Sick Bastard

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Hiro (POV$
Hiro- Alright. We made it......what now?
Kirito tries to pry this gate open but to no avail.
Kirito- Hey Yui.
Yui- Yes daddy? (Touches the gate) Daddy, something strange is going on. This door isn't marked by a quest flag. It's locked by the system administrator.
Kirito- What's that supposed to mean?
Yui- Restricted access. This door was never supposed to opened by a player.
Hiro- Say what now?! That's completely bullshit!
Guardians start to spawn again.
Hiro- Um guys, we might be fucked.
Kirito-.......No wait. That's it. (Pulls out card) Yui use this. See if this will work.
Yui places her hand on the card and it glows then stops after a second.
Yui- I'm transferring the code.
She places her hands on the door and it begins to open.
Yui- Daddy we're gonna Teleport. Grab my hand and grab uncle's hand.
He does as she says then there's a bright flash of white. After a couple seconds it goes away.
Yui- Daddy, Uncle.
It was Yui and she was regular size again.
Hiro- Where are we Yui?
Yui- I don't know. There's no mapping data available.
Kirito- Do you know where Asuna is?
Yui- Yes. She's close. Very close in fact. This way!
She takes off running down the corridor and we follow her. A couple broken barriers later, we made it outside and we're in the world tree.
Hiro- There's no floating city up here. The grand quest was a lie.
I look around and spot the birdcage higher up top.
Hiro- There she is! C'mon kirito! Let's get your woman back!
We reached the cage around sunset in game. We saw Asuna at a table.

Yui- Mommy!
Asuna lifts her head and stares at us in shock. Tears well up in her eyes and they fall down her face. Yui breaks the door down.
Yui- Mommy!
Asuna- Yui!
Yui runs to Asuna and Asuna pulls Yui into a hug. Kirito and I walk in.
Hiro- Its been awhile Asuna. Your amazon package has arrived.
Indigo: Damn it Hiro!! Just why?!
Hiro- I'm not sorry!!
Asuna- Kirito. Hiro.
Hiro- Well kirito, go get her. She's here and you've complained long enough.
Kirito goes up to Asuna and all three of them embrace.
Hiro *mind*- What a pretty sight. Love will make you do crazy things. Damn man. I wish I had that right now.
Suddenly there was a strange sound and all of us start to be pulled to the ground.
Hiro- this...shit?!
The cage and everything else fades away and just leaves us in a dark black realm.
Yui- Mommy,Daddy, Uncle. Be careful. Something bad is coming!
She fades away.
The pull gets stronger and it brings me to my hands and knees.
???- Well well well. What a surprise. The last thing I thought I'd find is two little cockroaches in my little birdcage.
I struggle to look and I see someone.

Kirito- It's Sugou!
Sugou- Nope. I prefer you don't call me that in this world. Here you shall address me as his highness Oberon!
He kicks kirito back down to the ground.
Sugou- And who are you?
Hiro- I'm Hiro and I know all about you. Kirito's told me about what you're trying to do. You're fucked up you know that?
He kicks me back down to the ground as well.
Sugou- I've heard of you. You beat SAO. Well you're nothing now. You wanna know why you can't get up? It's a little thing called gravity magic. It comes out in the next update. Think people will go for it?
He stomps on my head.
Asuna- You leave him alone.
He stops and goes over to kirito.
Sugou- Tell me Kirigaya or should I call you Kirito instead? How did you manage to get up here? I saw a strange program running earlier. Is that how?
Kirito doesn't answer and Sugou spills his entire plan about controlling minds and his little fetish about becoming a god.
Sugou- Before I play with your souls, let's have a little fun!!
Chains come down and he he chains Asuna's hands. The chains lift up and she's left hanging by her hands.
Sugou- Yes! You can't get npc girls to make that face. (Smells her hair) You smell lovely. It took me ages to replicate the way you smell in real life in here. And don't even get me started on how hard it was to get an analyzer into your hospital room undetected.
KH- Stay away from her.
Sugou- Oh come on.
He stabs us and pins us with our own swords. He then set the pain indicator to eight. He then goes over to Asuna and rips the clothing that covered up her naked breasts. He then goes to town by licking her face and licking all up and down her boobs and stomach.
Hiro- You fucking sick bastard!! She's seventeen you douchebag!! This is child molestation!!! I'll have you put behind bars I swear!!! Asuna!!!!
Indigo: That's The end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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