The Reaper

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Floor 75
Hiro (POV)
So I was told a while back from kirito that Yui was actually apart of the cardinal system and that she wasn't supposed to here. Her program ended up getting wiped but kirito was able to save her by putting her heart into an object; a necklace that Asuna now wears. Anyway, yesterday, I received a message from Heathcliff requesting all the strongest players to meet up on floor 75 to beat it's boss. So that's where I'm here today. I'm walking through others in the gathering plaza just trying to find a good spot.
Calixta- Hey Hiro! Over here!
I spot Calixta over to my right and I walk up to her.
Hiro- Yo. I knew they'd bring you here.
Calixta- Pssh yeah. I mean, who wouldn't need me?
Hiro- Fair point. So you ready for this thing?
Calixta- I'm always ready for a fight. This boss whatever it is, or the vanishing door doesn't scare me.
Hiro- Did you see any other of our friends here?
Calixta- I saw kirito, Asuna, Agil and Klein.
We hear the sound of teleportation and low and behold, Heathcliff and his little squad of his knights arrive. He raises a crystal in the air.
Heathcliff- Corridor open.
The crystal breaks and the portal opens.
Heathcliff- Well everyone, here we go.
We all walk through the portal and get immediately transported to in front of the boss room. Once we all get situated and get into parties, Heathcliff goes over the battle strategy and we enter the boss room and the door shuts behind us and disappears.
Hiro- I don't like this. Not one bit.
Calixta- Where the hell is this boss?
Asuna-.....Above us!
We look up and see it.
Klein- It's the skulls....
Kirito- Reaper.
It makes it's way down and immediately kills two people in one hit and lets out a mighty screech.

It goes for another person and I Activate my Enhanced Speed and block the strike with my swords and it brings down to my knees as we sword lock
Hiro- Damn. It's too strong.
Asuna and Calixta come out of nowhere and hey the creature in the face.
Asuna- We can defeat it if we block together.
Calixta- I've got your back Hiro. I'm not gonna let you die.
Kirito- Asuna and I will counter it's attacks. You two go with the others and flank it then attack.
Hiro- You got it.
Calixta and I go right. The creature used its peripheral vision to see us and it killed two people in front of us.
Calixta- Crap.
Everyone starts attacking from all angles and directions. I manage to get in close.
Hiro- Fuck this thing.
I slice the underpart of the creature leaving blue flame streaks as I do. He notices and one of it's limbs comes in for the hit. Calixta uses her giant sword to slice it away and we fall back.
Calixta- That thing has barely dropped in health. This is gonna take forever.
Hiro- Well, it's something we just gotta do to live. You ready to keep going?
Calixta- Yeah. Let's go!!
We run in to engage the skull reaper.
A whole bunch of attacks and enhanced speeds and deaths later...
Hiro- Alright. We finally almost killed.
Calixta- Finally it's almost over.
Heathcliff- Everybody charge!!
Hiro- Enhanced Speed.
I'm immediately in front of the creature within a second. It sees me and tries to hit me but I'm already on its head stabbing my swords into it's head before he realized it.
Hiro- You (stab) ain't (stab) shit (stab) you (stab) little (stab) bitch (stab).
I jump off his head and do that spinning slices all the way down his back.

Everyone strikes and slashes the creature and it finally starts to stop.
Hiro- Supernatural Speed Type 1: Quantum Break!!

The attack hits him and it let's out a death screech and it explodes into dust and dies.
With that, we all collapse on the floor and rest.
Author: Well that was bit more something. Sorry for the short chapter. Started working finally so I have less time to update new chapters for all my books. Hopefully y'all still enjoyed it though. Peace.

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