Prologue part 2/3

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Here's what y'all are dealing with.

Speaking: "They're so bouncy....."

Thinking: 'Can you stare any harder?!'

Actions: *Grabs face*

Y/N: Your name

A'ight, let's continue where we left off eh?


(3rd pov)

The man turned woman stood by the rivers edge, still looking at her reflection as she tries to comprehend what is going on and why she has this body.

Y/N: 'What the hell? Am I seeing thing?'

She inspects her hands that are now a bit smaller than usual before running her hands along her body as she inspected her bewildering change.

Y/N: 'These things are so am I not feeling the weight of them?'

She tries to move but lets out a groan due to how tight her clothes are.

Y/N: 'How the fuck do women deal with this?! I might as well be some walking bakery!'

(To be honest she ain't wrong, I wanna stuff my face into those thighs.)

She stops groping-I mean inspecting herself as she stands there with a blank expression.

Y/N: "........"

She then starts banging her head on a tree repeatedly.

Y/N: "What! The! Fuck! Is! Wrong! With! Me! 'Surprise me'? Why the fuck did I say that?!"

She falls to her knees in distraught as she begins to further realize her mistake.

Y/N: "I have to live with this new body.....I don't even know the first thing about how a woman takes care of herself......I gonna die aren't I? Or will I get a fate worse than death?"

She glooms before quickly standing to her feet and smacking both sides of her face.

Y/N: "The fuck am I getting upset for?! Like hell I'm just gonna roll over and die just because I have a new body!"

While Y/N spoke to herself she failed to notice a wild animal approaching her in the bushes when it heard the commotion.

Y/N: "If I want to survive and get by in this world I have to adapt to the changes or else I won't last long." *Mutters* "The first thing I need to do is find a road, those can lead me to civilization which is where I can find a guild, after all this is a fantasy world."

A beast then slowly crept out of the bushes behind her, this creature is none other than the infamous rookie killer in the nearby forest of Axel.

Y/N was unaware of the approaching threat as she thought out loud.

Y/N: *mutters* "But how long would it take me to find a town? Depending on which direction I follow the road I might just end up getting farther from the nearest settlement and get lost, and who knows what I'll encounter on the road....."

As she thought to herself she still couldn't notice the monster because her head was in the friggin clouds!!!

She tried to focus but the approaching footsteps interrupted her thoughts as a tick mark appeared on her head.

Y/N: *mutters* "I'm trying to think here, if you don't mind......could you....."

She begins to turn around and look towards the reason for breaking her out of her critical thinking as she reels her arm back while the rookie killer leaps at her with its jaws wide open.

Y/N: "SHUT UP!!!!"

She then swiftly dodged it's claws and move closer to deliver a jawbreaking uppercut as the rookie killer is sent flying into the sky while it cried in pain as it flew higher up before disappearing from sight.

One of its large fangs had come out after receiving such a powerful blow as it landed at her feet as she hummed in confusion.


Y/N: *groans* "This fuckin sucks."

A moment of silence before her realization.

Y/N: "........I'M STRONG AS FUCK!!!!"

She raised her arms as she cheered about learning her immense strength.

Y/N: *squats* "Wait a minute, that must be the ability I picked, 'gluttonous strength' is what I remember it was called.

<Gluttonous strength, this ability drastically increases every physical attribute to a high level such as endurance, agility, muscle density, stamina and of course, strength. And it also increases the five senses as well, especially the smell and taste.>

Y/N: "Well at least now I don't have to worry about not being able to defend myself."

Suddenly her stomach growls loudly as she held it in pain.

Y/N: "But now I'm so hungry.....T^T"

<However this ability is not without its downsides, gluttonous strength often requires a lot more sustenance then what the average human needs. It increases the users stomach capacity by a large margin, for simpler terms they have a blackhole for a stomach in metaphorical terms. But being a little hungry isn't the worst case as the more hungry the individual as it can get much worse than what is happening to our protagonist at the moment.>

Her stomach growls loudly as it begs her to feed it like a needy child that yells at you to give it food.

Y/N: *groans* "Why is this happening to me....."

She sits down in the grass as she looks around for anything edible, sadly she is met with nothing in sight.

Y/N: "Man, this sucks....."

As she whines about her hungry she comes to a realization, where is her second choice that she chose from the many cards she was offered?

