Gathering Info

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Hiro (POV)
After Sinon and I had our moment, we go back inside and sit down on the couch to get ready for the second reason why we're all here. Yui pulls up a map.
Yui- I have something to show everyone. So far, when a boss monster has appeared at an event, it's always been at 9pm. (Points to a spot on the map) This is the spot where Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle fought Kaguchi the Samurai Lord the other day. (Points to another spot on the map) And this is where Mommy fought last night. In a few seconds, you'll see where the locations of the other nine bosses appeared. I'll also superimpose a flattened map of old Aincrad over it.
The result is shocking and I go stone faced as I'm locked in deep thought.
Liz- Every place a boss shows up in OS lines up with a dungeon from Old Aincrad.
Yui- The admin seem to have picked open spaces in the city with coordinates that most closely match the dungeons. With this, we can make certain predictions. For example, tonight at nine a boss will most likely show up at the Yebisu Garden Place in Shibuya.
Silica- This is great. If we know where they're going to be, we can go too.
Asuna- Won't your parents mind you're out that late?
Liz- Mine won't as long as I'm hanging with you guys. They're so weird. If this was VR, they'd pitch a fit.
Asuna- Yeah I bet.
Sinon- Well you guys have fun. I can't make it. I gotta work tonight. What about you Kirito?
Kirito- Nah I'll pass on this one tonight.
Liz- Geez, are you still not used to fighting in AR?
Kirito- Mmmm nope.
Liz- Oh well suit yourself. Hiro you're have to come tonight. We're not taking No for an answer.
Silica- Hiro?
Sinon- Hiro!
I snap out of my deep thinking to see everyone's eyes on me.
Sinon- You okay?
Hiro- Uh yeah. Just in deep thought is all. This correspondence with Old Aincrad and the spots in IRL just seem too coincidental if you ask me. Maybe it is maybe it isn't. Just got this unnerving feeling. Then again it might just be me knowing that when it comes to SAO and me, I'll probably never be truly settle down and not think something's up.
Kirito- No I get it. It's totally valid. I get that too. You're good man. Hey question, has anyone seen Klein?
I instantly shut up and stare straight forward.
Sinon- No. Bet he's grinding in Ordinal Scale. Probably grinding for points or something.
Asuna- Y'know I say him last night right before the battle started. But I don't think he ever actually joined it. They were waiting on one of their guys to show.
Kirito- Oh yeah?
Sinon- What sucks about AR battles is that you actually have to go to that place to participate.
Yui- Speaking of going places, we need to go over the time of when we're meeting up to go see the meteor shower.
Kirito- Uh shsssh
Liz- Okay weird. How about we hammer out tonight's plan.
I zone them out and eventually log off.
Hiryuu (POV)
Immediately after logging off, I get up to go upstairs to update Indigo of what info I've gathered but I get a call from Kazuto.
Kazuto- Hey Hiryuu, got a second?
Hiryuu- Yeah what's up?
Kazuto- I didn't want to say it in front of the others but I'm glad you brought up your suspicion about the map and how it coincides with Old Aincrad.
Hiryuu- Yeah I just found really odd and just too coincidental. I think I'll look more into it to see if I find anything.
Kazuto- Me too. I'll forward over a image of the map to you. Also, I'll see if I can mind anything more about the ghost girl we saw at the park.
Hiryuu- Oh yeah. Alright bet. I'll get on that too. Guess I see you later bud.
Kazuto- Alright. See ya later.
I hang up and rush upstairs to find AJ and Indigo at the super computer.

Indigo- Sup Hiryuu
Hiryuu - Aye wasssup.
AJ- How'd it go?
Hiryuu- Things went better than I expected. My friends welcomed me back after I got a well deserved tongue lashing. And then I got even more tongue lashing from Sinon before we made up and made out.
Indigo- Nicccceeee.
AJ- Well at least it's a good ending.
Hiryuu- Yeah. Also, I got something important to show y'all.
Indigo- What is it?
I connect my phone to the super computer and pull up the map on the big monitor.
Indigo- Well well well. What do we have here.
AJ- This is almost too perfect with the way these locations are Old Aincrad line up.
Hiryuu- I think it's done on purpose. Whoever is behind this entire thing knows what they're doing. You think Eiji?
Indigo- Maybe. He is suspect number one after all. He put Klein in the hospital along with one of his boys. If only we knew what is overall plan was. Nevertheless, this helps. Also, we got more info on that ghost girl you told us about before you went in the virtual world.
AJ- According to reports of other players, they've seen a ghost. Not in Yuyogi Park where you and Kazuto saw were, but in other places. They're description of the ghost is that of a young girl with silver hair, red eyes, and is in a white hoodie. Ring any bells?
Hiryuu- Well alright. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder.
AJ- I'll do some more digging.
Hiryuu- Okie dokie. How goes things with the multiverse?
Indigo- Progress is slow but I haven't seen any activity regarding Sora or Draven. The others are slowly but surely reaching their points in time where we can go and recruit them without disrupting their storylines. We'll get to them eventually. That's a promise I intend to keep. In other news, got in contact with @RiShin8 and he's down to aid our cause.
Hiryuu- The more allies the better. Look forward to meeting the guy.
Eiji (POV)
I'm with Yuna at a hot spring lounge. I'm currently in my journal and I cross off Klein's name.
Yuna- We sure had a big crowd last night.
Eiji- Yeah I guess we did. The next one will be even bigger.
Yuna- Yeah? Huh?
She walks over to take a peek at my journal.
Eiji- Don't tell me you're interested in this.
Yuna- So many words. Looks boring.
Eiji- No, it's like a journal of my memories.
Yuna- Hmm. Oh look at that. "Once I draw my second sword, the battle is over for you" said by the Black Swordsman. He sounds totally cool! And what about this one. " I am the Samurai Speed Demon. Once my speed activated, there's nothing left for me to say except, Checkmate bitch." It's said by The Samurai of SAO. Oh my god! He sounds super awesome! I think I may have met him! That was him! Soo coool!
Eiji *mind*- So cool you say. Yeah sure. More like a ruthless monster. Your days are numbered Hiro. You're prime target number one and I'll take out every one you love and care about one by one till it's just you. Then and only then will you be able to finally die.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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