Chapter Twenty-Six: Pet Names

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"Party at my house on Friday," someone from the team announced cheerfully before gesturing to everybody sitting at the table, "And you're all invited."

"Oh right, forgot that it's almost your birthday," Pat teased out loud, causing the birthday boy to throw a wrapper towards his way. The table fell into a round of laughter while the two started bickering back and forth in good fun.

However, all I could do was sit there in horror as his words sank in.

A party. A house party. A house party of a classmate. A house party of a classmate on Friday.

Dear god, this was something that was definitely not going to end well. The date, the said classmate, and house might be different but the circumstances were so similar that it terrified me.

I was ready to bolt out, to get the hell away from here before I could suffer a breakdown. I was desperate to go before all the memories can come flooding back in and let me warn you, those memories were not good ones in any shape or form.

But that was when I felt an arm wrap around my waist, rubbing me soothingly through my shirt as an act of comfort. I turned to my side where Leon was sitting, melting inside when I caught his concerned gaze. Of course he knew what happened – in fact, it probably happened in multiple timelines.

"You want to get out of here?" he asked in a hushed volume.

I slowly nodded and he released me, bending down so he could get my bag for me. Though before any of us could stand up, the teammate who was throwing the party spoke out loud, "You know, we've been wondering, but are you two going out?"

Mia, who was unaware of my oncoming panic attack, started to choke on her drink and coughed rather loudly. Pat, who was sitting on Leon's other side, paused midway from nibbling on his sandwich. And to my horror, the first time Sasha ever looked my way since the argument, was right now after that question was asked.

Great, amazing, spectacular.

Leon was unfazed by all of this and shot his signature scowl so everybody would look away, "No."

That was the signal for everyone to go back to minding their own damn business. He sighed loudly to show his displeasure and stood up, his bag on his shoulder and my bag in his hand. I turned to Mia and before I could tell her that I was leaving, she nodded in understanding.

She probably thought that I wanted to go because of that uncomfortable inquiry. Well, it was one of the reasons but that wasn't the original cause.

So we both went out of the cafeteria with a respectable distance between us. The last thing we wanted was to add more fuel to the fire.

"I swear, everybody loves to meddle," he grunted once we were outside.

When he turned to me, his eyebrows shot up when he saw me with a frown and an outstretched hand towards him.

Don't get me wrong, he answered them correctly because we really weren't going out. But, I do think we had a pretty good thing going on. While I agreed that what was happening between us weren't anybody else's business aside from ours, it was alright to be a little needy every now and then, right?

Please tell me that I'm right.

Thankfully, he got the signal immediately. He wrapped his fingers around my hand and tugged me closer to him, smiling gently down at me, "Are you feeling better now?"

I hummed contentedly, walking side by side with him with our hands still together, "You probably already know what happened to me. Sasha and Mia saved me before any bad deed could actually happen, but it was still a horrible experience."

His breath hitched and he stopped moving. From what I've experienced so far, Leon acting like this never meant anything good. I whipped around and blinked at him, staring at his expression that I couldn't quite place.

"Avery..." he trailed off and now I was really nervous.

Something happened. Something he knew about and clearly, something I wouldn't like.

"Leon?" I questioned, walking so I was now right in front of him with my hand still in his, "What's wrong?"

He looked around, double checking to make sure nobody else was within earshot. Once the coast was clear, he took a deep breath and looked at me in the eye, "This isn't the first timeline where you've retained your memories."

The words entered my ears but my brain was having a difficult time processing it, "What?"

"Come with me," he said, pulling me with him to the direction of our next classroom. He sat me on my usual seat and pulled the chair from the desk in front of mine. He took out a piece of paper from his bag and laid it down on my desk, scribbling something on it with his pen.

He faced the paper to me and showed me a little diagram of what, according to him, has happened.

"This is where we're at," he told me, encircling the current timeline we were in. He then pointed to the other arrow, "And this is where I've been to before jumping back on the day at the library."

Hold on, there was a different reality where Pat managed to successfully ask me out? And for some odd reason, I said yes and we eventually went out. It was actually terrifying to think that I fell for Pat again despite knowing that I traveled through time and knew the consequences of dating him.

That was how Leon knew about his plans, that was the reason why he made me stay in the library as opposed to watching them train.