Y/N: "Wait, didn't I pick an item too? Where is it anywa-"

She is startled when something comes falling and landing right beside her as the impact knocks her into a tree face first.

Y/N: *groans* "You fucking asshole's...."

She pushes herself off the tree and looks towards the object to see a single edged sword in its sheath stabbed into the terrain, it is wrapped in cloth as the only thing visible is the sword handle.

Its design looked similar to a japanese styled hilt with a mythical design.

Y/N then grabs it by the sheath and lifts it, what she originally thought was a katana was instead a nodachi.

Y/N: "Huh. I thought it'd be smaller, lucky me I guess. But how do I carry it? I don't have anything to hold it in place."

She thought for a moment before snapping her fingers as she unwraps a bit of the cloth before wrapping it under her arm and over her opposite shoulder.

Y/N: "There we go! Now to start looking for a nearby settlement."

Before she took another step her foot bumped into the fang she knocked out of the rookie killer, she looks down at it before picking it up.

Y/N: "Hm.....maybe I could sell this or have someone make it into a dagger or something."

She puts it in her hoodie pocket before heading off.

---1 hour later---

She had no luck reaching a settlement but thankfully she came across a dirt road.

Y/N: "Finally! I thought I'd never find something, now which way should I go....."

She looked both ways to see if she could spot anyone, sadly there was no one in sight.

Y/N: *sighs* " much for possibly getting directions."

As she was about to give up and just pick a random direction and hope for the best she hears something in the distance.

Y/N: "Hm? What could that be?"

She then began heading in the direction of the sound, after walking a dozen yards the sound became much clearer.

Someone was screaming....

The woman immediately went into a sprint as she headed towards the direction of the ones in distress.

As she approaches the commotion she finds herself in a large open field, what she found surprised her as she was met with some bigass toads of various bright colors.

Y/N: "The fuck have they been feeding these things?"

She is brought out of her stupor as she hears screaming and yelling once again, she turns and spots two individuals sitting on top of a tall rock as it was surrounded by three giant toads that attempted to reach them, they must've been lazy if they couldn't just jump or used their tongues.

What gained Y/N's attention was that the two individuals were yelling at was a man that was struggling not to be swallowed whole by one of these giant amphibians.

Boy: "Somebody! Please help us!!!"

Little girl: *crying* "Grandpa!!!"

The old man struggled as half of his body was inside of the toad, attempting to pry himself free but to no avail.

Old man: "Stay right where you are! I promised to take care of you and I'm not breaking it now!"

Boy: "But you'll die!"

Old man: *strained* "If that is what it'll cost to keep you both alive then so be it! I may be old but I ain't kicking the bucket yet, especially to a damn frog!"

Seeing the dire situation the three she thought about going over and saving them.

But how? Her anxiety took over her mind, telling her to forget about them and not risk her life over something she are not capable of handling.

She turns around and begins to leave, most certainly planning to ignore coming across this. Maybe she'll-

???: (The fuck are you doing?)

She stops.

???: (I never raised you to be a damn coward.)

She clenches her fist hard as her palm started to bleed.

???: (When the going gets tough you overcome it despite the odds, you do what you believe is right.)

She stood in silence before turning around and heading towards them.

???: *chuckles* (There's my pupil, thought I lost you for a second.)

Y/N smiles and lets out a chuckle of her own.

Y/N: "Heh.....sorry teach, I almost disgraced you. But don't worry....."

The tomboy begins to pick up the pace as she begins to run.

Y/N: "I won't run away like I once did when you raised me, you'd be pissed if all your teaching was for nothing."

Her running quickly turned into sprinting as she had a huge smile on her face.

Y/N: "There's no way in hell I'd disappoint you in this life either!!!"

She then dashed towards the toad with the old man in its maw, once she stood right before it she reeled her arm back and clenched every muscle as it began to glow a burning red under her skin as her veins showed and steam emitted off of it before swinging her arm forward, straight into the toads abdomen as its body folded from the impact and opened its mouth, releasing the man as it flew across the field and crashing into the dirt.

It all happened in a matter of seconds, the old man was once struggling to not be devoured and in the next moment he was falling before being caught by someone.

Y/N: "Sorry to keep you guys waiting, had to deal with something but I got over it."

She gently places down the old man as he sat in silent awe at the woman's strength as she began heading towards the group of toads surrounding the children.

Y/N: "Oi! Look at me you fat pieces of crap!!!"

