Chapter Twenty-Three: In Any Timeline

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The way he looked at me with his eyebrows scrunched up, the corners of his lips jutted into a frown, and how his whole stance made him appear as if he was bracing himself for a blow just confirmed my assumption that he already knew my answer before he even asked.

And it tore me apart to see him like this. This was exactly what I've been trying to avoid this whole time. While I didn't want to date him, I didn't want to reject him either. I wished that he would have given up on his own without having to go through this.

Now, standing in the field, a few meters away from where he broke up with me in a faraway future, from where he found me in the midst of a breakdown, he was now practically asking me to reject him.

For somebody else, this might have been a cause of self-satisfaction. To have the power to break up with the person who dumped you, but that wasn't the case for me. Because whether I liked it or not, I loved Pat and I would never ever want to hurt him.

Now that I knew that multiple timelines existed, since I came from a different one, I wonder if there was one that Pat and I ended up happy together. Where my nightmares didn't happen, where he wouldn't fall in love on first sight with Zoey, where he and I could work through our problems together before calling it quits.

Was there a timeline where we actually belonged together?


However, as I felt the metal of the whistle press against my skin under my shirt, I reminded myself that this wasn't it. That I have my memories from where I came from, the heartbreak that I carried over.

So while I didn't want to do it, I knew I had to turn him down.

"I'm sorry."

I said it in the softest tone I could muster, allowing the wind to carry it towards him. The moment my words registered inside his head, his whole stance relaxed as if I finally gave him the slap he was preparing for. However, that didn't erase that devastated expression from his face.

Our roles were really reversed, weren't they?

"I adore you, Patrick, and I meant it when I said that any girl would be lucky to be with you," I said to him, trying to ease the situation, "And to be honest, I don't want to imagine a world without you by my side."

I really didn't. Why else would I have found myself thinking of jumping off a building after he broke up with me?

Why else would I still continue to hang out with him even though he hurt my feelings? Why else would I want to get close with him even if the chances of me falling for him were high?

Because I never stopped loving him in the first place.

"But that doesn't automatically imply that I meant it in a romantic way," I continued and I was really applauding myself that I have managed to collect my thoughts in such a short time, "I adore you, in a platonic sense, and I don't want to imagine a world without you as my friend."

What surprised me the most was that I meant every word. Slowly, I realized that I will always love Pat but that doesn't mean that I want to be in a relationship with him.

It must be weird for him that I was spouting these things when we haven't been hanging out for that long yet. For me though, it was walking away from all the memories we shared. I want to send him a small thank you for loving me, even though it was extremely difficult to, and an apology for the way we ended things.

The Patrick Vincent in front of me had yet to experience that kind of pain that the two of us had gone through due to being in a relationship. But that doesn't mean that I loved this Patrick Vincent any less.

Because in any timeline, in any reality, in any life, I would love him. I just learned on my own that it wasn't in a romantic kind of way.

"I still want to thank you for letting me down gently," he tried to say lightheartedly.

I sighed, because I felt like we've been here for hours when it wasn't even five minutes, "And thank you for doing this in private."

"Well, Leon already talked me down earlier and he was right, these moments weren't meant to be a public spectacle."

Even when I didn't ask him to, Leon was looking out for me. A small unconscious smile lifted the corners of my lips and I looked down to my feet bashfully at the thought of him.

And this didn't seem to escape Pat's attention.

"You like him, don't you?" he suddenly asked and I even let out a involuntary yelp when he did.

This was definitely not something I wanted to discuss with the same guy I rejected just minutes prior. Add to that, he was my crush's best friend. So while the answer was a definitely yes, I didn't want to tell him that.

"I'm not obligated to answer that," I told him, though I was doing my best not to turn into a flustered mess.

While I was in good terms with Pat, I had another problem to figure. A problem that was named Sasha, because even after Pat and I talked, she was still adamant with her quest to pretend that I didn't exist.

Here was thing with being a trio friend group – whenever two were fighting, the remaining one would act as the mediator.

That didn't work when Sasha basically picked up an argument with both Mia and I. Usually I would have no problem being the one to approach first, but I've already tried. Besides, how was I the one at fault when all I wanted was to not be put on the spot?

I expected her to cool down eventually, but when we were all sitting at the bleachers after school, waiting for the boys to finish, apparently Mia had enough.

When Sasha stood up, Mia immediately grabbed her by the arm before I could stop her. And to top it all off, her tone came out extremely aggressive when she spoke, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Oh boy, here we go.

