Two Of A Kind

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Hiro (POV)
Hiro- Sachi.....How are you here?
Sachi- How I got here matters not. Why I'm here should be your concern Hiro or should I say Hiryuu.
Hiro- Why won't you leave me be? Haven't I already paid for my sins already? I beat SAO like you wanted. I helped Kirito save Asuna. What more do you want me to do god damn it!
Sachi- Although those are some mighty deeds, to me you will always be a liar you got me killed  and the rest of the Moonlit Black Cats killed. Did you honestly think that doing some good was gonna negate what you did to me? I'll make you suffer for all of eternity! You'll never escape me! Never!!!
With that, she fades away and I'm left shaking even more and I'm starting to hyperventilate. I feel someone touch my shoulder and out of instinct and fear, I draw my lightsaber and point at the person's throat. Thankfully it was only Sinon.
Sinon (POV)
Sinon- Whoa Whoa Whoa. Put the sword down. It's only me.
He complies.
Sinon- Hey, you're shaking and you look really pale. Was your first match really that scary?
He doesn't answer. Instead, he grabs my hands for dear life. The look on his face is one of petrifaction. Reminds me of me on that day and every time I see a gun IRL.
Indigo: He's putting on a face like this.

Sinon- Hey Hey, calm down. Just breathe. You're fine.
He starts doing what I say and I squat down to his level.
Sinon- Now tell me what's wrong.
Before he could answer, he gets teleported to his next match. His match appears up on the big screen. He gets teleported to one of the more industrial maps. He just stands there motionless. His opponents fires his shots at him and they all miss. Hiro then gets look on his face that I've never seen before.
Indigo: Like this.

He draw his lightsaber instantly disappears. The camera pans around until it gets to his opponent but by then, he was already defeated and Hiro was the victor. All with that same look on his face.
Sinon *mind*- Hiro.......Just who are you?
I easily blaze through my semifinal match and up against Hiro next. I spawn into the map and it's one big highway. I go inside an abandoned bus and set up my sniper position.
Sinon *mind*- My best guess is that he's gonna get as close to me as possible using the shadows then use his speed to get me. The only shot I have is killing him with my first shot before he finds my location. He won't even know what happened until it's too late.
I think back on our time together all the up till now.
Sinon *mind*- Why am I obsessed with him? Is it because he reminds me of myself? I have to get him and his stupid.....sweet smile....out of my head.
I see him coming up and I aim down my sights.  He's not even sticking to the shadows. He's walking right in the open.
Sinon *mind*- The Hell is he thinking? Does he think he can dodge my bullet at this close of range. He must be out of his damn mind. Does he even know want to dodge it? I feel my heartbeat going up and it's making my shot go all off.
Sinon- Don't.....Don't........Don't screw with me!!
I pull the trigger and the bullet blasts through the glass of the bus towards Hiro. It goes right by his head and hits a truck behind him and makes it explode. He just looks at me with an emotionless face.
I let more bullets fly and they hit nothing but the ground as he just stands there. I get up and run out of the bus and up to him.
Sinon- Fight me. C'mon fight me like you mean it. Or maybe I'm not worth the effort.
Hiro-.....That's far from the truth. All I want right now is to compete in the finals. I've achieved that so what's the point to fight anymore.
Sinon- Then go on and stab or shoot yourself and get it over with! Or maybe you want me to shoot you because you thought it would please me or something! To you it's just a game, just one stupid pointless match. That's all it is to you is that it?! A game?! (Tears up) Well just because you feel that way doesn't mean I do!
Hiro- ........(Sigh).....Sure it's a game. It's only a match, which why we gotta make the most of it. It's how we live. How we keep surviving. If anyone should've known that, it should've been me. You want this fight so bad, then you've got yourself one.
He dislodges a bullet from his gun and holds it on his hand for me to see.
Hiro- We're gonna have ourselves a little duel. We stand ten meters away from each other. You have your sniper. I'll have my lightsaber. I'll toss the bullet up and when it hits the ground, we begin. Sounds good to you?
Sinon- If we're ten meters away, you won't see the bullet line in time. My Hecate will definitely hit you. At that range, I can't miss.
Hiro- I'll take my chances.
Sinon- Fine then. If that's how you want to play this, then let's go.
He turns around and walks a few paces back then turns back to face me. I dislodge my last bullet and ready my next one. I aim and target his left thigh. He tosses the bullet up and activates his lightsaber and gets into his fighting stance. The bullet hits the ground and I fire. He cuts my bullet in half is instantly in front of me. I trip back and grab for my secondary pistol but he grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him while having is sword pointed at my throat. Normally I would slap anyone who grabs me by the waist like he is but for some reason, I'm fine with the way he's grabbing me and holding me close.
Sinon- You knew where I was aiming. But how?
Hiro- I saw your eye in the lens.
Sinon- If you're so strong that you could do that, why'd you look so terrified back then?
Hiro- I'm not strong. It's a skill I've developed over time.
Sinon- No it's not. Technique isn't enough to cut a bullet from my Hecate. You and I both on that. It takes strength and all I want to know is how to get it. It's what I (tears up) It's what I'm here to figure out.
Hiro- Listen, I've gone through some very bad shit in my life. Let me ask you this. Could you shoot a person in here knowing that the player you Shot would die IRL? And answer me this. What if you had to kill that player cause you didn't, you or someone else you love would die instead? If you had that kind of power would you still pull the trigger?
I just stare at him teary eyed and mouth slightly parted.
Sinon *mind*- Does he know? About what happened to me that day? About how I shot and killed that man? Or maybe something like that happened to him too.
He pulls me closer and deactivates his lightsaber.
Hiro- I can't go through that again. Despite what you see on the outside, I'm terrified. I have to many bad things happen in that place. So before you label me as strong, I'm not. I honestly don't half the names of those nine people I've killed intentionally or unintentionally in that other god forsaken death game. I live with it everyday and one particular person won't let me rest with the sins I've committed. Everyday I keep hoping I forget but she keeps haunting me. Never letting me forget what I did to her. Why she died because of me.
I let my gun slip out of my hand and I place it on the side of his face. He holsters his lightsaber and puts his hand on top of mine. We stay like that for sometime just staring into each other's eyes. I felt like an eternity but in a good way. I was a little disappointed when he started letting me go.
Hiro- I'm fine now. Looks like I won the duel but I'll let you have this one. I'll face off with you for real in the battle royale ok.
Sinon- Uh.....Yeah......
He gives me a gentle smile and he forfeits and gets transported out.
Sinon *mind*- Hiro......I think I'm falling for this guy and I like it.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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