Master Plan

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We were still sitting against the wall with Sinon cuddled up into my arms.
Sinon- Do you think you'll ever get over Sachi or the others that you've killed?
Hiro- Probably not. But here's the thing, I'm never going to forget what I've done and I guess that's how it should be. I should never forget what I did or what it's like to take a life from another. The sooner I can accept that and the sooner I can take out Death Gun, the sooner I can close the book on this years long journey and move on with my life. Maybe then I'll find the closure I so desperately need.
Sinon- Well I'm here in anyway that I can. I hated seeing you so petrified. The way your face looked is probably gonna be burned into my mind for a long time.
Hiro- Sorry about that. Death Gun just stirred up some dark memories that I struggled to repress.
Sinon- Death Gun Huh? It's hard to believe that underneath all of that is a real life person who just wants to kill.
Hiro- Mhmm. I don't remember his handle from back in SAO which I regret now. It would've helped now because we would've found out his real name and address in the real world. That's the reason why Kirito and I logged into GGO.
Sinon- Oh, well maybe his reason for logging into GGO is because he likes to PK. Maybe he misses the rush of killing from SAO. You think?
Hiro- Hmmmmm. There has to be more to it than that. The players he killed were strong and he didn't in front of a crowd. He always kills whenever he gots the biggest crowd. And the thing with the cross gesture, he does that to freak people out. He wants us to believe that he has the power to kill people from inside the game but it's nothing more than a show. Think about it. It's not because of Brain damage that's killing people. The authorities said those players that died was due to heart failure.
Sinon- Heart failure? Oh my god.
Hiro- I actually have no idea how he killed them but shooting a gun in game and killing the player irl is just ridiculous. There's no way in hell that's possible. (Thinks for a minute) Holy shit!
Sinon- Wait what?!
Hiro- I just thought of something. Don't you find it odd that he used the handgun for you and not me? He could've bodied me with it so why switch?
Sinon- That is a good question.
Hiro- It might be that he couldn't shoot me with it. Guns, invisibility cloak, cross gesture. It makes sense. You can't kill players irl from in here. It takes planing, preparation, and teamwork.
Sinon- Okay now you've lost me.
Hiro- The only way to make it look like you killed from in here is that you set up for the homicide in the real world first.
Sinon- How in the world would he be able to do that? I mean, he would have to get a player's real world information to pull it off but all that stuff is secure though.
Hiro-........Nah. If someone is smart enough, they can get access that information easily.
Sinon- But how?
Hiro- The terminals at the governors office. You'd have to plug in all of your irl information to compete. It's too much of an open space. There's zero privacy.
Sinon- There's no way. You mean to tell me he peeked over their  shoulder while they entered their info? That can't be it because you'd notice someone lurking right next to you.
Hiro- Maybe a scope or some binoculars.
Sinon- That's breaking etiquette. He'd get his ass kicked out the game for that.
Hiro- Well other than the invisibility cloak, I'm all out of ideas.
Sinon- He'd be right there and you wouldn't even know it. But still, he can't do anything in the real world when he's logged in here. He's unconscious there.
Hiro- But Like I said before, teamwork. There maybe more than one Death Gun. Look at it this way. One of them plays as the avatar while the other while other goes to the victim's house and takes them out as soon as the avatar fires the gun.
Sinon- (gasps) O-Ok but let's say they found out your address. What about the other people living there? And they'd need a key.
Hiro- All of his targets lived alone and their apartments were old. The e-locks on there door were first gen so they aren't the best of security systems. On the plus side, they victims were full diving into GGO at the time of their deaths. They were unconscious and susceptible to any attack. They couldn't hear shit so the killer could take his or her sweet ass time.
Sinon- But then, you said the cause of death was heart failure right? So how'd they stop someone's heart in a way that the cops or anybody else couldn't figure out?
Hiro- I don't know. Maybe some type of drug? That's a way I guess.
Sinon- Then someone should've found some evidence on it. A mark or something.
Hiro- The corpse was never discovered until after awhile so they had plenty of time to decompose and rot. A super hardcore gamer can go days without eating or getting any sleep. I doubt anyone would think it's weird if someone died of a heart attack after something like that.
Sinon- (cuddles closer out of fear) They're insane right?! I mean, why else would anyone do this?!
Hiro- Perhaps. Deep down I think they've always been red players. I mean I see myself as a samurai.
Sinon- Ok I kinda see your point. There are times I think I'm a real sniper and not a gamer. Do you think the person who's doing the killing a red player too?
Hiro- No doubt about it. They were probably in laughing coffin as well. I'm still having trouble on how they get their coordination to be on point. Perhaps the cross gesture is some type of signal. (Gasps) Hey babe, do you live alone?
Sinon- (blushes) U-Uh Yeah. Sorry I'm just didn't expect for you to call me something like that so soon. What's with the serious look?
Hiro- Is your door locked?
Sinon- Yeah. I'm pretty sure I locked it. It's a first gen but I also have a chain.....oh fuck. I forgot chain my door tonight.
Hiro- Oh shit. Ok listen to me and listen good. Do you like me?
Sinon- Y-Yeah I really do.
Hiro- Do you trust me?
Sinon- Yes I do.
Hiro- Ok, I'm gonna need to you to keep as calm as possible to what I'm about to tell you.
Sinon- Hiro you're scaring me. What is it?
Hiro- Death Gun was chasing us, he was shooting at you with his pistol. They have they're next victim all ready.
Sinon- Ok......
Hiro- I don't want to think this because I just found happiness for the first time in s very long while but right now in the real world, Death Gun's partner in crime is in your apartment right now and he's watching the livestream waiting for when you finally get hit by that gun. It's just a hunch but it's a very sick sense that I'm getting. (Sinon's eyes widens) You're the next victim.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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