Continuation of Poor Child

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Iris: *walks around still with the glasses on and wasn't paying attention and bumps into Akio*

Akio: *looks down at sees Iris and raises a eyebrow* Why all the sudden where glasses? Self conscious of your eyes again~?

Iris: *looks up at Akio and pokes his cheek* No- I actually got glasses that make me see. *smirks* Wow Akio you look nothing like I imagined you-

Akio: that a complement or not-

Iris: Nope. I imagined a adorkable child but instead I get this.

Akio: *is actually a little hurt by that and holds his heart like he's pretending to be offended* Aww that hurt~.. I could be adorkable~

Iris: ..Tell me when that finally happens- *walks away to find the other children*

Akio: *stays where he was and thinks on how he could he adorkable again, probably by just acting like he was in the first place..?*

Iris: *looks around and notices a tol child and a smol child* Hmm..don't tell me your names- *thinks and points at the tol child* ...Jurou *then points at smol child* ..Haru?

Jurou: *nods and realizes the glasses* Oh! Y-you got glasses t-that make you s-see..?

Iris: Mhm!

Haru: Hm..well that's nice. *goes over and pats Iris's head, while Iris takes note that her and Haru are the same height, and walks away*

Jurou: *nods and smiles* I-it is nice...s-so what d-do you think about everything?

Iris: Hmm...well I mostly just wanted to see everyone again and see different things too. I'm taking note on what everyone looks like.. *looks up at Jurou* like how your really tall and colored hair. What color is your hair?

Jurou: B-but it's dyed a-and my actual hair c-color is blonde..

Iris: *nods* I know what red looks like..thanks *walks away to find more children*

Jurou: *goes to find where Haru went since he was talking to him*

Iris: *eventually finds Kasumi* Oh. Your Kasumi.

Kasumi: I haven't even said anything- how did you know?

Iris: was just a guess. Wait can I see if it's actually you? Excuse me. *walks up to Kasumi and pokes her stomach*

Kasumi: *winces* Iris-

Iris: Yup its Kasumi.

Kasumi: *sighs* that hurt..

Iris: Im sorry..hmm...I wonder if your scars and stuff on your stomach would hurt your stomach eternally too..

Kasumi: Iris your just on a role today- though I'm sure you'd feel the same pain if I poke you in the stomach know how. ..wait are you going to continue what your going to say? Is this going to get sad? ...If I'm going to answer then yes it hurts eternally too.

Iris: Im not a doctor but that sounds bad...sounds like it's going to affect something-

Kasumi: ...I know where your going with this and I don't want to  continue it, sorry. *walks past her and pokes her in the side* Bye.

Iris: *laughs a little since she poked her side* Bye.. *remembers what she told Kasumi and just made herself sad*

Kasumi: *went to go find Atsuko cause she's the closets person to a mother/doctor person to go talk to about what Iris said*

Iris: *finds Aegeus and just looks at him* hmm...I'm still not for sure who you are...

Aegeus: *puffs out cheeks a bit but then stops and crosses his arms* I'm your cousin Aegeus~! We have the same last name-

Iris: *nods* Hm..ok. Well now I know who you are. *takes mental notes again on how he looks* ..very gay, tall, and...dark hair..what color is it?

Aegeus: *nods* Good job~! All of your notes seem to be correct~

Iris: I see...well. Aegeus, I don't know what gay means..can you tell me?

Aegeus: *blushes and tries to think of a way to describe* ...Um..well..It's when someone is attracted to the same gender. Like for me I'm attracted to men instead of women~. Make sense?

Iris: ...*nods* A little...I think I get what it means now...thanks. *walks away but doesn't know what to do now that she's seen everyone, well besides Atsuko but she had a feeling Kasumi would be with her and she didn't want to get in the way*


I didn't mean for the Iris talking to Kasumi thing turn to a sad thing but- whoops. I thought of another fact about Kasumi and it is a sad one so let's see if anyone can catch on to what it is.

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