You Owe Me.

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Hiro (POV)
Hiro- Well what do you know Klein. You finally got a legendary weapon. Good job.
Klein- Yeah I know's a hammer. I don't know any hammer skills.
Suddenly the room begins shake and fall apart some.
Sinon- The room is shaking! Wait, is it floating?!
Leafa- Hey Hiro, I don't think this quest is over yet. Just look at the medallion. It's all black except for that one clear spot in the center.
Yui- Daddy! A secret stairway has just appeared behind the throne.
Kirito- Seriously?!
We all run to this stairway and it leads down further into the dungeon.
Kirito- Let's go.
All- Right.
We make our way down the stairs and it ends at the place where Excalibur is being held.

Hiro- Doesn't this bring back memories eh Kirito.
Kirito- Yeah. Long time no see Excalibur.
Hiro- Welp, she's all yours. Go ahead and give it a nice yank.
Indigo: Pause.
Kirito goes up the the sword and gives a tug but it doesn't budge in the slightest. He tries both hands and continues to struggle.
Hiro- Let me help you out there bud.
Kirito pulls on the handle while I try to lift it by the blade.
Asuna- You got this guys!
Liz- Pull harder!
Sinon- Put your back into it!
Calixta- Don't give up! You're almost there!
Silica- You can do it! I know you guys can do it!
Klein- Go! Keep pulling!
With a little more tugging and pulling, the ice that the sword is trapped in begins to crack and golden light begins to escape.
Hiro- Almost there!
With one more final pull, we manage to get the sword out and immediately giant tree vines begin to come forth from the broken ice and begins to tear this place apart.
Klein- Crap. It's ripping this place apart.
The ice around us shatters leaving us exposed to the elements.
Yui- Daddy, Thyrmhiem is collapsing. We have to leave here now.
Kirito- I know I know.
The tree vine that wrapped around the support pillar snaps it in half leaving floor that we're standing on hanging by a thread.
Klein- Alright. Looks like it's up to me to save the day with some Olympic grade high jumping.
The thread completely snaps before Klein could reach it and we're all sent into a freefall.
Hiro- Everybody stay low and hold onto something!
Kirito- We're so screwed. Leafa, how much time we got?
Leafa- (gasps) We made it. Thank god. Hiro we actually made it!
Hiro- Hell yeah!
I receive a very tight hug from Leafa much to the other girls annoyance.
Kirito tried to store Excalibur in his inventory but he can't.
Kirito- Looks like I can't claim Excalibur unless the quest is cleared.
Hiro- You serious? You gotta be kidding me.
Kirito- Unfortunately no.
Suddenly, help arrives in the form of Tonky.
Leafa- Tonky!
Liz- We're saved.
Klein- Hurry guys, hop on it's back.
We all hop on it's back except for Klein, Kirito, and I.
Kirito- Running out of time.
Klein- I know it's just........wish it wasn't so high up.
Hiro- Quit being a little bitch and jump.
I give him a shove off and he misses Tonky completely and falls. I burst out laughing to his screams. Luckily Tonky catches him with on of it's trunks.
Hiro- Alrighty Kirito, time to go.
Kirito looks at Excalibur in sadness.
Kirito- Seriously? Stupid Cardinal System.
He chucks the sword over the sword and jumps on Tonky leaving me bewildered.
Hiro- What the fuck Kirito?! You're just throw it away like that?!
Kirito- There's nothin I can do. Blame the system. Now hurry up and come on.
I jump on Tonky and we begin to fly away.
We all stare on at the falling sword.
Hiro-...........You know what, fuck this shit.
I jump off of Tonky much to everyone's surprise and I divebomb towards Excalibur.
Kirito (POV)
Kirito- Is he crazy?' He's out of his god damn mind!!
Sinon steps up to my side and cocks an arrow.
Sinon- He's about two hundred meters.
She says a spell and fires a grappling arrow. It hits Hiro just as he grabs onto Excalibur. Sinon then gives the magic rope a tug and both Hiro and the sword come sailing back onto Tonky. The sword lands in my arms while Hiro lands in the waiting arms of Sinon who immediately envelopes him in a tight hug.
Hiro- Hey Kirito, you owe me you hear?
Kirito- Oh for sure. Thank you man.
Hiro- Yeah yeah yeah.
Sinon- Not gonna lie Hiro, that was kinda hot. I'm gonna have to reward you later (winks and rubs Hiro's crotch. All the other girls except for Asuna get jealous faces.
Kirito *mind*- Ah some things never change.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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