Something happened that made Leon go back in time one again. If I remember his explanation properly, he only goes back if he knew that he failed to save me.

"Leon, why did you have to go back to the past again?"

"I think you already know the answer to that," he replied solemnly, causing my heart to drop.

Even when I retained my memories, I still went on ahead and did the irreversible.

But from where I was right now, I couldn't even imagine it. Sure, the trauma as was still here and I would feel anxious whenever it was brought up, but I wasn't miserable or felt like I was in a constant state of panic.

I didn't feel nervous when Pat and Zoey met, which was the biggest give away that something definitely changed within me.

And I knew that it was thanks to the person sitting right across from me. Having him by my side never gave me the opportunity to fall for Pat once again, he didn't allow me to experience the same kind of heartbreak.

Instead, he replaced it with this giddiness because it felt so good to have feelings for him. I wasn't on edge and even though I had no clear idea what he thought about me, I wasn't second guessing every single move.

First, I had this relationship with Pat where he broke up with me after we've been dating for months, causing me to almost jump off of a building.

Second, I went back in time then apparently, started dating him again. Something went wrong and I still died.

And third, the present I was currently in, I gave all of my affections to Leon and I have never felt so secure before.

Well, they do say that third time's the charm.

"Now aren't you my little angel," I told him, gently touching his cheek because his face was still showing the sadness he felt recalling what had happened.

There was no point in dwelling about that because whether I liked it or not, it already happened. The important thing was that he went back and saved me. Accepting how things were was the only way I could absorb all of this information with my sanity intact.

Because how else would you process the fact that you died and the guy you liked witnessed it multiple times?

The path of least resistance was the easiest way to go.

"I'm okay," I tried to assure him, "I have you now, so I know that nothing will happen to me."

"But I've failed so many times already."

"Did it ever occur to you that the only thing I needed was to have you by my side?" I shot back, "Not Pat, but you."

This was almost an indirect confession, but I wasn't worrying about that. Plus, nothing could be more disastrous than when I blurted out that I liked him in front of both him and his parents. I could only go up from there.

He dropped his head onto my desk out of nowhere, causing me to jolt up in surprise. Out of all the reactions, I would have never guessed that he would do that.

Was this a good sign? Hello, my not-so-little angel? Don't keep a girl hanging.

"Oh there's the lovebirds," Mia peeked through the door, "I was actually worried that you might be cutting class."

She paused and the teasing smile slipped off of her face when she saw my worried expression and Leon's position with his head still slammed onto the desk.

Dropping off her bag onto her seat, she then made her way to us with her hands on her hips, "What happened?"

All I could offer her was a shrug because I wasn't really sure as well.

She tapped Leon on the shoulder, causing him to suddenly shoot up to his feet. Both of us flinched at the sudden movements and I swear that my heart was beating a mile a second because of how nervous I was. Alluding that you like somebody and having him respond like this was never a good sign.

Though what Mia said next did calm my nerves, "Leon, your face is all red. Are you alright? Do you have a fever?"

I dared to look at his face and what she said was true. His whole face to the tip of ears were bright red in a blush.

Can I safely assume that he feels the same way as me?

"I'm good," he said lowly, hurrying to get to his seat. Mia looked down to me quizzically but was surprised to see this creepy ass grin on my face.

I was so fucking happy.

"Okay then," she coughed out awkwardly, "I'm not dealing with that."

Poor girl, she has to handle my shit on a day to day basis.

Say what you want, I was on cloud nine at this moment. I hummed happily, the smile never leaving my face even when the teacher had already arrived.

Mia did an amazing job of ignoring me though, not even flinching when I clapped enthusiastically when Leon managed to score a goal when we were watching them train.

"You've got it bad," she drawled out, her eyes rolling playfully.

"I know," I agreed gleefully, because there was no use in denying it.

She let out a loud laugh, shaking her head in amusement, "At least you acknowledge it."

And like the usual routine, once the boys started packing their equipment, we went down to get the keys from Leon. Somehow, I've got this newfound confidence to tease him. His bashful reaction was honestly adorable that I wanted to see it again.

"Thank you, my angel," I said, causing both him and Pat to gape at me and for Mia to once again break into a round of chuckles.

My reward for that was another beautiful blush coming from him.

"Avery!" he exclaimed and I blinked at him innocently.

"Yes, angel?"

