Yukki Konno

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Hiryuu (POV)
Kurahashi leads us further into the hospital while going on and Yukki.
Kurahashi- Yukki was born in may of 2011 but there were some complications. The doctors had to give her mother a C-section. Her mother was given a transfusion during the procedure. But unfortunately, the blood they used was contaminated with a virus. They didn't find out about it till September when her mother was running tests on an infection she got. But by that time, the whole family had been infected.
We stop at a room that says special measuring equipment room.
Kurahashi- This way.
We enter the room and there's a dark glass  window and benches facing the window.
Kurahashi- We have to keep the room on the others side of this glass medically sealed so this is close as either of you can get. I hope you understand.
He presses some buttons on a keyboard and the glass reveals the other room. On the other side lies Yukki.

I stand in disbelief as Asuna drops her bag and runs up to the window in concern.
Asuna- Yukki.......
Hiryuu-...........Hey doc, what illness does Yukki have exactly?
Kurahashi- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Hiryuu-.........AIDS. God damn it.
Kurahashi- It's caused by the HIV virus. It's scary but there's hope. Because not everyone who has it develops AIDS. If you can treat HIV early, you can have a long life. In her family's case, the virus was too difficult to treat. It's a drug resistant strain. When her mother found out, she got so upset over her children's fate. She actually considered killing the whole family and herself. But then she changed her mind and decided to fight the disease instead.
Asuna- She fought it for her kids?
Kurahashi- Yes. Soon after they were diagnosed, Yukki was put on a multi drug course of therapy. But it's hard for a child to have to take so many different medications and keep taking them. The side effects are one thing. The other, being shunned by people who don't understand her condition. But still, Yukki was a trooper. She believed her and her family would get better eventually. However, when she was in the fourth grade her immune system suddenly collapsed. And then, she was brought to this hospital and that's when she was diagnosed with AIDS. But like I said, she's a trooper. She never once lost her optimism.
Asuna- Doctor, why is she using the Medicuboid?
Kurahashi- I guess you could say it all started back when everyone started panicking over that nerve gear incident. They had just completed the first prototype of Medicuboid. The electromagnetic pulses it put out were many times stronger than the nerve gear and that was a problem since no one knew what the long term effects were to exposure. Because of that, the couldn't find a patient willing to take the risk so it's trail run was stalled. When I found out, I thought about Yukki's situation and I contacted her parents. If she were the test subject she'd be moved to the Medicuboid sterile room and she'd run less of a risk of getting an infection. I told them it was a great opportunity. At least that's what I thought. But honestly, I still don't know if I was the right suggestion. God knows what it was like for Yukki and her parents thinking about whether to or not accept. But I think the lure of the unknown. The virtual world was the deciding factor for Yukki. So that brave little girl decided to be the test subject and they moved her in. She's lived inside the Medicuboid ever since.
Hiryuu- Wait so she's never come out of that thing.
Kurahashi- No she hasn't. Yukki stays logged in and rarely spends anytime in the real world. She's always in a lot of pain. But that's to the Medicuboid sensation canceler, she can block it out.
Hiryuu- She's in a continuous 24 hour dive. How long exactly?
Kurahashi-..........Three years now. She's fifteen years old.
Hiryuu *mind*- Oh my god. That's a whole year longer than us survivors.
All I can do is stare at her till my hair goes over my eyes and my tears flow.
Hiryuu- Doctor, I want to thank you for this. I got to see her one last time. At least I know she'll be okay as long as she's here right?
Kurahashi- We're doing everything we can for her. But even if the room is sterile, there's no way to eliminate the virus that's inside her. Yukki doesn't have much time left. And that's mostly why she tried cutting ties with you the way she did with you Asuna and especially you Hiryuu.
My eyes widen and I place both hands on the glass.
Hiryuu- Yukki! The hell?!.......You could've just told me........... I would've understood..........I thought you used me. I felt so betrayed......
Asuna- Does Yukki have an older sister?
Kurahashi- Yes. A twin sister to be more precise. Her name was Aiko and she was born a few minutes earlier. Yukki was the cheerful one. In fact, Aiko would just sit and watch her and smile. Come to think of it, if Aiko were here, I'd imagine she'd be a lot like you Asuna.
Hiryuu- Did she ever mention a boy?
Kurahashi- Yes. He was a player in the virtual world. Ill like Yukki but that didn't stop them from connecting. They were inseparable and I think it was the first time Yukki ever felt something so special with another. Then one day, he suddenly lost connection and disappeared right in front her. Days went by and we had to break it to her that he passed away unexpectedly due to a heart attack right then and there while with Yukki. She was inconsolable and she changed and stayed away from those types of feelings. That is until you showed up Hiryuu.
Hiryuu-.......Where is the rest of her family.
Kurahashi- Yukki's parents passed away two years ago and last year........Aiko.
I couldn't do it anymore. The tears were coming too fast and I had to look away.
???- No don't turn away Hiryuu!
It was Yukki's voice.
Yukki- My heart is breaking seeing you cry.
I look back at Yukki and the monitor is saying she's talking.
Asuna- You can hear us?!
Yukki- Yeah. I can hear you. I can see you too. Wow. You two look exactly how you look in the game. Thanks for coming to see me.
Hiryuu- Listen Yukki......I-
Yukki- Hey doc, is it okay if Asuna and Hiryuu use the room next door?
Kurahashi- I don't see why not. I keep spare Amusphere's in there. Go ahead. It's all yours.
Asuna rushes off and so do I but Yukki calls out me.
Yukki- Hiryuu wait.
Hiryuu- Yeah.
Yukki- What you said, about feeling used and betrayed. I would never do that to you. Ever. I'm so sorry I made you feel that way and seeing like this, I.........I have something really important to say to you. Go to the spot where we first met in ALO.
Hiryuu- Yeah. Will do.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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