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Scorpius and Draco sat nervously in the waiting of the doctor's office. Draco had apologized profusely to Scorpius as soon as he was awake. Scorpius accepted the apology and allowed his father to take him to the doctor two days later.

            "Scorpius Potter." The nurse smiled. Scorpius stood up and Draco stayed sitting. He looked at his dad nervously.

            "Aren't you coming with me?" He asked.

            "Do you want me to?" Draco asked awkwardly.

            "Well yes, I'm um I'm afraid of needles." He confessed. Draco smiled shyly and got up. He wrapped his arm around Scorpius shoulders and they walked in together. Scorpius sat on the table thing as Draco stood against the wall.

            "Now, you're here to check if you have any STD's?" The nurse asked.

            "I-I um just recently lost my virginity to a guy and well we weren't exactly safe." Scorpius explained.

            "Has he disclosed any information about not being clean?" She asked and he shook his head.

            "He had had a boyfriend before me so I'm not sure if he's passed anything on."           

            "Well right of you to come here. I'll bring to the lab and we'll test for any STD'S or STI's."

            "How long will the results take?" Draco asked and the nurse glanced at him.

            "I can put a rush on it under the circumstances." She told them and he looked at her confused. "I watched you on the Daily Morning. It's heartbreaking what you're going through, I'm terribly sorry."

            "Thank you." Draco smiled.

            "Right. Follow me this way." The nurse told them. Scorpius got up and Draco followed as they walked out of the room. She brought him into the lab and told Scorpius to choose an arm. He chose his right and held his dad's hand with his left. He closed his eyes as the needle pricked him and he whimpered.  Draco chuckled as Scorpius' hand tightened in his.

"How long will the blood work take to go through?" Scorp asked.

"We can give you the results in an hour." She finished taking blood and let Scorpius get

to his feet. Draco steadied him as he swayed.

            "You okay Scorp?" Draco asked.

            "Yeah." He nodded. He was able to stand by himself. "Do you think we could um maybe get something to eat?"

            "Yeah sure." Draco agreed. The pair walked out and outside to their car. Scorpius hopped in the front as Draco took the driver's seat.  They started to drive off when Scorpius started to chew on his lip.  "Yes Scorp, what do you need ask me?"

            "Huh?" Scorpius asked.

            "Your father does the lip thing too." He pointed out. "What's wrong?"

            "Oh um..." Scorpius trailed.


            "I was just wondering if you've ever hit papa." Scorpius asked and Draco gripped the steering wheel tightly.

            "What?" He asked calmly.

            "Have you?" Scorpius inquired.

            "Why do you ask?" He questioned and Scorpius gulped but shook his head.

            "Because papa said that you didn't mean it. And that you wouldn't do it again."  Scorpius told Draco. He swallowed and made the decision to tell Scorpius about their life. Not all of it just little details. "He wouldn't have said anything like that if you didn't."

            "Yes." Draco confessed and Scorpius' head whipped in the direction of his father. "He and I were having issues. He was having some PTSD of what happened in the past and I couldn't go near him without him freaking out. He came home one day to my ex-girlfriend straddling me. Nothing was happening or anything but he thought I was cheating on him. I got mad he didn't trust me and I... I hit him." Draco explained and then took a calming breath. It had been over a decade but it still stung.

            "Oh." Scorpius answered. "Why did he have PTSD?"

            "A lot of reasons Scorpius." Draco sighed. "I'll tell you what, when you give your father his kidney, I'll explain to you everything that happened."

            "What if I give him my kidney sooner than when I turn 18?" Scorpius asked and Draco let out a little chuckle.

            "Well I guess that would fall under the deal than." Draco laughed and Scorpius smiled. "But do you think he'd agree to let your give it to him earlier?"

            "Yes." Scorpius smirked. "If I plead with him mercilessly."

