this again-

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This is way more fun if you don't look at the questions before-hand(HINT). If you do read the questions, I plan to draw names from a hat.
Tag at least one person.
Give me a link to the finished version, please?

PICK TEN OCs(state gender):

1. Iris
2. Akio
3. Atsuko
4. Hana
5. Haru
6. Jurou
7. Kasumi
8. Warin
9. Eiji
10. Aegeus

Let the "fun" begin!

Everyone is going to a dance. 1 goes with 2, 3 with 4, 5 with 6, etc. Are any of these pairings perfect? Are any too messed up to even consider?
Iris: ....

Akio: *nudges Iris* Awww it can't be that bad to go with me~ I'm not mean to you~

Iris: ....thanks for not being mean to me but still...this doesn't feel right-

Atsuko: ..With Hana..?

Hana: *locks arms with Atsuko while Atsuko is just blank faced* Ko-chan~ this is gonna be so much fun~ *pauses* I'm a married woman-

Kasumi: We're not married I don't know how many times I need to say this...

Haru: ....

Jurou: *awkward child*

Kasumi: I think I got lucky with this one- Warin's nice..

Warin: *smiles and hums happily*

Eiji: ...

Aegeus: *pouting* But Eiji's a girl...

Eiji: *glares* Genderfluid...

4 leaves the dance floor and does not return. When 3 goes to look for him/her, he/she finds 4 making out with 8! What happens?
Atsuko: So your cheating on your wife with the person she went with..?

Warin: *needs help, he didn't sign up for this*

Hana: It's what she gets for cheating on me~

Warin: *walks away, more like runs*

While those three are occupied, what's happening on the dance floor?
Well not Akio and Iris. Akio new Iris didn't want to dance with him so he was nice and started to go around and tell her what the place looks like.

Did 3 and 4 make up?
Sure why not

What's going through 8's head?
Why did he come here- that and Eiji's going to kill him.

Okay, so forget about the dance. If 7+5=x, describe x.

1 has to marry 2, 3, or 9. Who do they choose? Why?
Iris: Why...? I don't feel right since this basically means I'd be cheating on Lyon... *sighs* if I had to choose if I wasn't with Lyon then Atsuko-

6 thinks 1 and 10 belong together. Describe the conversation when 1 and 10 find out.
Jurou: I-incest....

Iris: Oh with Aegeus..?

Aegeus: I love you Cousin-dearest but I'm not into girls-

5 is hired to babysit the children of 2, 4, 8, and 1. How does it go?
Haru: *loves kids but pretends like he hates it*

What do these kids look like?
That's for Dark to decide since she's drawing the ship kids~ dark-infinity

If 9 could kiss anyone in this meme, who would they choose?
Eiji: *blushes* ...N-no one... (*cough* Warin)

What would happen if 7 walked in on 3 and 6 having sex?
Kasumi: ...Well this is intresting.

Jurou: *red faced* W-we weren't even doing anything..!

Atsuko: .... *face palms and leaves*

What does 2 do when their plumbing fails?
....let's just say god help us-

Why does 6 fear 7?
Jurou: I-I don't fear Kasumi.... *mumbles* well she did plan to kill someone right..?

Kasumi: ...I wasn't planning to kill anyone...I just had the knife for self defense and for anyone that so happend to try to hurt Nico..

Jurou: *nods slowly* Mhm...t-totally not afraid of Kas...

Some strange magic is veiled over the world(s) these OCs inhabit, and all are now the opposite gender. Write about what happens. If all of your OCs have something that allows them to be resistant to this magic, write about them finding a starving wombat.
Iris: ....So I'm a boy again...*sighs* I don't really like this...

Akio: *grins* I sure like this~

Atsuko: Again no different...

Hana: *basically looks like Haru with a ponytail*

Haru: *looks like a very angry smol child*

Kasumi: Man bun again.. *actually doesn't mind this*

Jurou: *distressed Juroi noises*

If 8 was dying and only 3 could save them, would they? Why or why not?
Atsuko: Sure Warin's a precious child...

Does 2 like cats?
Akio: Mhm~ I'm quiet fond of black cats~

18. Any final words? Oh, I'll remove my gender-bend spell now...
Iris: Thank god...

Akio: Awww~

Literally everyone else is relieved

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