Who do you take me for?

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Hiro (POV)
Kirito and I change back and approach the novice.
Kirito- Oh man. Now that was cool. That was an awesome fight.
Hiro- Agreed.
Novice- Huh?
Hiro- Your plan wasn't half bad as well. Had I probably been alone, you would've won.
Leafa- What're telling him that for?
Hiro- We got this Leafa.
Kirito- Let's make a deal pal. (Opens menu) Check this out. This is all the items and Yld I collected after we beat y'all's asses.
Hiro- Just answer all of our questions and it's all yours.
Novice- Seriously?
Hiro- Yeah man. We ain't bullshitin.
We give him a smile and I guess we became pals.
Leafa- Ugh men.
Yui- It's like they totally forgot that we're even here.
So the novice told us that the leader of the mage squad texted him to log on. When he did, the order was for him and eleven others to hunt us down because we took out the leader of the lancer squad yesterday. Apparently, the order came from the top of the salamanders and when he logged on, a big group of them were headed north. After that, he got his reward and left. With that we started to head inside the town.
Leafa- Hey, that big ugly monster and that scary looking dragon, was that you guys or an illusion?
Kirito- Yeah, I don't remember.
Hiro- Me neither.
Leafa- What do you mean you don't remember?
Hiro- It happens. Sometimes in the heat of battle, I snap and can't remember a thing afterwards. Apparently Kirito is the same.
However, I do remember most of what happened this time. We used the spell Yui suggested earlier. I remember getting really tall and losing my sword. I took flight and started shooting fire. I remember Kirito got big too and started grabbing people.
Yui- And you guys were chomping down on them. Remember that?
Kirito- Oh yeah. We were totally monsters. All eating people and everything.
Leafa- So Uh, What did they taste like?
Hiro- Like fried chicken. So delicious.
Leafa- Ok I'm good. Sorry I asked.
Hiro- Hey kirito, you know what I'm thinking
I move my eyes quickly to Leafa and then back to him.
Kirito- Oh yeah.
He grabs Leafa's hand while I quickly go behind her and wrap my hands around her waist. Kirito bites her hand while I nimble her neck.
Leafa- Ahhhhhh!!!!
She slaps Kirito hard in the face with her free hand then elbows me in the nose to get me off.
Hiro- (holds nose) Oh god damn it! Shit!
We make inside the town and look around the the market.
Hiro- Ow my fucking face still hurts.
Kirito- Mine too.
Yui- Well you shouldn't be going around biting and nibbling people.
Hiro- I'll say.
Kirito- Why is everybody ganging up on us Hiro?
Hiro- Right? I mean it was a fucking joke. We were trying to break the tension. Learn to take a joke. Damn.
Leafa- Bite me or nibble me again and cut you both in half.
Hiro- I'd like to see you try.
Kirito- Shut up dude. You don't wanna make her even more pissed off.
Leafa- Hmph.
Hiro- Women, I swear to god. Anyway, what was up with that message from your friend?
Leafa- Oh I totally forgot. (Opens menu) Recon isn't online.
Kirito- Why don't you log out and give him a call.
Leafa- Alright. I'll only be gone a sec. Wait for me here ok. Yui would you please keep an eye on my avatar? I need you to make sure your dad or uncle doesn't do anything weird to it while I'm gone.
Yui- Yes ma'am!
Hiro- (throws arms in the air) You gotta be kidding me!! We're still on that?!!
Kirito- Seriously?
She finds a bench, sits in it and logs out.
Hiro- I'm gonna get some food.
Kirito- Alright. Later.
Timeskip a couple minutes
I got my food and just when I was about to eat it, Leafa comes back and stands up. She startles me and I drop my food.
Leafa- We have to hurry.
Hiro- My food.
Leafa- Hiro, Kirito. I have to leave.
Hiro- Why?
Leafa- Sorry but there's something I have to take care of right away. If I had time to explain, believe me I would. But I can't and I don't think I'll be coming back here either.
Hiro- Well I guess you're just gonna have to explain it to us on the way.
Leafa- Huh?
Kirito- It'll take us awhile to get outta here because we can't fly. That's enough time right?
We get up and start heading out.
Leafa- Yeah....Right.
We run out of town and head north.
Leafa- Forty minutes from now in the valley of the butterflies, the leaders of the sylphs and the Cait Sith are gonna have a meeting.
Hiro- Question, if the salamanders attack them, what do they get out of it?
Leafa- For one, they'd stop the alliance from happening, and if the Cait Sith find out that they're leader died because of a sylph turned traitor, they'd be pretty pissed.
Kirito- Super pissed.
Leafa- It's a good way to start a war between the sylphs and The Cait Sith that's for sure. It's also a good way to get rich. If you take out the leader of a territory, you get thirty percent of it's money. You can invade it's hometown for ten days and you can charge whatever tax you want. This isn't your problem guys. It's mine. You don't have any reason to get involved and risk your life over it. If we go to the meeting, chances are we're not gonna make out alive and we'll probably have to start over from the beginning again. (Stops running) This could work for you two though. You wanna get to the top of the world tree so....you might be better of working with the salamanders. If they pull this off, they'll have enough power and resources to make an attempt at the world tree. They might've hire you two as mercenaries. So if you wanted to kill me you could. I wouldn't hold it against you (Looks down in sadness)
I go to her, grab her hand and tilt her chin up so that she looks me in the face with my other hand.
Hiro- Who do you take me for? It's just a game. If you wanted to kill, you kill. Wanna steal, you steal. I know and knew a lot of people who had that thought process. I get it because I thought like that at some point. But it's not true. Even though this is a virtual world, there are things you have to protect. If you give in to your impulses in here, it's gonna change who you are irl. I know all too well. I've lost so many people because I gave into my impulses so I tried to be better and I live to to be better ever since that day. I promised that I would never let my friends get hurt because of me. Leafa, you're a really good person and I consider you my friend. So there's no way in hell that I'd hurt a friend to help my own personal gain. I'd rather kill myself than do that.
Leafa- Hiro I............Thank you.
I realize what situation this looks like so I let go and blush a little.
Hiro- Crap. That was awkward wasn't it?
Leafa- No. That was pretty cool.
Kirito- Guys, we're wasting time. We gotta go. Yui lead the way.
I grab her Leafa's hand again.
Hiro- Better hold on tight.
Leafa- Ok but...
I take off really fast just like I used too With Enhanced Speed. Kirito keeps up a little behind me as we make our way out of the caves.
Author: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Peace.

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