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Draco's dream is in his P.O.V

"Mister Potter?" The doctor questioned. Draco stood up and walked with her outside of the room.

"Yes?" He asked. He was dreading hearing Harry hadn't made it through the surgery.

"The surgery went perfectly. Harry is in recovery just down the hall. You can go see him." She told him and Draco's heart sped up.

"Seriously?" Draco asked and the doctor smiled.

"Yes, go ahead." She motioned for Draco to go down the hall. He made his way to the door and looked for Harry's room. He found it at the end of the hall and he peered in. Harry was resting against pillows with the blanket brought up to his chest. He had an IV in his arm that Draco guess was some kind of pain meds that Scropius would be administered soon.

"Kitten?" Draco whispered walking in. Harry slowly moved to face Draco.

"Puppy." He mumbled and Draco smiled. He walked over to Harry and sat down. He figured Harry was out of surgery longer because he didn't seem as giggly as Scorpius.

"How are you feeling?" Draco asked sitting down next to husband.

"Sleepy." He told him and smiled. Draco leaned in and kissed Harry gently.

"Sleep love, it was a long process. I'll have Lily come see you soon." He told Harry who hummed. Draco gently carassed his face and then kissed his nose.

"I love you." Harry told Draco.

"I love you more." Draco answered. "Get some sleep, I'll tell everyone you're out." He told Harry who nodded. Draco stood up and left his room. He walked passed Scorpius' and told the kids that their pa was awake. They were incredibly happy that he was... well alive. Draco walked into the waiting room where both sets of parents were.

"Harry's out of surgery and it was a success." He told everyone and they cheered.

"Oh I want to see him." Sirius told Draco.

"Go ahead. I told him to sleep but you know Harry." Draco rolled his eyes and Sirius smirked.

"Come on Sevy, let's go." Sirius gripped Severus' hand and then brought him out of the room.

"Did you tell them?" Luicus asked.

"Yes." He sighed taking a seat. "They were shocked and I think it upset them a little."

"How much did you tell them exactly?" Narcissa asked.

"All of it. From when we met until now." He told them. "The beatings, the rape, the shooting and the stabbing. And everything in between."

"What about me?" Lucius asked and Draco sighed.

"Yes I told them you were not the nicest to Harry when you first met but obviously they can see that's changed now." He told Lucius who thinned his lips out together.

"Well at least they understand." Narcissa told her husband. She kissed his cheek and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Apparently so. Draco, I am proud that you told them, it was a matter of time." Lucius took a seat next to his son.

"Thank you father." Draco said. "I'm gonna go talk to the doctor, excuse me." He stood up and walked out of the private room. He saw Dr. Holland walking out of Scorpius' room and he walked over to her.

"Dr. Holland?"

"Ah Mister Potter. I was just checking over Scorpius. He's doing well and I've administered him some pain killers. His pain tolerance is high so we've put him on a low dose."

"Perfect." Draco noddded his head. "I was meaning to ask you, how long will the both of them need to be in the hospital?"

"Well for Scorpius, a few days to a week. And Harry will need to be here for a few weeks. Two/ two and a half."

"Okay." Draco said.

"Let's discuss further care somewhere more private." She told him and then proceeded to walk to the private room where she told him about the kidney. They sat down across from one another. "So I wanted to discuss the path you'll need to take to make sure Harry's kidney doesn't reject."

"First off, he'll need rejection pills which will need to be taken everyday, twice a day. The meds will weaken the immune system so it doesn't recognize the kidney as forgein. He'll need to have regular check ups and of course, a proper diet."

"Is that all?"
"A bit of luck." Dr. Holland smiled and Draco cracked a grin as well.

"And Scorpius should be alright?"

"Scorpius should be alright however it's best he doesn't perfom in any contact sports."
"I don't believe he plays any sports."

"Well that's good." She told him. "But exercise is good for him to do. Other than that, he can live a normal life." She told him. Draco's throat constricted and he nodded. "I take it that's great news."

"It is." He rasped. "I thought... since he's so young, that making the decision we did, his whole life would have been ruined."

"Well it was his decision as well." The doctor told him. "But no, it's very possible for his life to be lived as well as his sister's."

"That's great." Draco took a deep breath. "Thank you."

"Of course Mister Potter." She patted his hands and then he extended his. They shook hands and they left the room. Dr. Holland walked off and Draco checked on Scorpius. His parents were sitting with him when he walked in.

"Where's Lily?" He asked.

"Went to see papa." Scorpius answered. "Hey dad?"

"Yes Scorp?"

"Can I get a car?" He asked. Draco's eyes swung to his parents who stared at him innocently.

"Do your grandparents want to buy you one?"

