Ok, This is Getting Scary

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Author's Note-
Hello, it's Courtney here, bringing you a new chapter! Who is the killer? Where is the killer? Who is safe? Who is not? Read to find out. And sorry for being just a tad late XD anyways here is the story....

also hint there's two murderers. one is dead. one is alive

  Victoria's POV-

After one night of no sleep everyone seemed to be the walking dead. Moaning and yawning all day long.

Brandon and I digged through the cupboards for some decent food. After 20 minutes all we found was a bag of gummy bears. There was also 9 apples in the fridge as well as a gallon of spoiled milk. Great. Just great.

"We can drink from the faucet, I guess..." Brandon suggested. He pulled open a drawer to find 10 glass cups. We quickly grabbed them and filled each to the brim.

"Breakfast!" I yelled up the stairs where the others were. They all rushed down expecting to see somewhat decent food. They were all greeted with measly cups of facet water.

"Isn't there anything better?", John complained.


"WHERE! IS! MY! BREAKFAST!?" Robbyn complained.

"I gave you it."

"Is is invisible?"


"Then where is it?"

"You're holding it."

"Don't say this gag worthy cup of water is supposed to be my breakfast."

"Ok, that 'gag worthy cup of water' is your breakfast so just accept that IS WHAT YOU GET SO SUCK IT UP AND DEAL WITH IT!" I screamed at her.

I guess I went a little too far because she threw the cup at me and missed. The glass made a cringy noise as it shattered on the wall. Everyone had that what-the-heck-this-girl-is-insane look on their faces.


"Did you just say Preston's name?" Jennifer questioned walking closer to Rob and looking her straight in her face. Sweat dripped down Robbyn's face as she backed into a wall. "Well...?"

"I- I- I- I just can't stop thinking of him," she choked. Tears dropped out of her eyes as she spoke. "He- he- he was my everything."

After a while we all kinda did our own thing. All of a sudden i heard a scream. And a crash. I rushed up stair to see my boyfriend's body impaled on a closet rod. (dun dun dun) I screamed in horror. I heard the other's feet coming towards the scene.

Killer's POV

Well. I found out my previous victims apparently were innocent. o_o woops. So I guess that means i will have to try again. I found a tall guy wandering by himself in the halls. He was the typical quarterback type of guy that the girls were always crazy for.

Perfect, I thought. He seems most capable to murder someone. Just kidding. That would be yours truly, me.

I saw a fallen closet rod laying in the main bedroom. When the boy wasn't looking, i jabbed the rod into his back, pinning him to the wall. He wailed in pain for a second before he breathed his very last breath.

I expected to be able to escape this excuse of a house. Instead i was greeted by a smashed nose as I ran into the brick wall. I grabbed my nose expecting to see blood run down my face. I saw people running by my supposed killer's body. They all seemed so mortified. Something about it made me grin with delight. Watching people scramble at the sight of a murder scene  made me laugh.

"Oh gee, I hope they don't here me," I thought.

Grace's POV

       I was preparing our glasses of water and then i heard a loud scream. I rushed upstairs seeing something that looked like it was out of a horror film. I saw Brandon, pinned to a wall with a large metal pole. "This cant be real. This cant be real. This cant be real. This cant be real," Victoria said under her breath. You could see the scared for life thoughts in her eyes. The fire that was always in her eyes was... gone. 

     "Guys, I'm getting a little creeped out," Maria said quietly. "I'm gonna call the police. Four people have been killed and we don't a single clue who is doing it." 

     "Yeah, I don't wanna get killed by whoever hated Preston enough to kill him," Robbyn trailed off. 

  The face of total fear grew on Maria's face. "Um mm guys, there's no service...." Everyone had the same thoughts in their heads. Crap.

  With that w all went back to kinda doing out own things. They guys continued to search for whoever apparently hates us and wants to murder us.  

Author's Note-

Hi i hope you enjoyed  the totally not way over due chapter what.  Anyway Kat has the next chapter so it might actually be one time yay! Bye <3

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