Hiro Vs Zekken

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Hiro (POV)
Calixta and I arrive on floor 24 and see a bunch of players already heading towards the island.
Hiro- Oh crap. I better hurry over there.
Calixta- Okay but fair warning, be careful. Zekken is like really strong. Just saying.
Hiro- Right. Don't worry, I'll be alright:
We head over to the island where all our friends are.
Hiro- Hey guys.
Everyone- Hey Hiro.
Kirito- What are you doing here bro?
Calixta- Hiro here is gonna fight Zekken.
Girls- Wait really?!
Kirito- I'm actually not surprised. It was bound to happen. No way can Hiro pass you a challenge like this one. Asuna just got done with her duel so Zekken is open.
Hiro- Okay so where is this Zekken?
Kirito- Right over there.
He points to in front of the tree and there stands what I think is Zekken.

I look at her then Kirito, then Calixta, then her, and then back to Kirito.
Kirito- Yep. Zekken is a girl.
Hiro- Kirito you ass. Did you hold back because Zekken is a girl?
Kirito- What no! I swear! She's really that strong! I went all out I promise!
Hiro- Uh huh. I don't believe you but whatever.
Zekken- So Uh, is there anybody else out there who want to take me on today?
Hiro- Yo! (Steps forward) I think I'll have a crack at it.
The crowd instantly recognizes me and a slight murmur of my nicknames can be heard.
She stares me down and a slight blush comes across her cheeks.
Zekken- Uh h-hey. What's up? D-Did you want to fight next?
Hiro- Yeah why not? I've heard many cool things about you and I just wanted to see how measured up to you. I mean you did best the black swordsman Kirito after all. That's no small feat. Now, when I heard that and heard about your skill level, I knew I just had to cross swords with you.
Zekken- Awesome. Stand back a bit and we'll begin okay?
Hiro- Yeah, sure thing.
I do as she says.
Hiro- So how are we doing this? Anything goes?
Zekken- Uh yeah. (Blushes) That's if you want it that way. I'm only gonna use my sword though.
Hiro- Fine by me.
I open my menu and spawn in Loyalty in my right hand and Red Death on my back.
Zekken- Oh wait a second. Did you want to fight on the ground or in the air?
Hiro- Let's do good old fashioned ground dueling.
Zekken- Alrighty. Jumping is allowed but no using your wings.
She sends me a duel invite under the name of Yukki.
Hiro- Yukki huh? That's actually a cool name. I accept Yukki.
The timer starts and we both draw our swords.
When the timer hits zero, I make the first move by quickly dashing to her. I move fast to the point where she can barely see me. Our swords collide in a clash and it drives her back. We trade sword strikes until I knock away one of her strikes and I spin inward into a stabbing motion.
Hiro *mind*- I got her.
She then blocks my stab motion from out of nowhere and drives me back with a flurry of slashes. I backflip away from her to create some distance and access the situation. Both are health bars are just about equal. The crowd claps in appreciation of the highly intense matchup. I give Yukki a smile and a nod.
Hiro- Alright so I see it wasn't a lie that you were strong. That being said, I just have one question for ya.
Yukki- Y-Yes?
Hiro- Are you fast enough? Enhanced Speed.
Within a second I'm in front of her in mid vertical swing. It connects cleanly and she goes flying into the tree behind her.
Yukki- Oh wow! You're super strong and fast! This is fun!
Hiro- Yeah. Let's continue.
We bolt for each other and are sword clashing in less than a second.

One of her slices glides along the flat of my blade and almost takes a my head off as I had ducked last second.

Right after the duck. I counter with a kick to her shin followed by a backflip kick to her chin. The kicks takes her off her feet leaving her open,
Hiro- Supernatural Speed Type 1: Quantum Break!

She recovered but it was too late as she blocked half of them but left her all but done for.
Hiro- Supernatural Speed Type 2: Godspeed!
In less than a millisecond I'm already putting Loyalty in its sheathe.
Indigo: he did this but it is just too fast the human eye can see.

Hiro- 3....2.....1 and Checkmate.
Yukki Drops to her knees and hands af her HP dips to yellow.
Hiro- Don't bet against the speed demon samurai. I win.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace

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