Chapter Seventeen: Save Her

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Leon's POV

(The first time back)

Everybody wore black and even though many brought umbrellas in preparation for a spring drizzle that was promised by the weatherman, the sun was shining brightly in the sky.

I mused that it was because of her. No matter how miserable she has felt, she always tried to be a sunshine in everybody's lives.

The preacher was reading off the eulogy while the casket laid there, waiting for it to be lowered in the dug up hole. Her mother was crying hysterically, being hugged by somebody who I assumed to be Zoey's mother, judging from the similarity in their features.

And speaking of Zoey, she was a mess. Her hair wasn't combed, mascara was running freely down her face, and she didn't even bother to wipe away her tears. Her eyes were so cold as she stared at the casket, probably feeling numb because she couldn't fathom what has happened.

Her best friend was ripped away from her.

Then there was Sasha and Mia. Both of them were clutching onto each other for their dear lives, even when our other classmates tried to comfort them, they both shooed them away. They wanted to be amongst themselves and nobody else.

And Pat, the poor guy I called my best friend, was standing next to me and I could feel the immense guilt radiating from him. It was clear as day that he blamed himself, that he thought that everything happened because he decided to break up with her.

But that break up shouldn't be the reason why Avery would have done that. It might contribute to it, but I don't think it was the sole reason.

I couldn't pull him out of his room with anything, this was the first time he went outside since the day we got the news. I didn't know what to do so I visited him every day, sitting there with him and even if there were times that neither of us spoke, I just wanted to show him that I was there for him.

And besides, I think I saw those moments as a sense of comfort for myself as well. If I left myself alone, I don't think I would have been able to handle the grief. What he didn't know was that when I go home from visiting him, I was as big of a mess as he was. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and I refused to talk to anybody. I leaned on him as much as he did on me.

The pain was unfathomable. Never in my entire life have I cried that hard before.

Because Avery held my heart, even when she didn't know.

I could still remember when I first met her. It was the first day of middle school and when she waltzed into the classroom, I immediately knew that that girl only spelled trouble for me. Just from one look, I was speechless.

Because she was a beauty, in every shape and form of that word.

And I was too much of a coward to properly speak to her. I was so afraid that she would find out about my feelings for her, until unknowingly, I pushed her away. Instead of making her think that I was approachable for her, the results were the complete opposite.

She thought that I disliked her.

If only she knew just how captivating she was to me. How every movement of hers drew my eyes towards her. How I hung on to every single word that came out of those lips. How every day I looked forward to seeing her face.

I wanted to curse the heavens when she started dating Pat. In the end, I knew that I had no one else to blame but myself. Anyways, she looked extremely happy with him so I let them be, even being supportive whenever he came to ask for my advice.

And besides, she didn't deserve to be with me. What good could I possibly offer her?

The only comfort I felt during this time was that she shone like a bright candle throughout her life. Blazing with a fire so huge and warm. So beguiling that you are drawn to her no matter how hard you try to get away.

But as the saying goes – the candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long.

And as painful as it is, it's such a beautiful metaphor to describe her.

The ceremony ended and I parted with Pat with a tight hug, "Take care of yourself, P."

I felt him nod, patting my back, "You too, L."

We said our goodbyes and off I went to drive myself home. Probably to lay down in my bed and count the days again. Life moves on, I was aware of that, and I know that I eventually have to move on as well.

"Leon, a package came for you," a maid said when I entered through the front door, "I placed it on your desk in your room."

I only grunted in acknowledgement because I had nothing left in me after the events of today. I've started to worry my parents but because they knew the reason, they understood and let me have my space to grieve.

Only thing was, they thought that I was like this because I lost a classmate. They didn't know that I was acting this way because I lost the woman who I admired so much and never once got the courage to even become friends with.

When I got into my room, I saw the aforementioned package. It was nothing special, just an ordinary cardboard box.

But it was weird because I wasn't expecting something to arrive. I didn't order anything online and nobody has told me that they were sending me a delivery.

I grabbed a cutter and sliced through the packaging tape, opening up the top of the box. Inside, there was another box. Only this time, it looked like one of those that you get when you buy a necklace or some sort of jewelry.

Slowly opening up the lid, my eyebrows knitted together in confusion at what I saw.

Two whistles, each attached to their own chain.

What in the world?

I glanced back into the box and to my relief, I found a piece of paper. I just hoped that this will provide me with enough information about this confusing thing.

Blow three times on the whistle and please save her.

- L.C.

Okay, ominous message.

But what made my blood run cold were the initials. It was the same as mine.

I looked at the package again just to double check and indeed, it was addressed to me. It had my name printed on it and my address so it wasn't a mistaken delivery.

If this mystery sender thinks that I will put this whistle, no matter how shiny and brand new it looked, anywhere near my mouth then they had another thing coming for them.

Still, I was curious.

I researched diligently on how to sanitize a whistle and started to do so. Besides, it gave me a way to distract myself from everything that has happened.

