Chapter 6

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Romeo POV
I woke up to Specs yelling at us to wake up. Wait it's always been Jack telling us to wake up. Oh man I hope he's alright. I fell so bad for him his sister ran away and from what Jack told us it sounds like someone took her.

"Rome get ya lazy bum outta bed" I hear Specs say to me. "I'm up mother" I say jokingly to him. "Where's Jacky-boy?" "he's on the rooftop. Crutch said he woke up in the middle of the night and this morning to find Jack crying. Crutch said he thinks he didn't get any sleep last night." "man I hope he's alright" I said to him. "I hope Olivia alright,I don't think Jack could handle having anything else happen to his sister." "yeah your right"

When we got to circulation gate something was wrong. The Delancy brothers weren't saying anything to us. Wonder what's gotten into them but I will say it's nice not having to deal with them.

Davey POV
I was the last one to get my papes and it was really awkward when Morris gave them to me. "Where's Kelly?" Morris asked me. "Why do you need to know?" I spat at him. "Some lady came here the minute after we got here and said that if you guys don't give her her son Francis back she's gonna not gonna let Olivia make it."

"Morris please tell me you didn't let that lady know were Jack lives,wait how do you know his real name.?" I asked with lot's of curiosity blooming inside of me. "First no. Second every one knows it." "ok umm thanks Morris" he just nodded his head at me and I went with everyone else to are selling Spots.

I was quite lonely since Less stayed home sick. On my way to the corner store to sell I saw Spot. "Aye mouth come over here" I gulped nervously and walked over to him. "Yeah Spot?" "is Racer still mad at me?" he asked I felt so bad for what Spot said to Race so I decided to give him a pice of my mind.

"Of course he is! What kind of question is that you idiot? You called him horrible name's and instead of apologizing and talking it out you kicked him out,and yeah he's pissed at and he has every right to be after what you did!" I said to while fuming with rage. "What I did to him!? More like what he did to me!? He didn't tell you everything did he?" I shook my head no and he muttered under his breath typical.

"Spot,do you still love him?" I asked while whispering. "Of course I f**king do" he said to me. He then said to me barley above a whisper that I almost didn't hear it. "I always will" "Then go talk to him Colon. I'm pretty sure he's selling in Manhattan today near bottle ally" "Ok,thx Mouth." I then watched Spot walk off and I stared selling.

Spot POV
I walked to were Dave told me he was and I was soon face to face with the most beautiful person in the world. "Higgins" "Colon" he said while glaring at me. "Race what I said wasn't right it was wrong of me" I said to him while wanting to hold his hand but I couldn't due to all the people around us.

Next thing I know I'm being dragged to an empty alleyway by Race. He took both my hands in his and my heart instantly melted from his touch. "Sean I'm sorry to it was wrong of me to kiss Dodge I was drunk and didn't know what was going on. I-I know I'm untrustworthy and I'm f-fa-" I couldn't stand hearing Race talk about him self like that. So I did the only thing I know how to do when he won't stop talking.

I kissed him and he kissed back and a spark of fireworks went off between us. I wrapped one arm around his waist and ran my free hand through his beautiful blonde curly hair. He then wrapped his arm's around my neck. It was just like old time's him and me in our own little world.

We broke apart for air and I looked into his and I told him "Race,I love you more than life it's self and I know I don't deserve you but would you be willing to give me another chance?" "I'd be willing to but this is your last chance" "thank you Racey I really don't deserve you." Race then kissed me on lips and I picked him up and spun him around while kissing him. "I love you Spot" he said to me after we broke apart. I then laid my head on his chest and he laid his head on mine.

Jack POV
I was sitting on the couch in the living room by my self Crutch left with everyone else to go sell I  stayed behind just incase if Livy showed up. So far she hasn't. That's it I can't take it anymore im going to go look for her. As I get up Kath walks in. "Jack,I heard what happened I'm so sorry." I was still walking out the door. "Jack we're you going?"

"I can't take this wondering were my sister is I'm going to look for her." "Jack wait,I'll come with you" She offers "you sure?" she comes over and gives me a kiss on the check "positive" she said to me. Were walking down the street when I see Davey running towards me. "Hey you alright there Dave?" "Jack I know were your sister is."

"Were is she!" I demanded a little to aggressive cause Kath put her hand on my shoulder wich she does to calm me down. "It's a long story but Morris told me your mom has her." "wait Morris to- you know what it doesn't matter,what matters is that we go get her now." I then started to race to my old house. All I could think was I have to get to my sister if anything happens I'd never forgive myself for having the last thing I'd said to her be I hate you I wish you were never born.

I get to the door and try opening it. "It's locked sh!t!" "Is there another way in?" Davey ask me "yeah through the basement" I told him. "So then what are we waiting for lets go" Kath says to us while walking around to the other side of the house. I find an open window and climb threw it. I help Kath and Davey in and we look around.

I want to call out my sister name so badly but can't for risk of my mother being here. As I'm walking I step on something I pick it up and it ends up being my sisters old pink ballet slipper. I forgot she did dance before what happened. "Olivia did ballet" Kath asked me quietly. "No Ruby did" I thought out loud by mistake. "Ruby" Dave says while giving me a questioning look.

"You two can't tell a soul about this. Olivia is not my only sister,I had a twin named Ruby." "what do you mean had?" Kath asked "it's a long story and I rather not tell it when my only sister I have left life is on the line." I hear a scream from upstairs I run up their this time calling my sisters name not caring if our mother hears me.

"Help,Jack help please!" I run to her door and swing it open. I'm meet with a horrible sight. Olivia hands are tied together and behind her. I also notice she's tied to her bed frame and her legs are all scratched up so are her arm's. Her usual brown wavy hair is red near the top of her head.

I rush over to her and immediately untie her. The minute I do she latches on to me like her life depends on it. "Are you ok,what did she do?" "I don't wanna talk about it." "ok you don't have to tell me now but you are gonna have to tell me eventually."

Then Jack woke up in a cold sweat with tears streaming down his face. He sister was in trouble just like she was in his dream. I have to go find her and fast.

Hope you enjoyed please let me know what u think. Also everything in Jack's POV was a dream for this chapter.

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