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Harry sat with his face in hands as Scorpius comforted him. The doctor told him about his bloodwork. He was indeed sick but he never thought it would be this bad. He collected himself before he started crying and looked at Scorpius.

            "We have to see your dad." He told his son quietly. Scorpius nodded silently not saying a word. He didn't know how to react either, it was all too much to digest. Once they walked outside, Scorpius grabbed Harry's hand and squeezed.

            "It's gonna be okay papa, it always is." He assured and Harry nodded. They got in the car and drove in a dead silence to the lot.  They got the gate and the woman security guard smiled.

            "Hey Harry, here to see Draco?" She asked.

            "Yeah, he's expecting me." He answered her.

            "Oh great. Go on." She raised the gate and Harry parked in visitor parking. He and Scorpius got out and Scorpius grabbed his dad's hand. 

            "You want me to tell him?" He whispered.

            "No. I will." Harry told him. "You can be in the room though." Scorpius nodded and they stepped in arena. Draco was working privately with the guy he knew as Samuel. They walked towards them and Samuel saw them. He was around Scorpius' age so he smiled when he saw him. Scorpius blushed and looked away. Draco noticed Samuel smile and turned as the boy continued to sing.

            "Oh you're here!" He chirped then turned back. "Nice work Sam, take a ten minute break." He said. Sam stopped and got off stage. He winked at Scorpius and walked passed him.  "How did it go?"

            "Can we talk somewhere privately?" Harry asked and Draco frowned.

            "Yeah." Draco brought them out and into his dressing room. Harry and Scorpius sat as Draco stood. Harry looked at Draco. Scorpius looked down at his feet and Draco looked at them. "So what did the doctor say?" Draco asked. He swallowed hard when Harry mumbled something. "What?"

            "It's cancer. I have cancer." Harry told him.

            "What?" Draco asked.

            "AML or Acute Myeloid Leukemia." Harry told Draco and then bit his lip.

            "Are you kidding?" Draco asked.

            "Does it look like I am?" Harry asked. He shook his head and Draco did too.

            "Leukemia?" Draco whimpered and Harry nodded.

            "Yes." He said and Draco started to stutter.

            "I can't... I don't... I need to come home." He told Harry.

            "I want to go home to New York, Draco." Harry told him. "Be close to my parents and yours." Harry insisted. "They have good hospitals there too."

            "Harry, you can't fly!" Draco shouted. "You have cancer!" He yelled and then shook his head. "You have cancer." He repeated.

            "He said it was safe, the doctor. Lily doesn't know yet but we can move back." Harry told him.

            "You have cancer." Draco said again and started to cry. This made Harry, whose emotions were teetering.

"I know." He told Draco who shook his head. Draco walked over to Harry and hugged him tightly. They cried for a bit together before Draco composed himself.

            "We'll get through this. I'll be home tonight and we can leave by this Saturday." Draco insisted and Harry agreed.  They brought Scorpius into the hug and the three Potter men just held each other close. They pulled away and Draco looked at the two of them. "I need to go make the arrangements. I'll be home soon."

            "Okay." Harry told him and Draco kissed him gently.

            "Don't tell Lily yet."

            "I'll wait for you." Harry promised and Draco nodded.

            "I'll see you soon."  He told Harry and Harry nodded.  They kissed one last time before parting. Scorpius left with Harry as Draco went to the executive producers of the show.  He knocked on the door before entering and the three of them smiled.

            "Draco Potter, to what do we owe the pleasure of having you here?" The older male asked.

            "I need stop doing the show as of today." He told them and their faces dropped.

            "It's the middle of the show. The finals coming up. You better have a good reason of wanting to resign."

            "It's Harry." Draco started.

            "What about him? Divorcing you is he?" The woman asked.

            "No." Draco shook his head. "He... he has cancer." Draco told them and tried to keep the tears at bay. "He just found out this morning." He explained and they stared at him before shaking their heads.

            "Draco we're so sorry. If you don't mind me asking, what kind?" The woman asked.

            "AML. It's a form of leukemia." Draco explained. "He wants to go back to NY before starting treatment so I want to fulfill his wishes. To be close to his parents and mine." Draco told them and swallowed hard.

            "Okay that can work. We're so sorry. We can have someone cover you. We give you and your family our love." The older man said and Draco smiled a bit.

            "Thank you so much." Draco thanked. He was on his way to his room where he stayed every night when he was stopped by Sam. He apologized and told him that he would be working with someone else until the end. Before he could ask any more questions, Draco left and packed all his stuff. It took a while but he got it done. He had some security guards follow him out and then he left.  He got home just as Lily was being dropped off.

            "Dad?" Lily asked.

            "Hey Lily bug." Draco smiled and then hugged his daughter. "Where were you?"

            "Cheer, why are your home?"

            "Your pa has some news." Draco told her and she blanched.

            "Are you two separating?" She asked and Draco shook his head.

