and silver colored and, they glow brightly.

Trial and Court technique: this technique forces the victim within, the courtroom to stay inside the courtroom, their powers and abilities are taken away to the point they are a citizen and unable, to escape as they must serve the courtroom and, wait until they're proven innocent or guilty as what's needed is the evidence to prove your innocents.

Barrier: He creates a wall strong enough, to resist and defend anyone, against powerful attacks and it's nearly indestructible, the barrier is also a golden amber-colored wall that's made up of energy and is powerful enough to tank explosions.

Binds of judgment: He, creates special bindings, ropes that allow, him to keep, someone bound to the ground, due to their crimes and, sins as this will cause more pain, if they lie and constantly, try to bribe the police, it will even work on corrupt cops, causing more agonizing forms of pain.

Violence Forbidden: When he activates his abilities bringing in the law, all forms of violence are forbidden meaning, any attacks like viruses illnesses weapons and, bullets are negated to absolute zero, as this affects him as well. "this is meant to follow the law as it must be proven if your innocent or guilty in order to make the ability deactivate."

His office: this, is his office, where he stays, in, and does his job, like paperwork, and many other things, involving the law.

His house.

His symbol.

Origin: In life, he's grown in America, and was taught the law as he's been taught law as a child so when he went to law school at age 18, he started studying every crime of the US state for example attempted murder, thievery poverty rape so when he began learning these laws he became the top of his class to the point he, was kind of hated due to the fact he, was seen as perfect when he wasn't so perfect at all as his powers, go against him when, he breaks the law and don't give a good reason, to why he did it, another fact about his life is when he started learning ancient cultures laws he understood they were different than modern culture and people of modern culture, understanding that laws, were different back then.



Name: Hakim Negus 

Personality:  Brave intelligence, wise and calm

Occupation: Judge 

Species; Human 

Ethnicity: Ethiopian/Greek

Fighting styles and skills.

Psychological Knowledge: he has, psychological knowledge of, ways of psychologically, harming someone.

Brawler skills; He's a skilled brawler and can handle criminals when alone.

Powers and abilities.

Peak Human physical abilities: He's trained his body, to the full peak human level of physical abilities where he can dodge bullets, Endure damage and cuts as well as run at 50 mph.

Mother: Themis 

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