Chapter Fourteen: Last Time

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When the two of us entered the cafeteria together during lunch, Sasha and Mia were staring at me in disbelief while Pat straight out refused to lift his head up from his food. As I stared longer, the whole table was trying to send subtle glances towards our way, trying to satiate their curiosity without being nosey.

They knew we were gone the whole day. They knew we didn't go to our classes. They knew that we blatantly ignored all of their calls and messages.

What they didn't know was that I was mesmerized by the man standing next to me. I didn't comment at how beautiful he looked when he was in the brink of tears, which was rather weird now that I think of it, but I did stay silent and allowed himself to handle his emotions in a way he thought appropriate.

"Want to go buy food first before we face them?" I heard him ask when he saw the dread in my face.

I immediately nodded and turned to go to the cafeteria line.

It was rather funny that if you first look at us, it was nothing more but an unlikely pair. However, if you know what transpired for the past few hours, then you would say that we were a couple of sad and distressed blobs.

"What am I going to do now, Leon?" I frowned, "I like him but I know it's no longer possible for us to be together."

Because it was clear as day that he fell in love with my best friend at first sight.

Oh universe, are you trying to prove that in any timeline I go to, we truly weren't destined to be with each other?

And I knew that Leon was at a crossroad right now. He wanted to assure me and everything, but he was still Pat's best friend. In the hierarchy of things, he was ranked higher and Leon's priority was to make him happy.

While I did understand, it didn't make it any less painful.

"Just wait for Pat to make the move," he advised, already handing the cafeteria lady the money for both of our meals. I opened my mouth to protest but he held up a hand to stop me before I could do so, "I got it."

I sighed and with my tray of food in my hands, I turned around but momentarily paused at what I saw. Now it just wasn't Sasha and Mia looking at us, it was the whole table. For once, all the rowdy people squished into one group were silent. They threw subtlety right out of the window.

Leon noticed why I was so shellshocked and I knew he was dreading it as well, but he continued to walk towards them. He took an empty seat, didn't even care to acknowledge anybody, then started munching on his food.

While I was still standing there like an idiot.

I saw Mia whisper something into Sasha's ear and she immediately started to pull up an extra chair next to her, patting it while her gaze was fixated on me.

So with my legs feeling like they were about to give out at every step, I managed to walk to them and slowly lower myself on the seat. Mia cleared her throat loudly and I think that was what everybody needed to break the tension and pretend to go back to what they were doing.

"You want to talk about?" I heard her ask in a hushed tone.

I shook my head, my eyes fixated on my tray, "Not now."

She squeezed my knee as a gesture of understanding and allowed me to eat in peace. Do you want to know a sad thing? During that whole spectacle, Pat never lifted his head. Actually, I was hoping he would even in the midst of the silence coming from the rest of the table, but he didn't.

I pinched myself to stop the tears from coming down and slowly but surely forked the food into my mouth.

When the bell rang and we all had to go to our next class, which I shared with Leon and Pat if I may remind you, I was still completely miserable. Sasha and Mia squished me between them on the way there, acting as some sort of shield and gave me the comfort I needed. Sadly, we had to separate after we reached the classroom because our seats were far apart.

And the moment they weren't by my side, I felt a tug the hem of my jacket. My heart dropped to my stomach when I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Pat.

Mind you, we were in the middle of the classroom.

"Avery," he said my name slowly. Well, he could have spoken at a normal speed but I swear everything was playing in slowmo inside my head, "Can we talk later?"

Now when was the last time he uttered those words to me? Perhaps on the day before I found myself in the past.

"Avery," he said to me while the both of us were sitting from opposite sides of the cafeteria table. I looked up and blinked at him expectantly, telling him to go on, "Can we talk later? After last period?"

I bent my head to the side in question, my eyebrows knitting together, "Sure?"

When I looked into his eyes, the usual spark that it had whenever he talked to me was gone. Instead, there was a silent apology in them.

That was when I knew.

The same words. The same tone.

And I gave him the same answer, "Sure."

Only this time, my reply wasn't in a questioning tone. No, this time I was expecting it and I've been thinking about the moment his eyes laid on my best friend. I knew what was going to happen and instead of being confused, I wanted to prepare myself for what was about to come.

Though I knew that this was going be different. Pat and I never actually made it to official level. We didn't even make it to the second date.