            "No, I promise you it's not that. Come lets go in and then we can bring my stuff in." Draco grabbed his daughter's hand and the two walked in. Harry was on the couch as Scorpius was making him something to eat.

            "Papa? What's the matter?" Lily asked and Harry sat up.

            "Come here Lily." Harry directed and she did. Scorpius and Draco followed but stood as Lily say. "I got the test results back."

            "You're sick aren't you?" Lily asked and Harry nodded. "How sick?" She questioned quietly.

            "I have leukemia." He told her and she shook her head vigorously.

            "No. No that's not possible! You were fine two months ago!" She yelled and Harry sighed.

            "I know. The doctor told me that there's no known cause of it."

            "How does this happen?" She asked.

            "By my bone marrow making irregular white blood cells." He explained and she threw her arms around him.

            "Papa." She cried.

            "Shh it's gonna be okay." He told her. "We're gonna go to NY and we'll live there for the remainder of my treatment." He told her again and she nodded against his neck.

            "Okay." She sniffled. "I'm so sorry." His grip on her tightened.

            "So am I."


            After the plane ride back to New York on a private plane, Harry was dead tired. He was exhausted from flying so long and from his newly found disease that he was practically just clinging onto consciousness. Draco did what he found was best and carried Harry out into the car after getting off the plane. He placed Harry in the back seat with Lily and had Scorpius ride passenger as he drove to their house. They had had gotten rid of the little suburban house much to Harry's disappointment and moved into a much larger house that could accommodate many people. Which was good because both sets of parents would be moving in, requested by themselves after hearing the news.

            "How ya doing papa?" Lily asked as Draco started to drive off. She threaded her fingers through his hair and he hummed.     

            "Tired." He mumbled and she dropped a kiss on his forehead.

            "Go to sleep, we'll be there before you know it." She told him and he did fall asleep. He closed his eyes and even before he woke up, they were at home and he was sleeping in his bed. He assumed Draco had carried him again and placed him into bed. When he had awoke it was nearly nine pm and he heard voices coming from downstairs. His bedroom was now upstairs in this house instead of down like the other. He felt refreshed from the sleeping but was still rather sleepy. He decided to get out bed and go see who had arrived. He carefully made his way downstairs and to his surprise and delight, he found it was Severus and Sirius. Those he called dad and father.  They looked that they had just gotten there; their bags resting near the island in which they sat at.

            "Dad, Father." Harry spoke walking slowly into the kitchen. Sirius and Severus stood up quickly. They rushed to Harry's side and embraced him as they supported him.

            "Harry, my pup." Sirius cried.

            "It's okay dad." Harry weakly wrapped his arms around Sirius. "I'll be okay."

            "It's always something, isn't it?" Severus spoke with tease and concern. Harry chuckled and hugged Severus.

            "Apparently so." Harry spoke as they embraced. They let him go and helped him, much to his annoyance, to the island. They sat him down and Draco smiled at him. He leaned over and kissed Harry's lips.

            "How was your sleep baby?" Draco asked and Harry smiled a little.

            "It was alright. I'm still a little worn. Where are kids?" He asked.

            "Lily went to a friend's house for a bit. She told me that she missed the friend and would be back by ten."

            "And Scorp?"
             "He's been texting with someone all day, when I asked him about it, he blushed and mumbled that it was no one. He's retired to his room for the night. Are you hungry?" Draco asked and Harry shrugged. He didn't feel hungry but he hadn't eaten much that day. "I'll give you something light."  Draco promised and Harry nodded. Draco pulled out some canned soup as Harry conversed with his parents lightly. They weren't Harry's adopted parents but he still fell into a rhythm of calling them his parents. The kids just assumed that they were his adopted parents and no question or explanations were made.

            "So when do you start your treatment?" Sirius asked Harry.

            "Um Monday I think." He told the older man.

            "Well we scheduled an appointment for Monday at the hospital. The doctors are going to look at him and tell us what we need to do." Draco explained turning the stove on.  "Then maybe from there we can start treatment."             

            "Okay." Sirius agreed. "We'll be here to help, every step of the way, you know that."

            "What about Hogwarts?" Harry asked Severus. He threaded his fingers through his hair.

            "I've been put on paid leave." Severus explained.

            "Good." Harry hummed and Severus sighed. Draco placed the soup in front of Harry along with some crackers. Harry started to eat and when he realized that all three pairs of eyes were on him, he blushed. "Thank you Draco." Harry told him and then looked at his parents. "Thank you for coming, I really appreciate it." He meant it to. He had a feeling that without them, Draco wouldn't be able to keep the household together with just himself.

            "Of course Harry, we'd do anything for you." Severus told him and Sirius agreed. "You ought to know that by now, you cause trouble everywhere." He told him teasingly and Harry smiled. He only hoped that this time, he'd be able to get out of it.

So I was reading what was supposed to be a drarry but somewhere along be way it turned into a HarryxMadamPromfrey 😳

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