Mia was full on cackling next to me, clutching her stomach as Leon tried to wipe the shock from his face. Pat slowly got rid of his surprise and joined Mia in her laughter, patting his best friend on the back, "You never told me you two moved on to pet names."

"Stop it, P," he growled, then once again shouting my name, "Avery!"

"You don't want me to call you angel?" I asked, feigning sadness by pouting slightly and slumping my shoulders.

He was speechless at this point, he continuously opened and closed his mouth in an attempt to find the right words to diffuse the situation.

"Do whatever you want," he grumbled in defeat.

I finally broke character and started laughing along with our best friends, squeezing his hand once just to assure him that I was far from upset, "I'm only kidding, Leon."

He started mumbling incoherent words under his breath as he turned around and started marching away. Pat looked to me, still laughing along, "If you can do that to L, I salute you."

I let out another giggle and off he went to follow his best friend. I think our situation was great as it was – Pat and I still managed to salvage a friendship, I have this thing going on with Leon, and everything was being fine and dandy.

Sasha was still alienating herself, but that was beside the point.

Leon did not share the same sentiments though, because he was quiet the whole car ride. Well, quieter than usual because he had always chosen to stay silent, but this time, he exuded this aura that he wasn't sharing the same joyful mood as me.

When Mia got down when we got to her house, she sent me a side eye and a silent good luck with dealing with the grumpy monster next to me.

"Hey, are you really angry with me?" I asked, poking his cheek which was definitely a dangerous move considering he was still driving the car.

He simply sent me a grunt in reply, choosing to ignore me. I huffed and stopped myself from saying anything more until we reached my house because one thing's for sure, I don't want us to get into an accident because I was being annoying.

The moment he went into a full stop in front of my house, I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned towards him, resuming my tactic of repeatedly poking his cheek until he pays attention to me, "Leon!"

"Avery," he let out an exasperated sigh, "You can go down now."

Was this the part where I realize that I've had the wrong idea and that he doesn't really actually like me that way?

I frowned and before I did get out of the car, I took my chances and stretched out my hand again, the same way I did when we went out of the cafeteria earlier.

He looked down at it then back to me. My face was unwavering, but inside, I was starting to get nervous. If I did assume wrongly, it was going to be extremely awkward from this day on. I was already thinking of an escape route because the shame coming from this was too severe to handle.

My heart was hammering to the beat of the watch ticking. Every second seemed like an eternity and now I was really contemplating of a way to get out of this car with my dignity intact.

But for the love of all things good, he exhaled loudly and still took my hand in his. Instead of just usually keeping it in his grip, he went on his way to intertwine our fingers together.

There was the ray of hope I was looking for.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, bringing our joined hands closer to me and pressing a kiss to his knuckles, "I won't do it again."

"What am I going to do with you?"

Date me? Please? No? Okay.

"Are you still mad?" I questioned sheepishly.

He finally broke whatever moody streak he was in and chuckled, shaking his head, "No, I already told you that you can do what you want."


Can I stay by your side then?

As if I can say out loud to him.

Then again, I've uttered far cornier lines, "But you really are my angel though."

"Just don't call me that," he groaned and I laughed, kissing the back of his hand one more time before letting go.

The last thing I wanted was for mom to catch me in this position with a boy. Judging from the time, she was almost home.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I told him, opening the car door and getting out.

Before I could close it though, I heard him talk to me in the same teasing tone I used on him earlier, "See you, Avy."

I gasped and now it was his turn to be amused as I slammed his door with a huff, stepping back so he could drive away. Nobody called me Avy except for Zoey, even Sasha and Mia never did that.

But even though I was being acting dramatic, I didn't really mind. In fact, I actually want him to call me a nickname.

What were we? Were we a couple? Were we dating?

No, but I was fine with how things were for now.


Did anyone catch the almost title drop? By the way, let's just all sit here and appreciate the fact that I really went on ahead and made a diagram-ish thing. I fully admit that there are times that even I forget the chain of events so I have to go back and check. Because again, I have to match it with Avery's first time travel.

To give guys a small heads up of how we're going, Leon traveled on Chapter 18 where this current timeline started. It has only been one week for them since that.

Question: So when do we start planning their wedding? Kidding aside, when should we make them official?

Now if you'll excuse, I have an exam to take. Thank you for reading and please vote, comment, and follow. See you next chapter!

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