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Hiro (POV)
Klein- Like the 300? But didn't they all die in the end?
Hiro- Yes, yes they did.
Klein- So basically you're saying, we're gonna die?
Hiro- No! Just....nevermind. Just hold this door. They're regrouping as well speak and more of em have come. The mages are still a factor, they got the heavies up front with the spearmen right behind them.
Simon- It's like they're treating us like an actual floor boss.
Kirito- It would make sense seeing has how we've held them back for as long as we have. They've taken losses and it looks like they're tired of it. They want to get rid us and get in that door.
Hiro- Well if they're doing this strategy, we need to come up with our own. We can't just rush in all willy nilly anymore. It'll only get us killed and they'll be able to breach the door and ruin the Sleeping Knights's plan.
Sinon- So what do you have in mind?
Hiro- Well Kirito and I have Kinda seen this formation before just not on this big a scale. It was a few years back when Asuna was trapped in ALO. We went up against a group of Salamanders on our way to the World Tree. We ended up beating them by turning into giant monsters.
Klein- That's insane. You're talking nonsense.
Kirito- He's telling the truth. It could work again.
Hiro- Look, we're out of health potions and our health bars are midway in the yellow. I know this is a bit of a Hail Mary but it's the best we got. So here's out it's going to go down. Sinon, you're on cover fire duty. Kirito and Klein, I need you to buy me ten to fifteen seconds. Keep them off of me and when I turn get out of way or you will be caught in the carnage.
KK- Right!
Hiro- Okay, here we go. It's all or nothing! Let's do this shit!
Kirito and Klein take off and Sinon begins her cover fire.
Hiro- Ok here goes. Nevae Faer, ausa bren ik sal turn thy Talas aulor AI raee Ath mass orar!!!!!
I saw the last part right as the mages launch a volley of their magic. In a plume of smoke in brimstone, I re-emerge as a dragon.

Hiro: That's what she said.
Indigo: I saw that coming and yet I still can't believe you've done this.

Hiro: That's 4 for me.
Hiro (dragon)- You are all now officially fodder.
I release a searing hot fire blast from my mouth and take out a chunk of the group. Immediately people begin to run out of here yet there are those who foolishly stay behind to fight. They slice at my feet which have no effect whatsoever. I squish one beneath I front right leg and chomp down on another. Klein and Kirito cut down and with that we successfully held off an entire big ass guild. I revert to my normal self and high five my friends.
Klein- We actually did it.
Sinon- I'm just as surprised. I not think we were gonna hold out.
Hiro- Alas, my job isn't done yet.
Kirito- What do you mean by that?
I step away from them and turn my attention to the boss room door. I take out one of my swords and ready myself.
Hiro *mind*- I see through different eyes. I see a bigger picture than those who see grey skies. Though many can't conceive it, I stand facing the wind. My bravery not from fighting but from my strength within me. I am a warrior. I'll walk the extra mile. Not because I have to, but because it's worth my while. I know I am different when I stand on a crowded street. I know the fullness of winning; I've tasted the cup of defeat. I AM A WARRIOR. They say I walk with ease. Though built and trained for bodily harm, my attentions are for the good of people. The world comes and go. But a different path I choose. A path I will never stray from no matter what!
A great energy mass surrounds my being.

Hiro- Supernatural Speed Type 3: Heavenly Dragon Flash Impact!!!!
A spectral dragon head takes shape around me and I take off.

One moment I'm outside the the door, the next nanosecond, the boos doors are wide and I have plunged my sword deep into the heart of the boss.

The boss's HP dips to barely anything left.
Hiro- Yukki now!!!!!!
Yukki springboards off of Techi and delivers the final blow which rips the boss in half and explodes into dust.
Hiro *mind*- Epic victory.

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