Hearing the yelling the kids and the toads turn their attention to the woman.

Y/N: "You really think kids will fill those stomachs of yours?! Come and take a gander at me, I've got plenty of meat on me!"

She spread out her arms out, inviting the toads to come and test their luck.

Her taunt easily got their attention as they head her way and immediately forgot about the children.

Boy: "Is that an adventurer?!

Little girl: "She's really strong!"

Y/N chuckled the praise as she untied her sword from her torso.

Y/N: 'Already been nearly two hours into this world and I'm already receiving praise, I think I might just like it here.'

She began to untie cloth around her torso as she begins to approach the toads.

Y/N: 'Now that I have their attention I gotta spread them out, I can't take them all on at once.'

Once she gets close enough she begins to run around them in a circle. Hoping that one of them is dumb and desperate enough to try and take a bite of her.

And one did as it opens its maw and lunges its head at her, however it is too slow as she dashed backwards, dodging the bite before delivering a hard punch to the side of its face as it falls over on its side from having its brain rattled from the attack.

Y/N: 'That one should be stunned for a bit, bet this is the first time it received a headache.'

She directs her attention to the next from as she ran towards it's front. Expecting an easy meal it reeled its head back, leaving it wide open as the crimson haired girl squatted as she put more strength into her legs and launching herself toward the toads exposed abdomen, crashing into it making both of them fly back from the force.

But you may be wondering, how is it that her physical attacks are hurting them yet their rubbery bodies can absorb blunt damage?

<Simple, she isn't aiming for damaging the outside of their bodies, but instead aiming for the bones and internal organs that don't have such characteristics to resist such attacks. >


The two crash away from the other giant toads as it lands on its back and Y/N is sent forward after bouncing off its stomach, as gravity brings her back down she aims her sheathed sword towards the underside of its chin as she uses her strength once more to pierce through its flesh, sinking further as it also stabs through the underside of the toads skull and into the brain.

From using so much of her strength she hunched over a bit and breathed tiredly from using her ability consecutively.

Y/N: *gasps* 'Shit....that took a lot of me than it should' this rate I'll tire myself out faster before I can kill these things....'

She wipes the sweat off her forehead before turning around to go after her next target.

Y/N: 'I've still got two more to deal with....just need to kill the one that isn't stunned and it'll be easy pickings from there. Now where are you, you son of a-'


She turned around to see the toad she planned to go after next was already right beside her and already reeling its head back before lurching forward.

Y/N: 'SHIT!!!'

She quickly holds her arms out and catches its open maw as she holds it back.

Y/N: *grunts* 'Damn it....I lost focus for a second and this thing is already on top of me.'

It continues to push down on her as she is slowly forced to kneel.

Y/N: *mutters* "Heh....sorry teach.....looks like I'll be joining you soon...."

When all hope was lost she hears someone let out a shout.

???: "Firebolt!!!!"

A blast of fire hits the back of the toad as it flinches from the pain and launching Y/N high into the air.

She turns toward the one who shouted to be the old man holding his arm out towards the toad as embers danced around his outstretched limb.

He had recovered from before and had retrieved the woman's sword as he tosses it to her.

Old man: "Finish it!!!"

Y/N's eyes widened before squinting with complete focus as she reaches out and catches her sheathed sword and held it by the handle as she fell towards the dazed toad as she lets out a mighty roar and swiftly released her sword from its scabbard and slashed down at the toad as she lands on her feet behind it as it stood as still as a statue.

She slowly sheathed her blade back into its sheath with an audible 'clink', once it was fully put away the toad split in two, right down the middle as both halves crashed onto the ground with a heavy thud.

Y/N: *long sigh* "'s over...."

She drops her weapon as she holds her knees to catch her breath, the kids hurriedly climbed down and began to run over to her.

Little girl: "Lady you were amazing!"

Boy: "That was awesome!"

The two kids praised her, however they failed to notice the last toad snap out of its daze and get up as it takes notice of the children as it prepared to leap at them.

Y/N: 'Shit no!!!'

In a final effort to use whatever strength she had left to put it in her legs as she dashed towards the kids and pushing them aside as her arm is bitten by the giant toad.

Boy: "L-Lady!"

A dark red aura appeared over her as she glared towards the toad.

Y/N: 'Let go....'

The toads eyes widen in surprise as Y/N looks up at the toad with a furious glare covered underneath a few strands of her hair.

