Chapter Two: Boo Fcking Hoo

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"Alright, you've been looking like you've been in another dimension since you got here," Sasha said, taking a big crunchy bite from her carrot stick, "What's up with you?"

What's up with me? What's up with everybody?

Scratch that, what the fuck is up with everything?!

I woke up thinking that I have to freaking deal with the high school rumor mill, an awkward morning encounter with my mother, and a freaking gossip sesh with both Sasha and Mia, but here I was sitting in the cafeteria in the middle of August on the first day of junior year.

And let me tell you, junior year is something I definitely do not want to relive. I was already more than halfway done with it, why was I suddenly brought back here.

Also, time travel is not even possible!

"I think she has lost it," Mia told her after I've refused to answer her question, "Sash, I think we have to call Zoey on this one."

"No!" I exclaimed too loudly, causing a few people from the other tables to jolt up in surprise. I sent them a silent apology before clearing my throat, "Please don't."

Okay, so they were suspicious before but after that outburst, their concern turned into full on worry.

"Avery Barber, what has gotten into you?"

I sighed, blowing away a stray piece of hair from my face, "It's just... Zoey and I aren't in the best of terms right now."

A flash of understanding dawned upon their faces. Of course, a somewhat fight with your supposed best friend will cause a few out of character quirks. While it was true, it wasn't the main reason.

The main reason was that I was still thoroughly confused at what was happening.

"Oh I'm sure you'll patch it up soon," Mia assured, offering me one of Sasha's carrot sticks, "Your fights with her never goes on for too long."

But those fights were usually about different opinions, not about being seen with my ex-boyfriend on the same day that he broke up with me.

"Yeah," I muttered weakly, hearing the bell ring. I found myself squished between them as we headed to our next class. I tried to remember what happened on my actual first day of junior year – you know, the original one.

Let's see, after lunch I usually have math and if I can remember correctly, then this was my favorite one.

Not because I liked math – oh heavens no, I would have gotten rid of that damn subject if I had a choice. I compare the lessons to nails on a chalkboard. But I loved going there because I sat next to Pat. In fact, it was such a contributing factor to why we started dating in the first place.

And speak of the devil, he was already there when we entered the classroom.

I could still remember it vividly – there will be no more open seats that were close together. Mia's specialty was math, something she often bragged about, so she wanted to get the one available near the front. Sasha opted to sit near the window because she claimed that she needed natural sunlight to function, but we all know it was just an excuse to stalk the students that were having PE on the field. That will leave me with two more options, one near the back and the one right next to Pat.

I refused to sit at the back because I could barely understand the lessons, sitting there would be a suicide mission.

But now, I wasn't so sure.

Sorry Sasha, I love you but I know well where this was going, "Dibs on the one by the window!"

Before either of them could respond, I zoomed past our classmates and settled on the desk that once belonged to Sasha.

Then I watched, in the least creepiest way possible, as they both shared incredulous looks before shrugging. Mia went to her original seat, the one at the front, and I watched on as Sasha asked Pat if the seat next to him was available.

He nodded and immediately jumped into a conversation with her.

Pat was a really easy-going person and also a very joyous one. I carried on looking and then he smiled, that one smile that got my knees buckling.

I slammed my head hard on the desk, enough to produce a thump. The person sitting in front of me turned around, his eyebrows knitted in concern, "Are you okay, Avery?"

No, I traveled through time and now I have to freaking think of every way to make sure I never talk to Patrick Vincent in my entire life.

"Everything's just dandy," I gritted out and I think my obviously displeased tone was enough to ward him off.

I lifted my head and rubbed the spot that I just hit, daring to steal one more glance of him. A shiver ran down my spine when instead of instantly seeing him, my eyes caught Leon's.

I gulped, remembering how he was who ended up being there for me.

There was nothing else I could do other than to scramble to face forward.

When the teacher started rambling on about the curriculum, there was one thing I was thankful for this whole time travel fiasco – this was the perfect opportunity to lift my grades up.

Then again, it also meant that I have to sit through all these lectures again and bitch, I'm far from happy about that one.

But to be honest, I was in no mood to sit through any of my classes. I just wanted to get out of here and find out what was happening. My arm was already red from the amounts of times I've pinched myself. I was definitely not dreaming.

Instead of listening to the teacher, I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing down the events.

Pat broke up with me. Leon saved me from that window. Leon drove me to my house. I saw Zoey and Pat in the same car. I cried a ton and fell asleep. I woke up and it was the beginning of the school years once again.

Absolutely nothing made sense.

What was the trigger? It wasn't like I jumped on some modified car that my scientist friend invented. I was also nowhere near a groundhog. So why did I go back and will I have to relive every single day or will I just suddenly wake up and be back to my bed after the day that my boyfriend broke up with me?

Because if there was one thing for sure, I did not want to relive my junior year, even for another second.

Not after everything that happened.

"Earth to Avery," Sasha sang out, waving a hand in front of my face, "Class is over."

