Tasmanian Devil

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Hybrid form

Beast form

Berserker form/Psuedo-Devil form 

Name: Albert Liam

Ethnicity: Australian/Irish

Alias: the Tasmanian-Hero 

Occupation: Assasin  

Age: 18-25

Species: Human

Personality; respectful, kind caring, and friendly but when angered, violent vicious threatening, and monstrous, he also doesn't give a fuck, about opinions. He's also in a sense a savage when, it comes to terms, in combat. He also will not give a flying, fuck about you, for assaulting him, he'll rip your skull off with his jaw strength.

fighting styles and skills

Intimidation  Skills: he uses the animal instincts he's mastered for training in the wild, for 6 months, to become a capable predator at scaring and putting his prey in submission.

Assassination Skills: He's a master of assassin, and is capable of assassinating anyone, with his abilities as a Tasmanian devil.

Powers and abilities

Super-hybrid-physiology: he's got the DNA of Both a Superhuman and a Super-Monster, allowing him, to be insanely strong in power and abilities.

Superhuman physical abilities: he has superhuman physical, abilities allowing him, to go and, throw more powerful strikes, run at the Speeds of a Tasmanian devil, and resit more pain and, damage from an opponent.

Joint Control: He can control and, manipulate his or others' joints, to where he could cause his opponent's joints, to become a stiff leading, to Arthritis.  He could also dislocate Joints leading, to death, or dislocate his leading, to his body, becoming prehensile.

Battle Boost: When fighting he gains, temporary, attributes increased to fit his physical abilities, to the point he's at a decent level of power. this, doesn't mean he's invincible it just, means he's temporarily strong.

Elasticity; he has not only, an Elastic body, but has a Prehensile, skeleton allowing him, to get his skeleton moving in case, he's pinned down, by his skeleton to the point it's almost impossible, to break hit.

Odor Forming: Due to the power of a Tasmanian devil, he can create a powerful odor, capable of making people fall unconscious, or he could control it, to become a Powerful weapon where he can negate it, to make him smell-less, terrible, or increase it to where the victim dies.

Heat Energy: he has complete Control, over his heat and temperatures, over, allowing him, to burn people with the hottest temperatures going up, to 1000 degrees Celsius or, if he wants, to freeze someone, he can freeze someone at the lowest temperatures of negative 1000 degrees. 

Containment Immunity: he's immune to all kinds of viruses diseases and illnesses.

Thermal Resistance: he's capable of resisting the hottest and coldest temperatures.

Extra Mouths: Due to scientific augmentation he's got a Second mouth, allowing him to eat more food and, at the same time break through the strongest material. this can also help him, when someone is trying to break his jaw and if he has to regenerate from damage.

Claw Dominance: He can Generate or manipulate anyone or his claws, he can increase the length and size of his claws, or even shoot them, out of his hands, doing damage and incapacitating his opponents.

Feral State Dominance: he can Completely control someone's feral mind, and make it where they go in a feral, state to the point, that they are under his control and Will. The only way to counter, this ability is by having a strong will.

Weakness; He can still Die to Age and is even vulnerable to Cold energy-based attacks as his body, cannot handle the coldest temperatures at negative 1000 degrees.


Heat-Concentration-technique: When concentrating and generating heat, from his body he concentrates and infuses the heat from his body, into his fist or claws for more Fatal attacks.

Naill-bullet-barrage; he fires a barrage of sharp, nails from his hands incapacitating people or crippling them.

neck-stab: he impales his victim with a long nail completely causing them to die of blood loss.

choke; He puts his opponent in a chokehold, with one arm completely, pinning them down.

Stiff-joint technique: When he impales his target's arm he injects, a special chemical, leading to the Joint and hands of his opponent, becoming stiff and unable to be used.

Body-immobilization technique; he aims, for the joints of his target by throwing a barrage of bladed claws, completely locking the joints at the same time damaging them, leading to the target's body becoming unable to move and being immobilized.

Heat-Strike; He infuses heat into his hand and throws a powerful punch burning the victim's body.

Fear-Glare: When his eyes glow bright red and he's in a more monstrous form, he puts fear into his targets, eyes causing them to feel paralyzed their heartbeats, faster than normal and their on the ground, unaware of what's happening.

Limitation: He isn't Capable of controlling other animals only marsupials and, he cannot go and, use his heat continuously as his heat is in a sense connected to his stamina as if he's really out of stamina he's out of energy.


-he's not a fan of immortality as it merely doesn't interest him due to the fact he'd become insane for being immortal for so long-

-his abilities augmented as a Tasmanian devil and superhuman allowed him to have more powers than just the physical abilities of a Tasmanian devil-

-he's capable of using his double-pointed body to get through areas that nobody can get through-

-he's in a sense a bizarre case for a superhuman where he had unique powers but developed the powers of a Tasmanian devil-

 -When he's doing a job related, to assassination he needs the information or it just is a waste of his time if they don't have anything on the target-

-The reason he's an assassin is so he doesn't let anyone get killed as he sees himself, as pretty useless if he doesnt stop anything that's cruel or evil-

-he will only kill the target if they're really fucked up, he doesn't do pathetic petty assassins as what, they are is just a pathetic excuse, to Unlawfully kill someone for the most petty reason-

-he's a hunter as he hunts, for animals in Australia with just his claws and agility-

-he's not just human but also half-human with his monster side existing-

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