Yet it was still so painful because I already saw that silver of hope. I got a taste of that happiness he gave me and I honestly that things were going to be different. I imagined that we would actually work out this time around, that I will avoid the accidents that led to our break up.

And it still hurts so much because I saw that sliver for hope. I honestly thought that it was going be different. I imagined that we might actually work out this time, that I will avoid the accidents that led to our break up.

And no, it wasn't Zoey that placed a huge wall between us the first time. It was an entirely, more horrifying, incident. The same thing that got me breaking down in front of the cafeteria doors for Leon to see.

While I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything else, during class I instead focused on doing Leon's notes for him. I did promise him that I will help and my existential crisis because of one boy shouldn't be a hindrance.

Though even from where I was sitting, I could feel the daggers being exchanged between those two best friends.

Please, after all of this, let them be okay. Their friendship was something worth of envy and never in any lifetime do I want it to be ruined.

While I did itch to go and text Leon, because at this point he was my designated source of comfort, I didn't. Instead, I went on to open the group chat with Sasha and Mia. I knew the latter would probably curse me for disrupting her during math class, but I was pretty sure she would let it slide this time.

Avery: Nothing happened between us. Leon and I.

Mia: We trust you but I think Pat is a whole other story.

Avery: Why?

Sasha: He was so worried that you two were doing something behind his back.

My eyes widened at her message and I think I got a stiff neck from how quickly I turned my head towards her direction. My mouth was gaping open and I was thanking the heavens that Pat was focused on reading the textbook so he didn't see Sasha gesturing towards me.

Avery: I thought that he wanted to end things with me!

Sasha: Hell, no! He's upset because not only did you disappear, but you disappeared with Leon.

Mia: He's jelly, Avs.

Pat wasn't acting like that because he wanted to break things off with me?

I literally had to bite my lip to stop myself from squealing in the middle of class. I feel like the person sitting next to me thought that I had completely lost it when he glanced towards my direction.

He can think whatever but I was so elated. I still had a chance.

Okay, Avery, don't ruin this for yourself.

Keep calm, collect your thoughts, and remind yourself to say whatever you need to say in a calm and collected manner.

Oh who was I kidding? I couldn't even control myself right now.

"I wish all of my students are as happy as Avery is whenever I'm teaching," I heard the teacher say and I was completely halted from my happy train. Every single person in the room turned to me and I could only sit there in shock, "Keep it up."

I slowly sunk in my seat while I watched Sasha and Mia snicker at my expense. When I dared to steal a glance towards the two boys, Pat was still adamant on ignoring me but when I looked at Leon, it was obvious he was holding in a laugh as well.

When the teacher had her back turned to the class, I stuck out my tongue childishly at him.

And a wonderous display of what probably made my embarrassing moment worth it, he cracked a smile.

That was all the assurance I needed.

My mood was significantly lighter after that. So by the time that last period ended, the fright that I was feeling before was no longer there.

I still sat at the bleachers and waited for Pat to finish his training. But I knew that my two best friends were going to use this time to extract every sort of information out of me. I didn't mind though, I was high in the clouds with glee.

"So what exactly happened?" Sasha asked, tearing her eyes away from the soccer team running around on the field.

I didn't exactly know how to phrase it.

Zoey and Pat saw each other for the first time and he was instantly smitten. I couldn't deal with it so I didn't go to class and Leon was there to be my saving grace once again. I was acting like this because I knew what the future looked like.

If I leave out the last sentence, they would think that I was just overreacting. Many people have similar reactions when meeting Zoey so I was probably being paranoid.

But the panic written all over his face when he realized that I saw the whole thing was very telling.

"I..." I trailed off, trying to formulate the appropriate explanation inside my head. So let's go with the same route I've been doing this whole time travel fiasco – lie, "Mom told me something upsetting and I didn't want to go to class anymore. Leon was already running late so instead of going, he decided to ditch with me instead."

It sounded plausible.

Mia made a irked expression, "Family drama again? I always pity your mom for having to deal with your dad's family."

Oh right, at this point I haven't told them the real thing yet. And by 'thing' I meant the reason why I couldn't be with Pat on his birthday, which was the final straw that resulted to our actual break up. The thing, plus the incident at the party, and then finally our break up all accumulated inside my head and eventually led to that moment with the building window. You know, the one where I seriously contemplated on jumping up until my unexpected knight in shining armor pulled me away.

And by unexpected, I really meant it.