Honestly, I thought I was the one who was going to snap eventually.

Mia didn't even give Sasha an opportunity to respond because she started going on this whole tirade before I could attempt to calm her down, "Do you know how fucking senseless you're acting right now? Why is it that you have the audacity to give us the cold shoulder when even you know that you were completely in the wrong?"

I dared to look over my shoulder and those who were also sitting in the bleachers started to turn their attention towards our way. Thankfully, the players on the field were blissfully unaware of what was happening.

Of course, Sasha wasn't the type to back down.

"I know I was wrong, okay?" she shot back and I hate to say it, but I missed her voice. She had been giving us the silent treatment all day that I was extremely pleased that she did talk to us, even if it was full of disdain, "And I admit, I'm jealous and that's why I'm acting like this."

Now it was my turn to step forward. I stood up and walked to Mia's side, my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, "Jealous?"

She shook away Mia's grip and gestured towards us, "Mia's the smart and mature one, you're the pretty one, and I'm the annoying one."

"Okay, that's not true," I told her, lifting my hand so I could reach out to her and attempt to reason with her.

"But it is!" she exclaimed, "You may like to act oblivious, but come on! You keep saying that you're the bland one whenever you compare yourself to Zoey, yet you know clearly well that there isn't a single time where a guy isn't chasing you. You may reject Pat, but I guarantee you another boy would come around the corner and try to woo you because everybody likes Avery Barber."

I wanted to retaliate, that what she said wasn't true, but I really had to think back. Pat wasn't the first guy I rejected and she was right with the part that there was always a guy trying to make a move. However, I thought nothing of it because it wasn't like I reciprocated their feelings. And besides, that doesn't automatically mean that I was pretty.

I was still so plain next to Zoey.

"And you," she then turned to Mia, "You're one of the fucking top of the class, you don't even know what it's like to struggle with your grades because you're just that smart. Not only that, you never make a mistake. Would it kill you to be human every once in a while?"

Safe to say we were both speechless.

Mostly because we never knew that Sasha thought like this. We've been friends for years and I just had to wonder how long did these ideas circled around her head? How long did she feel like she was inferior to us when that was never the case?

Couldn't she see how freaking amazing she was? I always regarded her as my ray on sunshine because she was so cheerful and encouraging. Sure, she will have her moments, but her peppiness and outgoing personality was something I liked.

And all this time, she was comparing herself to us.

"Sash, we would never want to do anything to hurt you or make you feel a lick of envy," Mia said, her tone far gentler than the one she used earlier, "What should we do to make you feel better?"

"I-I'm just tired of living in your guys' shadow," she sighed, her shoulder slackening in defeat, "Can you please leave me alone from now on?"

Without another word exchanged between us, Sasha turned around and started to go down the bleachers to make her swift exit. Mia and I still stood there in disbelief because never in a million years would I have been able to predict this.

I think I just lost my best friend and I didn't have a single clue how to fix it. Probably worse, I had no idea that she thought like this and I felt like it was all my fault.

I was practically shaking because of how hard I fought the tears from escaping.

My gaze slowly tore itself away from where Sasha once stood and I found myself looking at the field. Once I caught Leon's gaze, I had this inkling that he knew exactly how upset I was because he excused himself and approached the bleachers.

He beckoned me to come down and I reached out to squeeze Mia's hand, reassuring her that I would be right back. I hastily went down the steps and once I was just one level above the ground, he questioned with his eyes knitted in concern, "You want me to drive you both home right now?"

I peered over my shoulder to see Mia still sporting that mortified expression before transferring my attention to the scene behind him. The other boys from the team stopped to watch and while I knew they were trying their best to appear nonchalant, I saw those subtle stares they were sending Pat.

Hey dude, your best friend and the girl that rejected you are being buddy buddy right now.

They just mended their friendship and he I was being a burden by pulling him out of training. I've caused him nothing but trouble since entering his life. Maybe he was also trying to think of a way to get rid of me just like Sasha did.

I've caused her so much trouble pain. Leon probably thought that I was a nuisance. I had to break Pat's heart by saying no to him.

"No," I shook my head, taking a deep breath so I could plaster a smile on my face. But it failed because right after I said that word, a sob escaped my lips.

He clicked his tongue and I frantically tried to wipe away any tears that dared to fall, because the last thing I wanted was to cause a bigger scene. I held out a hand to stop him from doing anything, "Just go back to training, we'll be fine."