Y/N: 'I said.....LET GO!!!'

The two stood still for a moment as the toad fearfully released her from its maw as she placed a hand on it.

Y/N: *sighs* "The heck were you two thinking? Putting yourselves in danger like that."

The little girl looked up at the woman tearfully.

Little girl: "W-We're sorry miss, we thought you beat them all."

Y/N: "Doesn't matter, just as long as you two and your old man are safe."

The said old man approaches them as he lets out a sigh of relief.

Old man: "I can't thank you enough for not just saving my grand kids but my life as well."

Y/N: "No worries, I'm just happy to help."

Old man: "You must be new around here, I can tell from your clothes that you must be a foreigner."

Y/N: "I am, I'm also looking for the nearest settlement."

Old man: "Looking to become an adventurer huh? I can tell with how you carried yourself when you fought, anyone dumb enough would have mistaken you for one. But to answer your question I know a just the place, should take half a day to get there."

Y/N: "Awesome! You think you could take me th-"

Her stomach then grumbled loudly as she then blushes red in embarrassment as the old man laughs.

Old man: "You must be very hungry after the fight."

Y/N: "Yeah.....I haven't eaten in a while....

Old man: *chuckles* "Well I'd be happy to cook up some toad meat."

Y/N: "You can eat these?!"

Old man: "Of course, though it is hard to chew but it is quite nutritious. Now let's head back to my carriage."

He walks ahead while the three follow him, albeit the children walking closely with the female warrior.

The last toad also followed, rather fearfully of the beast in front of it. Somehow Y/N had tamed it into submission after that fiasco.


--A couple of hours later--


The sun had set and the evening was slowly becoming night as the four sat around a large campfire with chunks of diced toad meat was roasting over the fire, thanks to Y/N and the children with preparing and cooking the food.

The two kids looked at the woman with amazement as she hungrily ate the meat, the elderly man watched in bewilderment at the fact that she had casually eaten ten the amount a regular human normally eats.

Y/N: *moans in delight* "This is so good! It makes me wonder what other types of food is out there."

Boy: "Wow lady, you sure are hungry."

Old man: *sweatdrops, mutters* "Hungry is an understatement...."

He turns his attention back to the woman.

Old man: "I hope you don't mind, we have yet to introduce ourselves to each other."

Y/N: *mouth full* "Oh! Ma bah!"

Old man: "Don't talk with your mouth full!"

She swallows her food and clears her throat.

Y/N: "My bad, but anyways my name.....Y/N."

Old man: *hums* "I name is Shido. Pleased to meet you."

Little girl: "And I'm Hino!

Boy: *points at himself* "Mito! Short, sweet and rolls off the tongue. Ladies love me!"

Y/N: *raises eyebrow* "Do they?"

Mito: "Ugh?! No....."

Shido: "Don't mind him, his idol is a poor influence."

Y/N: "Whoever it is I for some reason feel the need to punch them in the face."

Shido: "You and me both."

After finishing dinner the kids were the first to fall asleep while Shido put them to sleep in the carriage.

Y/N: *sighs* "I'm stuffed."

Shido: "You did eat both the toad legs."

Y/N: *chuckles* "Yeah, I may have enjoyed myself a little too much."

Shido hums in agreement before looking towards the campfire as the two sat in silence.

Shido: "....."

Y/N: "......"

Shido: "You're not from this world are you."

Y/N's eyes widened in shock as she quickly looked at Shido.

Y/N: "H-How did you-"

Shido: "It isn't hard to figure out with your modern attire."

Y/N: "Still....were you also transported here?"

Shido: "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. Been living here for four decades."

Y/N: "And no one has defeated the demon king?"

Shido: "Bah! I gave up on trying to defeat him and his army ages ago, oh how naive I was during my youth of adventuring. But that doesn't stop the new generation from trying, after all I can still teach them."

Y/N: "Could you teach me?"

Shido: "But of course, I've got to have some sort of hobby. But we'll save that for another time until we return to the beginner city Axel."

Y/N: "I look forward to it!"

The old man chuckles before returning his gaze to the fire while Y/N fell to sleep in her sleeping bag Shido had lent her.

He lets out a sigh before quickly succumbing to sleep as well as the fire crackled.

The toad also falls asleep a few yards away.

They all rested peacefully as the sound of nature accompanied them.






(And scene! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one.)

(Stay tuned!)

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Words: 3765

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