When I finished drying one of the whistles, I examined it again. There were a few intricate engravings that made it look like it was handmade with a lot of thought put into it, instead of just being a commercialized product. While I was still highly skeptical what this would do, I still placed it between my lips and followed the directions by blowing it three times.

Once I did it, I braced myself for something to happen. No earthquakes, no shattering glass, not even a tingling feeling. I looked around and nothing changed.

What I eventually learned was that the whistle failed to mention that I should prepare myself to the world I would wake up to.

At first, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Breakfast with my parents, a little kiss goodbye from mom, and a pat from dad.

But what did make me stop on my track was what they said, "Good luck on your junior year, lion cub."

Good luck on junior year? That was a little bit peculiar, especially since we were already more than halfway through the year.

Then my phone started ringing and when I answered, I heard Pat's questioning voice, "Hey, are you near?"

"School?" I replied, still mighty confused, "No, I'm still at home."

"Come on, man," I heard him groan. Although a little frustrated, there was still that bright tone in his voice that has been absent since Avery's death, "You said you'll pick me up at this time. We'll be late on the first day."

First day?

Wait, I never said anything about picking him up for school. He never mentioned any of that sort when we attended the funeral yesterday.

Anyways, maybe he encountered problems with his car, "Fine, I'm leaving now."

"Thanks, Leon," he said before hanging up.

I sighed, looking down at my screen. It took me a full minute to register but when I saw the date, my eyes bugged right out of their sockets.

August 24.

"What day is it?" I immediately asked the maid tidying up mom and dad's plates.

She jumped up in surprise at my sudden inquiry but answered nonetheless, "Monday."

"No, I mean what date?"

Safe to say, her answer wasn't what I was expecting, "Twenty-fourth."

The days matched up.

* * *

"Dad said he'll pick up my car from the mechanic so it'll be there by the time I get home," Pat droned on from beside me as we got out of my car after I had parked in the school's parking lot, "Thanks, for the ride."

I let out a grunt as a response because right now, I was speechless.

Everything seemed so normal. Pat was strangely fine when he could barely say a single word yesterday. Every student was still laughing and talking to each other freely, so unlike the silence that surrounded the school when the news of Avery's death broke out.

"You okay, L?" I heard my best friend ask, "You've been acting weird since this morning."

This was so hard to comprehend.

When I entered the school building, I searched for it – the small memorial table they made for Avery. It was filled with flowers and everything, but it was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey guys," a teammate of ours greeted when he caught sight of us, "How was your summer?"

Summer? August? Junior year?

Did I go back in time or something?

"Something wrong with Leon?" he chuckled, waving a hand in front of my face.

"He's been like that since he picked me up," Pat answered with a shrug, "Maybe he still needs some sleep."

"Well, that's something we can all relate to."

I could heard their laughter, I could still see the students walking around us as they tried to make their way through the cramped hallway. However, all of that seemed to slowly disappear when my gaze went to those school doors.

First it was Sasha, far peppier than I have ever seen her since the incident. There was a spring in her step and a smile plastered on her face. Then it was Mia who exuded that calm and chill aura. It was an exact opposite to the high-strung attitude she took on eventually in the middle of the school year.

Then I saw her.

Beautiful as the day when first entered that classroom during sixth grade. As radiant as she was every day of her short life. No matter what rumors I have heard, what stories that circulated, she had always been gorgeous and brave, taking everything in stride.

And like when I met her for the very first time, I was breathless.

Avery Barber entered the school, her lips pulled into a huge smile as she nodded off to something Sasha was saying. She pulled my attention with every single movement she made, from the way her hair bobbed when she craned her neck to how her fingers wrapped around the strap of her bag.

Was I hallucinating? Was I craving so hard to see her again that I was starting to imagine things?

"And I think this year's going to be far weirder than usual," Pat joked, patting me on the shoulder, "Right, L?"

I stood there, my mouth agape as those three girls walked by us. And just when they did, I heard her voice, a sound that I have been starved of and been desperately seeking, "Hey, I'm just happy to be alive. I don't need the dramatics, Sash."

That was something she definitely wouldn't say months from now.

I slowly turned to Pat, finally answering his question, "Far weirder."

It was official, I went back in time.

But how? More importantly, why?

My blood ran cold when I remembered the package I got yesterday. The whistle and the note that came with it.

Blow three times on the whistle and please save her.

My eyes stuck to her retreating figure, watching on us she looped her arms with her two best friends and letting out a loud carefree laugh.

I was here to save Avery Barber, wasn't I?


Mid-week update because I was just incredibly happy for actually making it through my first year of med school. Of course, more info about their time travel will be revealed in future chapters but this is basically the background of how Leon came across the whistles and how this whole loop started.

Question: Who sent the whistles to Leon?

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P.S. If you guys didn't know, I created a small group chat on instagram with my other readers. If you want to be part of it, just comment you instagram name and I'll add you. 

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