P is for... Passion

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If you're new to the writing world and you brew novels like there's no tomorrow, don't ever expect the same people to like your novels. Awhile back, my friend noticed that her second novel wasn't getting any reads and I told her to be patient because it's still gathering up some readers. And it actually did! :)

Ever since I brought out my second and third novel on Wattpad, I realized they all had different fan bases. They weren't the same people. Let's say, about 20% of the readers from the first novel would follow the second novel. But there will always be those readers who follow every novel you have. (So sweet of them!)

So If you're new and you noticed this, don't let it get it to you. Don't EVER compare the success of your first novel to the rest of your works because believe me, those are your babies and you must take pride and joy with whatever success they'll bring to you. I've come across so many writers who gave up or almost gave up because of a situation like that.

Remember, have fun writing and don't think about whether people will like it or not. How are you going to know when you don't take the risk? Life is about risks, taking chances. This also applies in the writing world.

Don't let a small number define who you are. Don't let it take you down. Keep writing and don't give up. Just because you have a small number of reads on a novel doesn't mean you're a bad writer, and just because you have a large amount of reads doesn't mean you're already a great writer. It still depends, you know, if you think about it. Small reads can either be bad writing, excellent writing or just lack of advertisement/promotion.

Remember, we always have to start somewhere. Like I mentioned before, there's a 'Share Your Story' section in clubs where you can freely post your stories. You can't miss it! This is how everyone gets a chance to be noticed. It's not a ticket to popularity but at least it'll bring you readers who are really serious to read your work.

I've read an article here last week, the author mentioned he did went for read for reads and vote trading and when he looks back at the memory it only made him feel bad because he really didn't earn those reads/votes. So basically, you're lying to yourself. That goes the same with fans. Having a big amount of fans doesn't mean anything if you went for fan for fan, right? If they fanned you because they liked some of your works, then that just proves how Awesome you really are.

And also keep in mind: Write what you love. Don't just go for trends. If you have an original story in mind, write it. If you have a cliched story that you can twist into something amazing - then go for it! I myself don't write 1D fan fics, vampires, werewolves... And I never will.

Why is that, you ask?

Well, because it's not my passion. And as much as I hate seeing all those in the writing world, I don't really hate on them. I actually respect those authors because they write what they want and they sure have full blown passion for it. I think that's what makes a successful story. You need to have that certain ingredient sprinkled across your stories in order for them to be successful in the writing world.



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