Losing my...?

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Okay, so I think this little Wattpad journal is such a great idea thanks to my lil best buds, Lexy and Ryder. :) I owe you guys! I have missed blogging so much because I used to be an active blogger since March 2004. Right now, I still blog but mostly on advertisements only where I can get paid $5 a link. Lately I have no mojo whatsoever to post anything under my real blog.

So maybe this little journal will give my inspiration back, you know.

Alright, just to let you guys know that this journal isn't just all about the writing world. My posts would be anything random that comes to mind, a certain subject that I feel like discussing.

My posts won't be about my rants about booksie and Wattpad, or how I hate this and I hate that... I mean, come on—it has already been ranted by almost every author out there so it's pretty much been pointed out countless times and I don't think I have to rant about it anymore. However, like I said earlier, my posts can be random. One day I'll be talking about the writing world, and then the next day I'll be talking about LOVE, then the day after that maybe something lighthearted, funny and true.

And FYI, You guys don't have to comment every time I post here. A vote would be lovely, though—that way I know you enjoyed it. ;)

So anyway, enough of that.

So last Monday (5.28.12) I always put the date for future references, believe me you might need it someday because it worked for me, but that's another story. ;)

Okay, so I was on Holiday leave that day, right? It was a perfect day, so my little man and I drove to Plaza Bonita (DYLM mall) to watch Men In Black 3. Bought our tickets, found good seats (hey, that rhymed). Then I left my son for a little while so I can get food at the concession stand. I went to the women's restroom after that, I have a habit of taking my phone with me to the cubicle (gross I know) but don't worry, I always sanitize! I'm a certified germophobe. LOL

So, when I got back to my seat, I reached for my cell phone that's usually placed inside the pocket of my hand bag. My heart beat thumped like crazy! I ran back to the restroom and hoped no one had taken it yet, but as soon as I got there—someone was already in there!

Some girls looked at me in a weird way as I stood impatiently in front of the cubicle and the lady inside was taking so fucking long!

Then when she slipped out, I took a quick peek inside the cubicle and alas—it wasn't there anymore!

I was muttering 'shit, my husband's gonna kill me!' I immediately rummaged through my bag but nothing! Like seriously, how many times I've lost my phone but I always get it back somehow.

But... But... what if I never get it back?     :O

That image played in my head; some random person finds my metallic pink iPhone and decides NOT to return it. BOO! I was on the verge of tears! My whole life is inside that little device. All my contact numbers, pictures, reminders, birthdays, aaaaaand.... All my chapter outlines and drafts  to all my stories!

(everyone gasps)

Seriously, I was about to break down on my knees and cry.

LOST AND FOUND was the next one in my mind and I ran quickly towards customer service. I work for customer service myself and you can't believe how hundreds and hundreds of people never ever claim their stuff.


So out of breath, I felt like a marathon runner that had reached the finish line. LOL

"Is this customer service?" I looked up at the sign, durr—obviously, it is. "Did someone return a phone?"

She eyed me curiously. "Yes, what kind?"

"IPhone!" I blurted out. "Pink with a Hello kitty wallpaper!"

Then she smiles and takes it out from the drawer and I swear (thank GOD) it seemed like heaven opened up and angels started to sing!

(cue music: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujaaaaaaah...)

I couldn't stop saying thank you to the young girl behind the counter. I swear, whoever returned my phone was an angel! Bless her....

Losing my iPhone was like losing a child! So I'm thankful to God that my baby was found. Because if it didn't come back to me... I would probably quit writing. LOL I'm just kidding. Like I said, my whole life was in that tiny little device. I think I have to start syncing my phone more often.

So, class... What's the moral lesson of this story?


No, I'm totally kidding! Just stop being so careless, that's all.

Click vote if you thought that the title was losing my V-Card. LOL


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