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Name: Chimezu 

Nationality: Nigerian 

Species; Wereturtle 

Personality; tough, calm patient, quiet and bold 

Powers and abilities

turtle physiology 

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Endurance

Superhuman Durability 

Still Invulnerability: when he's Still and, not moving, perfectly he's able to become impervious to all,forms of pain and damage, with no problem. 

Super Bite; He has the Btie force, of a snapping turtle but much, stronger allowing, him,to bite heads off.

Regenerative Healing factor: he has a healing factor, that when someone breaks, through his indestructibility somehow he will regenerate any limbs, he's lost.

Indestructibility; He's indestructible in a sense and, cannot be harmed, through any means.

Aquatic breathing; he can breathe in the water of the ocean, naturally. 

Resistance to thermal energy 

Stillness manipulation: he can control and, use it, to put someone in an Absolute constant rest or control the equilibrium.

Complete balance; he has Complete Balance over his mind and Spirit.

Mid-Air-Stopping; if he's falling from the air, he can control, his body, to stop in mid-air, to land somewhere safe.

Speed-thievery; he can steal, someone's speed, by absorbing, the momentum, causing the speed of the opponent, to slow down and go inside him, temporarily augmenting his speed.

Ultimate Defense; he can form a Shield of energy, that can protect him, as this is spiritual and, can't be harmed, by just basic weapons, only be broken through by using Spiritual attacks.

Weakness; He's slow on land and is in a sense, a walking tank, that's slow but strong. You could, also use his weight against, him forcing him, to get on his back, where his shell, is his problem so he'll be forced to go into a human form, to fight head-on.

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