            "Oh cheeky son of my mine." He laughed. He pulled into a little diner. "Come, let's eat." He told Scorpius. The pair got out of the car and walked to the little diner. They were seated immediately and ordered two waters. "I need to ask you something now." Draco told his son who nodded. "Why Samuel?" He asked and Scorpius frowned.

            "He was there when I needed him." Scorpius told him. "We're no longer seeing each other. He was mad that the picture went viral so he broke it off."

            "I'm sorry Scorp." Draco reached over and patted his son's hand.

            "It's okay. I wasn't in love with him as much as I thought. I mistook it for love. He hid me away. But he's happy and one day, I'll find someone who makes me happy as much as papa makes you." Scorpius smiled and Draco did too.

            "He makes me very happy." Draco said. The waitress came over and handed them the drinks. Scorpius ordered chicken fingers and Draco got a BLT.  "Scorpius?"


            "Do you think you contracted anything?" Draco asked seriously. Scorpius pondered a bit and finally shook his head.  "Good." As those words left his lips, his phone rang and his heart lurched. He picked it up quickly. "Hello. Yes... really? Okay. Thank you." Draco hung up the phone just as the waitress gave them their food. "That was the doctor."

            "And?" Scorpius asked. The waitress walked away and Draco smiled widely.

            "You tested negative for everything." He told Scorpius who let out a relieved breath. "In fact, you're in great health."

            "That's perfect then. I need to keep it up for when I give papa my kidney." He told Draco who nodded.

            "Are you sure you still want to give him one?"
             "I'd give him two if I could." Scorpius answered and Draco nearly burst into tears. He had really good kids and he knew it was all because of Harry. He looked at his son with tears in his eyes and let some slip down face.

            "Scorpius, I promise you from now on, I will be there for you and your sister. Anything you need, I'll be there." Scorpius smiled at his dad and swallowed the lump in his throat.

            "Thank you."


            Scorpius and Draco pulled into their garage and then got out of the car. They had a seemingly nice lunch which consisted of them having a nice conversation. Draco told Scorpius about his life on tour, the part they didn't see, and in return, Scorpius told him about his life as a high schooler. How he was top of his class in every subject.  The pair walked into the house and was greeted by the smiling faces of others.

            "How did it go?" Lucius asked.

            "It went fine. The doctor says I am clean." Scorpius replied with a smile. Lucius smiled and pulled him in for a hug. Scorpius was shocked by the sudden affection but hugged his poppop back.

            "We're happy to hear that." Narcissa kissed his head.

            "Mama, where's Harry?" Draco asked and Narcissa smiled.

            "He's upstairs sleeping. Jagger is curled up with him and it's just the cutest thing in the world."

            "Great, he didn't sleep much last night. He was coughing up blood last night."

            "Oh no." Narcissa bit her lip. "A lot?"

            "No.. I don't know. Just like splattered." Draco told her.

            "Well alright." She frowned. He was just about to say something when a barking was heard from upstairs. The barking got increasingly closer and then Jagger ran towards Draco. He jumped on him and then pulled on his shirt.

            "What's the matter?" Draco asked. Jagger pulled on him and Draco got the hint to run upstairs. He followed the dog and Harry was on the bed. His face was turning blue. "Fuck! Someone call an ambulance!" He screamed. He ran over to Harry and placed him on the floor. His pulse was faint. "Harry, Harry can you hear me?" There was no reply. He started to perform CPR on his husband. Pleading with him to breathe. Compress one, two three, and breathe. One, two, three, and breath. Everything happened in slow motion.  He heard the sirens in the background faintly and the cries of some people in the house. He continued performing CPR. One, two, three, and breathe. He put his mouth to Harry's puffing air. What seemed like hours but probably really a few seconds, Harry breathed back. Draco pulled away and looked at Harry whose eyes were fluttering open. His color was coming back and he was breathing.

            "D-Drake?" Harry rasped.

            "Shh don't speak, we'll get you to the hospital." Draco told Harry as the EMT's were rushing in the room. They lifted Harry on the stretcher and administered him some oxygen. Draco decided to ride in the ambulance with his husband after telling his family that Harry was alive.


