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It was Christmas time and they were planning on having a small dinner. No one was invited to the Potter home, only the occupants. Harry's health had declined some which worried everyone especially Scorpius. He had tried to convince his pa to let him give his kidney but Harry refused. That upset Scorpius and he rushed off to the 'mystery girl' as Draco called it.

            "D-Draco?" Harry mumbled from his bed. He had resided in his bed nowadays. Draco had to hire a specialist to take care of Harry. He wasn't able to do things like work Harry's muscles or administer him the chemo which he got at home. But Draco did other things like wash and feed him to the best of his ability.

            "Yes love?" Draco sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his frail husband.

            "W-what did you get the k-kids?" He asked and Draco rubbed Harry's skinny arm.

            "I got them loads of things. Like I got them each a new laptop, Scorpius a new skateboard, Lily a pair of earrings." Draco told him. "Then from you, you gave Lily ring. It's so pretty and I know she'd love it. It's engraved."

            "What does it say?" Harry asked and Draco smiled.

            "It says LNP and then 'my everything'." He told Harry who smiled.

            "And Scorp?"

            "Permission to give you his kidney." Draco joked but Harry went crazy.

            "Draco, n-no we-" He started and tried to get up.

            "Hey hey easy there. I was only kidding. Don't get yourself worked up." He assured and then caressed Harry's face.  "You gave him a watch. It's also engraved...like the one I got you."
             "What does i-it say?" He asked.

            "SHP and then his zodiac symbol." He told Harry.

            "That's lovely."  Harry grinned and Draco leaned down. He kissed Harry's lips gently then then pulled away to rub their noses together.

            "How are you feeling today?"  He asked softly.

            "Awful." Harry admitted. Draco frowned and got into bed with Harry. He wrapped his arms around Harry kissing his neck gently.

            "I'm sorry." Draco said sincerely.  "What can I do?" He asked and Harry started to cry. Draco rolled him over and let him cry into his chest. "Shh. Shh. Shh." Draco hushed. "Don't cry, it's gonna get better. It always does."

            "D-Draco." Harry whimpered sobs racking his body.

            "Yes baby? I'm here. It's okay."

            "P-please d-don't let me d-die." Harry pleaded. "I-I'm scared." Draco grip tightened on Harry.

            "I'd never let that happened Harry." Draco promised. "I'm not gonna let you die."  Harry cried as Draco soothed him.

            "I-I don't w-want to d-die." Harry told Draco in a miserable whimper.

            "I don't want you to die either." Draco buried his nose into Harry's neck. He hugged Harry until the frailer man started to calm down. The crying led to a lot of exhaustion and he surrendered to sleep. Draco stayed with Harry for a little while longer. Harry's heartbeat was against his and it was great feeling. He never wanted the beating to stop. He felt Harry's breathing and was happy. It was the best feeling. He leaned in and kissed Harry's cheek. "I won't let you die my angel. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you breathing."


            Christmas morning rolled around and Harry was sat up on the couch. The tree had everyone's gifts under it and was lit up to celebrate the holiday. Sirius and Severus sat on either side of Harry letting him lean on either of them if he needed to.  Narcissa was handing out the gifts to everyone and Draco as sitting with kids on the floor as Lucius took pictures.

            "How are you feeling?" Sirius whispered to Harry as Lily opened up her laptop from it's wrapped.

            "I feel good today actually." Harry told the man. "Maybe not your kind of good but a good day for me."

            "Well that's good."

            "Yeah." Harry smiled. He leaned his head against Sirius' shoulder. Harry closed his eyes for what felt like a few seconds but was woken up by be shaken.

            "Harry." Draco smiled when Harry opened his eyes. "The kids and I want to give you your gift now."

            "Already?" He asked and Draco smiled.

            "Yes, you've been asleep for a good ten minutes."

            "Okay." Harry smiled. "I wasn't expecting anything."

            "Of course we'd get you something." Draco assured and the looked at Lily. She smiled and left the room. Draco kneeled on the floor and seconds later a puppy ran towards him with Lily behind. Draco lifted the small puppy up and placed them into a very shocked Harry's arms.  He was brown and black fluffy German Shepard puppy with floppy ears.

            "Y-you got me a puppy?" He asked.

            "It's a therapy dog papa." Lily told him sitting near her dad. "He's supposed to relieve stress and there are studies that cancer patients with therapy dogs live happier lives."