"Oh Draco, he'll be 17 soon and he already has his permit. He's a good boy and deserves one." Narcissa stroked Scorpius' hair.

"I'll tell you what. You can get a car after getting your license but I have to pick the car out."

"It's a deal." Scorpius beamed and Draco smiled. He leaned down and dropped a kiss on Scorpius' head.

"Good. Get some rest now." He told Scorpius. He nodded and the snuggled into his bed. Narcissa and Lucius stood up to leave. The three of them walked out together and Draco's parents looked at him.

"We'd like to see Harry." They mentioned and Draco looked at them confused.

"Okay? Go ahead. You don't need my permission to go see your son in law." He told them.

"Well we wanted to ask him something with your permission of course."

"What do you want to ask him?"

"We want to buy something."She told him and his eyes widened.

"What do you want to buy?" Draco asked.

"Well it's a surprise." Lucius smirked. "Do we have your permission?"

"As long as it's nothing too extravagant and Harry has to agree."

"But of course." They agreed to his terms.

"Okay." He told them. "Go on." The trio parted ways and Draco went back to the private room to sit with Sirius and Severus'.


"What did they want to buy you?" Draco asked Harry. It was nearing midnight and everyone had gone home. Scorpius would be moved to share a room with Harry the following morning.

"Your parents?" Harry hummed as Draco gently traced patterns on his palm.

"They wanted to buy me a boat." Harry told him and Draco stopped what he was doing.


"A boat. Said that now that I've survived, I deserve something big."

"What kind of boat?" He asked and Harry smiled sleepily.

"A big one. Like a yacht I suppose. That maybe you and I can use while our parents watch the kids for the weekend." Harry smirked.

"Would it be anything like our honeymoon?" Draco asked.

"Something like that." Harry told Draco who resumed his tracing. "Are you gonna sleep with me?" He asked.

"Do you want me to?" He asked and Harry shifted so there was room for Draco to lay down. Draco took off his shoes and crawled into bed with Harry. He gently wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed his head. "I love you so much Harry and I promise that I'll be there. Always."

"I'll keep you to that Draco." Harry teased and then yawned.

"Go to sleep Harry, I'll be here when you wake up."

"Goodnight Draco." Harry snuggled into Draco and closed his eyes. Draco felt his breathing even and then kissed his head again. Draco closed his eyes and fell asleep himself.

Text from My Kitten- Hey Draco, I'm not feeling too well, can you come get me in Hufflepuff Hall Room 78

Worried I quickly made my way out of the dorm room and towards hufflepuff hall. It was across campus so I trotted all the way there and then stopped at the closed door. Without thinking, I opened the door and was not prepared for what I saw. Harry was straddling Cedric's lap and kissing him. I gasped and they pulled away. Harry just stared at me as Cedric smirked.

"Oh hi Malfoy, a little privacy please, Harry's a little busy." He smirked and I felt tears rushing down my face.

"Fuck you!" I shouted and ran back to dorm. My whole world crashed down when I saw Harry straddling Cedric. He promised he'd never cheat on me. He was pursing Cedric. He said he loved me and he was practically fucking Cedric right in front of me. He lied to me and I was a wreck. I ran to my dorm and lied on my bed. Blaise was right; Harry cheated. I pulled out my phone and decided to call Blaise.

"Drake?" He answered. I started crying to Blaise on the phone. I was crying so hard he couldn't understand. "Hey, relax. What happened?"

"H-harry ch-cheated on me." I cried.

"Aw Drake, I'm sorry. It's an awful feeling isn't it?"

"I-it is. I-I th-thought e-everything w-was gr-great be-between us." I cried. "I-I'm so s-sorry."

"Draco it's alright just calm down okay?" Blaise said. I tried calming down as Blaise was trying to soothe me. "It'll be okay."

"I love him." I said. "H-he said he l-loved me."

"Well maybe not as much as you think." He said and that just made me cry more.

"I-I have to go." I cried. I hung up the phone despite his protests and cried into my pillow. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

He woke up with a yell and his heart pounding. Harry's arms tightened around Draco and he kissed my neck.

"It was only a dream." He assured.

"I-it wasn't." He told him. "I'm so sorry that I let Cedric hurt you. It was all my fault. I should have seen that you weren't yourself and that the he was gonna hurt you and th-"

"Hey shhh." Harry shushed with a kiss. "It's the past and we can't change it. I love you Draco, stop blaming yourself." He told Draco who took a deep breath and snuggled into Harry.

"Do you forgive me?" Draco asked.

"I never blamed you. Now go back to sleep." Harry assured and Draco nodded.


"I love you."

"I love you more."

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