            The Potter's and family sat in the waiting room once again. Lily was resting agaisnt Socprius' shoulder.  Draco was pacing the waiting room. Sirius was resting his face in his hands as Severus' ran an arm around him. Lucius and Narcissa stood near the doors. Dr. Holland walked out looking grave.

            "Has is spread?" Was the first question Draco asked.

            "Surprisingly no." She shook her head. "But his kidney's have failed. We'll need to do the operation soon." Scorpius jumped up.

            "Let's go." He told her but Draco grabbed him before he could go further.

            "It's not the simple. Harry still has to agree."

            "I'll get him to agree." Scoprius growled. "Where is his room?"

            "Down the hall to the right." She told him. As Scorpius started to walk off, Lily followed behind.

            "Mister Potter, we need to have a dicussion." She told Draco who nodded. They walked into a secluded room and sat down at the table.

            "What's wrong?" He asked.

            "If Harry agrees to this, I need to tell you the complications that might happen to the both of them." At this Draco nodded. "For Harry, there are complications such as blood clots, bleeding, blockages of the ureter, infection and rejection of the kidney."

            "But he could die without a transplant." Draco stated.

            "Perciely." She told him. "And for Scorpius, the long term effects are high blood pressure, large amounts of protien in the urine, hernia and well death." She told Draco whose eyes widened.

             "Yes." She told Draco. He gulped and contemplated letting Scorpius do this. He seems really adament about it but one life for another seems drastic. "But the risk of death is 1 in 1700." She told him.

            "And how many have you done?" Draco asked her and she chuckled.

            "Well I am not a surgeron but I can assure you that this one of the best hospitals in New York." She told him and he nodded.

            "Would it make me a bad father if I agree?"
             "Not in the slightest." She patted his hand. "But the decsion is yours." She pulled out papers. Consent forms. "I need signitures from you, Harry and Scorpius." She told him. She looked over the form and made the decsion. He pulled a pen out of his pocket and signed the from. "Let's see if they had any luck." She told him which he nodded. The pair got up and made their way to Harry's room. Scoprius and Lily were sobbing by their pa's bedside as he tried to comfort him. He could see how much his husband hurt at seeing the kids so distraught but this was needed.

            "Papa please. Please let me do this and we could all live happily together. Dad promised not to leave anymore. He'll be there and we could be a real family."

            "Too dangeous Scorp." Harry told him and Scoprius let out a sob. Draco decided to interject. He pulled the kids away and looked at Harry. He took Harry's hand in his and let the tears fill his eyes.

            "Harry? Do you remember what I said about death?" Draco asked him. He could see out of the corner of his eye Scorpius signing the papers after reading it over.

            "I-it was okay." Harry answered.

            "Good,  yes." Draco kissed their intertwined hands. "But I made a promise to you Harry that I wouldn't let you die and I'm not backing down. Are you still afraid of dying?" Draco asked and Harry nodded slowly.

            "Afraid of l-leaving you." Harry told Draco who let tears slip down his face.

            "I'm afraid of you leaving me too." Draco cried. "And what I'm asking is probably very selfish but you know I have good intetnions. Scorpius has offered to give you his kidney. He's such a good boy and I know that's all you love because you've been there so much more than I have." Draco swallowed hard and when Harry went to protest he interjected. "I havent been there as much as I could be and I promise to you, that'll change. Please Harry, I can't lose you like this. We have to grow old together because we've been through way too much shit for you to be taken like this. You've survived so much and I'm so proud but please sign the papers. We all need you."  Draco pleaded as tears rolled down his face. Harry looked at Scorpius then back to Draco.

            "I-if I sign them, will you tell them?" Harry asked and Draco sniffled.

            "Yes I will I promise. I'll tell them everything." Draco swore. Harry squeezed Draco's hand and gave him a look. Draco felt as if Harry would refuse and he would just die himself. Harry took a breath.

            "I'll sign them."

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