            "He's all yours but we'll take care of him of course." Scorpius told his pa. "His name is Jagger."

            "Hi there Jagger." Harry's voice cracked. Tears made their way into Harry's eyes and slipped down his face.

            "Do you like him?" Draco asked and Harry nodded.

            "I love him. It's such a thoughtful gift." Harry pet the dog between the ears and Jagger leaned into the touch.  Draco leaned forward and wiped Harry's tears. He kissed him on the lips and then hugged him. "Thank you so much."

            "Anything for you Harry." Draco said and Harry burst into tears at the old saying. Draco's grip tightened on Harry. "I love you Harry."
             "I love you more." Harry sniffled. He hugged his children next and thanked them profusely. Lily's eyes filled with tears at the thought of this being her last Christmas with her pa. Harry tightly hugged her and reassured her that everything will turn out fine. Scorpius didn't think much into it, he had planned on getting Harry to let him give him his kidney soon. When the trio pulled away, Harry cuddled the puppy who was nipping at his hand.

            "Why the name Jagger?" Harry asked and Draco looked to Scorpius.

            "Scorpius named him. Thought it'd be a good name for the puppy. He's in training to be a full service dog so he could do things for you." Draco turned back Harry and told him. Harry smiled and let the puppy lick his hand.

            "That sounds great." Harry told them. They chatted in the living room for a while before everyone started to trickle away. Narcissa, Severus, and Sirius went into the kitchen to start up lunch/dinner. Lucius went up to his bedroom to get ready and the kids were still in the living room with their dad and Pa setting up their new laptops.  The puppy was curled up on Harry's lap as Harry's rubbed Jagger's head. Draco sat next to Harry letting him lean against him. "Draco?"

            "Yes Harry?"

            "I need a bucket." He told Draco who hopped up and grabbed one just in time for Harry to vomit in.  Jagger jumped off and ran into the other room to get a towel. Smart dog. When Harry finished, Draco took away the bucket and Jagger came back in with a wet towel in his mouth. Draco took the towel from the puppy and wiped Harry's face.

            "He's a smart dog." Sirius told them walking in. "He barked at me to wet the towel." He sat back down handing Harry something to take. "You forget to take these."

            "I know." Harry mumbled sitting back down after taking the medicine. He laid back against Draco feeling a bit better.

            "Need anything else?"

            "No, thank you though." Sirius just smiled in response and kissed Harry's head before walking away.

            "Draco?" Harry whispered.

            "The bucket again?" Draco went to get it but Harry stopped him.

            "No, I have a question."

            "Oh what is it?"

            "Have people been asking about my health?" He questioned and Draco wrapped an arm around him.

            "Yeah they have been."

            "Would you do an interview to tell them how I am?" Harry asked and the kids looked at him.

            "No, I need to stay here with you." Draco told him.

            "I think you should. People are worried."

            "I thought you didn't like being in the spot light." Draco pointed out.

            "I don't really but I think this would be good. Take the kids and you guys can talk about me."

            "Is that such a good idea?" Scorpius asked.

            "I think it is." Harry told his son and Jagger barked. "He does too." Harry pet the dog's head.

            "Okay Harry, we can do that." Draco told his husband and then kissed his cheek gently. "Are you guys okay with that?" He asked.

            "I am." Lily smiled. "As long as it's not one of those late night shows."

            "We can go in the morning so we can come right home." Draco told them and they nodded. Scorpius was quiet but agreed to do the show. He just hoped that no one would ask him about his new relationship. His father couldn't find out that he was dating one of his contestants and that he was the other man. "You okay with that Scorpius?"

            "Yeah." He agreed but then bit his lip.

            "Don't worry about it Scorpius. You'll do fine. If you don't want to do it, you can tag along and just stay back stage." Draco told his son who swallowed hard.

            "No I'll be fine." He swore. "Papa, are you sure you want this?" Scorpius asked and Harry smiled weakly at his son. He pet Jagger and nodded.

            "Yes I mean, I feel like you guys publically telling people how everything is will give you comfort and people could understand how tough everything is."

"Okay papa." Scorpius smiled and then turned back to his laptop. Harry rested against Draco's shoulder and gently pet Jagger's head.  He already felt more content than he had in a while. He wasn't sure if it was the soft fur on the dog, Draco's warm embrace or the fact he was surrounded by loved ones but he was happy. Jagger snuggled into his lap and licked at Harry's hand. He smiled widely and closed his eyes. Yes, happy as hell.

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