He sighed and slowly started to jog away and when I thought that that was the end of the conversation, he came back and placed something on top of my palm. I brought my hand towards me, my eyes widening when I realized that it was his keys.

"Stay in the car if you want, I'll be there the second coach ends practice," he told me, lifting a hand and lightly placing a gentle hand on my cheek, "Please don't cry, okay?"

My heart was ready to explode out of my chest when he did that.

Sometimes I think that Leon was some kind of guardian angel that was sent to look over me. I cannot find any other reason why he was so nice to someone who was a mess like me.

"Thank you," I mustered to say and he nodded, nudging his head towards where Mia was standing.

I didn't wait another minute, I immediately bounded the steps and grabbed her hand, jiggling his keys in front of her face, "Come on."

We grabbed all of our things and got away from there at the same speed that Sasha did minutes prior.

But before we could really leave the field area, I looked back to where Leon was standing and saw he and Pat were now invested in a deep conversation.

The guilt once again rose inside my gut.

Once we got to the car, I decided to sit in the backseat with Mia. Well, at least until Leon arrives, because I think we both realized that we needed to have a conversation about what happened.

But where the hell do we start?

You know the saddest part of all this? I think we just lost the third piece in our trio.

"Do you agree with what she said?" I dared to ask, my hands fidgeting on my lap, "What she said about me?"

She took a deep breath, pushing a stray piece of hair away from her face, "I agree with the fact that out of the three of us, boys do tend to chase you more often. However, I never held a grudge because how could I ever be upset about that? I understand why you're so liked – you're beautiful and you have a great personality to compliment it."

I nodded, forcing a small smile because I greatly appreciated the compliment, even when the circumstances were dragging both of our moods downwards.

"And I love that you're so intelligent and is always one foot ahead of us. I feel like there's nothing that could go horribly wrong because I can depend on you," I told her, leaning sideways and resting my head on her shoulder, "I don't know what I would do without my Mia."

"Promise you won't leave me like that, Avs?"

Her voice sounded so small and terrified, like I was going to betray her any second now. But there was something that I learned about myself – no matter what, I was ready to forgive if you have already crept your way into my heart.

Pat was the prime example. Zoey was another. And now, all I could think of was that I wanted Sasha back in my life.

"Promise," I whispered before my eyebrows scrunched up together, "So what do we do about Sash?"

She shook her head, "Apparently, nothing. The more we push her, the bigger the problem will grow. For now, all we can do is hope."

While I didn't lose Pat because we still managed to keep things amicable, I did lose Sasha though. Let me tell you, the pain that I was feeling couldn't even be described properly. All the things we've been through, those that had already happened and those that occurred in the future I came from, kept flashing inside my head.

She was one of my rocks, she lifted my chin whenever my head was going down. Not once did she leave my side, even when I was losing myself.

I never knew this would be the reason why we would end our friendship.

Did she feel those things? Even on the different timeline?

As those thoughts haunted me, we sat there in silence until Leon arrived. He didn't comment on the fact both of us were just sitting there with these blank expressions on our face and he didn't ask me to transfer to the front seat. All he did was slide into the driver's side and started to go.

When he stopped in front of Mia's house, we shared a tight embrace before she got down. When Leon once again started to drive, surely to drop me off at my house, I finally opened my mouth.

"Can we talk about the whistle now?"

I just wanted to get this over with. I wanted answers now more than ever.

"Where?" he questioned, not even taking his eyes off the road for even a second.

My house? A random abandoned warehouse? A clearing in the middle of the forest?


"Are you comfortable with going to my house again?" he asked cautiously, "I have things that will make everything easier to explain."

I gulped audibly and pulled the whistle from under my shirt, my eyes staring down as my hands traced over it.



I promise that the next chapter is going to have their conversation about the whistle. When I was writing this, I was going with the follow so it only took me this long until I realized that I made you wait a couple of chapters before going into the conversation.

Brace yourself, there would be crying from our favorite ship.

Question: Did Sasha do the right thing but cutting off ties because of her jealousy?

Friendship breakups are hard, trust me. I'm on the fence with this one because I admit that I do have a tendency to become envious of some of my friends (they're just so amazing in different aspects) but I never went on ahead to cut ties with them because I genuinely love them and are happy for them when I watch them succeed. However, I know how difficult it is for your mental health to be in that kind of situation where you are constantly comparing yourself to people you are close with. Her execution was bad but the intent behind it is really up for debate.

But anyways, I hope you guys liked the chapter. Please don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. See you guys next time.

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