I blinked rapidly at their faces, "Oh."

"Honestly, if you need a mediator between you and Zoey, we can help," Mia said, her hands on her hips, "You've been so out of it."

Right, they think all of my problems were because of my fight with Zoey. The sad thing, the Zoey of this timeline didn't even know she did anything wrong.

"I'm alright," I lied, pushing my chair back to stand up, "So this is the one class that we're all in that we didn't sit next to each other."

"I know," drawled out an exasperated sigh, "Oh by the way, you know Patrick Vincent, right?"

Safe to say, my blood ran cold. I could feel my heart drop in my chest just by the name. I've been thinking about him and I've seen him, but for his name to be actually said out loud just brought a new kind of anxiety within me.

Mia sent out a nonchalant nod and I couldn't even move, I was frozen. Thankfully, neither of them noticed it so Sasha continued on with talking, "Well, let's just say he's interested in our friend here."

"What?" I managed to say.

She grinned, almost mischievously, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "He asked me, 'you're really close with Avery Barber, right?' and of course, I said yes."

No, no, no. This timeline was supposed to be different. I already avoided the main reason why we started going out, we were now just acquaintances who were in the same year.

"And then?" Mia's eyes went wide with excitement, urging Sasha to continue on with her story.

"He asked if she was single and he told me that he thinks you're really pretty."

They then exchanged squeals of delight but I simply looked mortified, standing there with this face of fear instead of whatever enthusiasm they were showing. The other me would be jumping for joy, feeling all the butterflies in my stomach.

But instead, there was dread. Because it meant that in any timeline, I was bound to get hurt.

"You don't look too happy about this, Avs," Sasha lifted a brow, releasing me.

"It's just that..." I trailed off, trying to find a viable excuse, "I don't know him too well so I don't know how to react."

"To be fair, he isn't really usually the type of guys she goes for," Mia shrugged, ushering us out of the classroom so we could make our way to the next class, "Remember that guy you dated last year? He was the very definition of a good Christian boy."

And a mama's boy to boot. I was so tired of all his preaching, I got a ten minute lecture after I told him that I did drink alcohol and he told me the dangers of underage drink. After that, I was so pissed off that I walked out mid-speech and broke up with him the next day.

Please, I asked for a boyfriend and not a parent.

Pat actually became a beautiful breath of fresh air. He was free-spirited, athletic, and everything the previous guys I've dated weren't. No wonder I eventually became very attached to him.

"You can tell him I'm not interested," I said to Sasha, marching into our next classroom with a huff.

While our time together was amazing, everything else got clouded. Besides, he doesn't deserve to be with someone like me. All I brought were arguments and fights during the relationship. He wasted his time with me when he could be off with someone else.

I was saving us both.

My phone started vibrating and I peeked at it from under the desk, my breathing hitched when I saw Zoey's name.

Zoey: Your mom told me that she wouldn't be home for dinner. Want to come over instead?

Only I knew what will happen in the future. She didn't know how much I will suffer and perhaps, I will also never know why she did what she did. But for this Zoey, we were still best friends, everything was fine and dandy.

I should act normally, but I couldn't bring myself to do so.

Avery: No thanks.

Not even a minute later, she sent out a reply.

Zoey: Why? My mom can buy those cornbread you really like.

Avery: I have a lot homework to go through.

Zoey: Isn't it the first day of school?

I didn't bother with replying after that. I simply tucked my phone back into the pocket of my bag and focused my eyes on the board in front. On my right, Mia had her arms crossed while nodding off to whatever the teacher was saying and to my left, Sasha was already busy playing with her phone that was under her desk.

This was my life – everything was average and typical. I wasn't popular, but it wasn't like I was at the bottom of the food chain. I had an athlete for a boyfriend, I had a good set of friends, and I got invited to the parties and stuff.

So if there was some magical person looking around for somebody to mess with by bringing back to the past, I have no idea why they would have chosen me.

No groundhog. No mad scientist experiment of a car. No magical person that brought me back.

What else can I rule out?

I pressed my hand against my chest and there wasn't any time turner.

There was literally nothing out of the ordinary that happened. Sure, it was a shitty day but those were rather common to me.

Boo fucking hoo, but it was the truth.

I groaned and had no other choice but sit through all of my other classes for the rest of the day. I just hope that when I wake up tomorrow, this will be all over.


So umm like I said in the prologue, I did think of everything about this story literally within an hour or so. However, as I go through, I think Third Love's The Charm is way catchier than In Three Steps. Hey, at least the same number is still there, right?

Question: Are we okay with this new title? In Three Steps or Third Love's The Charm?

I'm just trying to get the introductions out of the way. At this point, we've basically met the main cast. We got our wonderful Avery, Leon, Pat, Zoey, Sasha, and Mia. We are going to go through a huge whirlwind with them so buckle up your seatbelts.

Please comment, vote, and give me a follow if you want! Love you guys and I'll see you next chapter. 

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