But back to the topic at hand. At this point in time, even I didn't know yet. Rather, I would still be blissfully unaware if I didn't retain my memories when I went back to the past.

I haven't found out what happened to my father yet.

"Yeah, but everything got resolved in the end," I shrugged as I leaned back against the upper level of bleaches, trying to shake off the thoughts that were starting to invade my head.

Sasha tapped her chin thoughtfully before firing another inquiry, "I know you said that you didn't like Leon, but have you ever thought if Leon liked you?"

I would be lying if I said that I was unfazed by that question.

I have been avoiding the thought of what it would be like if I did develop feelings for Leon or we ever have some romantic encounter. Because just trying to approach that subject in my mind made my heart feel like it was going to jump right out of my chest.

So I inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly, calming myself, "Don't be ridiculous."

"And besides, his best friend is dating Avery," Mia snorted, "If there's one thing I know about Leon, it's that he's extremely loyal to his friendship with Pat."

I nodded and silently thanked her for choosing my side. Let's just drop the topic of this whole Leon thing, thank you very much. And that was where we ended the discussion with my sudden disappearance. When the team finished and got back from the locker rooms, it seemed like Pat and Leon managed to patch things up.

I knew this because when they walked towards us dressed in fresh clothes that weren't their training wear, he spoke to my two friends, "L is going to drive you girls home."

It was very clear that I was the exception to that just from the way he eyed me.

They embraced me goodbye and I shared one fleeting look with Leon before following Pat to his car.

Okay, I can do this.

"I know you're pretty upset with me, but can I ask for a favor?" I managed to say and I was congratulating myself for getting that out in a pretty leveled voice.

"Sure?" he answered, unsure where I was going with this.

I buckled up my seatbelt and looked into his eyes, praying that he says yes, "Can you take me to the treehouse?"

While he was caught off guard, I was ecstatic when he nodded, "Alright."

He drove to his old neighborhood, waved hello to the man who owned the house, and got us inside the backyard. I pushed myself up into the treehouse and started to walk around until I was at the very middle.

That was when I turned back to him, waiting for him to start speaking. He was the one who asked if we could talk then he better make the first move. Although when I did look at him, I had to tilt my head to the side in wonder.

He wasn't looking at me, instead he was staring at the old scratching on the wall. The same thing I noticed when I first came here.

Patrick is going to be alone 4ever.

He wasn't. Pat was the kind of guy that was so easy to love. He wore his heart on his sleeve, he gives out affection without a second thought, he thinks that being kind to the world was one of the simplest things to do. He doesn't like arguments, he hates fighting, and when he knows that has to be the one to lower his pride and apologize, he will do it in a heartbeat.

And my biggest offense was hurting him by making our relationship toxic. After everything that has transpired, I wasn't able to become the girlfriend I promised that I was going to be. He did the right thing by breaking up with me and I would never hold that against him.

I was the one who should be worried about being alone. I was the one who was difficult to love.

"I like you," I found myself spouting out before I could stop myself.

I saw his head snap towards me in the same way I did when I got Sasha's text during class.

Remember, we were going to right our wrongs? So stop beating around the bush.

"I like you, Pat," I repeated, "You."

He knew exactly what I was trying to convey.

I watched as his lips pull into a full on grin and before I could blink, he ran his way towards me. I heard and felt the whole treehouse shake at his movements but all of that was clouded with his beautiful laughter when he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground.

My head, at this point, was more elevated than his so he had to look up to me. With the gentlest whisper, he echoed my words in a tender tone, "I like you, Avery Barber."

I lowered my face and captured his lips, savoring this moment as he held me in his arms in our own little paradise.

Little did I know that that was the last time that I will ever step on that treehouse.


I think I've already expressed that I've always wanted to show that Pat is a complete sweetheart, because again, there is a reason why Avery fell for him and why Leon became best friends with him. He's honestly my favorite character after Leon and Avery. 

Next chapter is going to be one of the most important ones. It will turn the story around so watch out for that. I'm so excited for you guys to read it!

Question: What do you think happened to Avery's dad?

Please leave a vote, comment, and follow. Thank you so much for reading and I'll see you next chapter.

P.S. If you guys didn't know, I created a small group chat on instagram with my other readers. If you want to be part of it, just comment you instagram name and I'll add you. By the way, I really encourage you to join our instagram group chat because I really love talking to my readers there.

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