• i n f o r m a t i o n •

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•• m a i n  i n f o r m a t i o n  ••
Welcome to This Is A Mess (Weird title-)!
This command game will be different (e x t r e m e l y  d i f f e r e n t)from the ones I've made. They'll have some different mechanics as well as different commands but the commands will mostly still work the same.
If you have any questions that have not been answered on this page then please tell me and I'll try to add it in.
If you are confused about certain things then just make a comment on this page and I'll get to it as soon as I can!

•• c r e d i t ••
Thank you -hardcorefxnatic- so much for the amazing book cover! It's  g r e a t

•• r a n k i n g i n f o r m a t i o n ••
- Leader -
The leader has the highest ranking. A short explanation is, they can do literally anything. Congrats, if you're the leader then you now have u n l i m i t e d p o w e r . Their word is law and they're now stronger than SpiritClan itself :)
- Deputy -
The deputy is similar to the leader but they don't have as much power in the clan (They still have a lot tho-). They can do most things the leader can do but they aren't allowed to force cats to become mates or breed (Oh yes they can). They can't assign a cat a punishment unless given permission by the leader (They can do this too ;3). They can still tell a cat to hunt and the cat will have to do it. If something seems out of place then it is the deputy's job to tell the leader. The deputy is second in the power rankings.
- Medicine Cats -
Medicine cats are the main healers of the clan. There can only be six at a time and only toms can become medicine cats (Sorry she-cats). They can have mates and kits but only if given permission by the leader. Medicine cats are third in the power ranking. Any other ranks below do not have a place on the power ranking, as they are seen as normal cats in the clan.
- Warriors -
Warriors are pretty important to the clan. They don't hold as much power as medicine cats do. They can become mates with whoever they'd like unless the leader chooses one for them. They are in charge of keeping up the prey supply (Which really isn't hard so uh...high expectations there) and border. Warriors are mostly able to do what they'd like to do (Fly, shoot laser beams, steal catnip, you name it). Occasionally the leader and/or deputy may interfere but other than that warriors are pretty normal (Or at least as normal as this clan can get).
- Queens -
Queens aren't considered the most important ones in the clan ranking but they are still pretty important, like warriors. Despite taking care of kits, they still won't be allowed to eat first, seeing as the leader, deputy and medicine cats come first. Once their kits are old enough to become apprentices they can then go back to their original rank. During their time as a queen they won't be able to do anything (False. Commands for queens will be listed soon) other than play with their kits.

•• m a i n p u n i s h m e n t s ••
- Death -
Commonly used when a cat goes against the leader's words. Also used when a medicine cat becomes mates and/or has kits without the leader's permission. The leader can choose how the cat dies, rather it be being mauled by dogs, drowning or simply using deathberries.
- Changing Ranks -
Used mainly for if a leader is feeling merciful towards a medicine cat. If a medicine cat either becomes mate or has kits without the leader's permission then the leader can force the medicine cat to change their rank to a warrior apprentice, starting off with zero skills in hunting and battle. They will have to train again to become a full warrior. If the medicine cat is expecting kits then they will be able to have those kits but the kits will be given to a different queen to take care of. The medicine cat will not be known as the kits' parents nor will the kits be able to acknowledge them as such. The queen taking care of the kits will then be known as their biological parent.
- Exile -
The cat is then exiled from the clan. This means that they will be removed from the game. It's the most simplest punishment probably.

•• e a t i n g o r d e r ••
Medicine Cats
Queens + Kits
- If There Are Changes Needed -
Starving Cats
Hungry Cats
Slightly Hungry Cats
Medicine Cats
Queens + Kits

•• e a t i n g ••
Each day, every cat eats five prey. If they aren't able to eat then they will become slightly hungry. Not being able to eat again will result in becoming hungry and then if they don't eat another time they will become starving. Eating once can bring their hunger back to full. Not eating another day after starving will result in death.

•• s e a s o n s ••
- Newleaf -
+5 hunting and +3 foraging
increase in whitecough
higher chance of half the clan being thanos snapped
events can vary
- Greenleaf -
+3 hunting an +3 foraging
increase in greencough, whitecough and hallucinations
events will vary
- Leaffall -
-4 foraging and -6 hunting
increase in cracked paw pads and the occasional broken limbs
events will vary
- Leafbare -
-8 hunting and -6 foraging
increase in colds, SpIrItClAn HaS yOuR tOeS and case of no memes
drop in meme production rate
events will vary

•• t i m e ••
2-6 days = 1 in-game season
1 day = 1 moon

•• e n e r g y ••
All cats have 5 energy.

•• e n e r g y c h a n g e s ••
Slightly Injured ~ 3 energy
Injured ~ 2 energy
Severely Injured ~ 0 energy
I Broke My Leg ~ 0 energy
Cracked Paw Pads ~ 3 energy
Slight Infection ~ 3 energy
Infection ~ 1 energy
Severe Infection ~ 0 energy
Slight Cough ~ 4 energy
Whitecough ~ 2 energy
Greencough ~ 0 energy
Deathcough ~ 0 energy
Slight Cold ~ 3 energy
Cold ~ 2 energy
SpIrItClAn HaS yOuR tOeS ~ 0 energy
Hallucinations ~ 2 energy
Case Of No Memes ~ 0 energy
aW I aTe A sToNe (Suggested by alulusa) ~ 2 energy
Brain Damage ~ 3 energy
I bRoKe My NeCk ~ 0 energy
Case Of Death (Not to be confused with death) ~ 0 energy
sOmEoNe StOlE My VoIcE ~ 4 energy
Burns ~ 4 energy
Food Poisoning ~ 3 energy
I cAn BrEaThE fIrE ~ 4 energy
Sticky Sticc ~ not affected
s p i c y b o i ~ 4 energy
HeLp I aTe A cAt ~ not affected
I've Eaten Too Much ~ 3 energy
Broken Nose ~ 4 energy
Severe Stomachache ~ 2 energy
Snake Bite ~ 0 energy
Broken Bones ~ 2 energy (wobble-)
Broken Ears ~ not affected
Popped Tail ~ not affected
Spirit's Curse ~ 0 energy
Slightly Hungry ~ not affected
Hungry ~ 2 energy
Starving ~ 0 energy
any suggestions for illnesses are appreciated :)

•• b o r d e r  i n f o r m a t i o n ••
A full border strength is 20/20. Each day the border will deplete by 2.
To bring the border back up to full strength two patrols of three cats must be sent out each day.
If the border drops below 10 there is a high possibility of events happening each day until the border is back up to 15 or more.

•• l e v e l c h a r t i n g ••
- Swimmingskill -
level 0 ~ 10% chance of succeeding/surviving
level 1 ~ 20% chance of succeeding/surviving
level 2 ~ 40% chance of succeeding/surviving
level 3 ~ 60% chance of succeeding/surviving
level 4 ~ 80% chance of succeeding/surviving
level 5 ~ 100% chance of succeeding/surviving
- Huntingskill -
level 0 ~ 0 prey/can't hunt
level 1 ~ 1-3 prey
level 2 ~ 3-8 prey
level 3 ~ 5-10 prey
level 4 ~ 10-30 prey
level 5 ~ 20-50 prey
- Battleskill -
level 0 ~ 0 damage/can't fight
level 1 ~ 1-10 damage
level 2 ~ 10-50 damage
level 3 ~ 10-100 damage
level 4 ~ 100-200 damage
level 5 ~ 300-500 damage
- Foragingskill -
level 0 ~ 0-1 herbs
level 1 ~ 0-2 herbs
level 2 ~ 1-3 herbs
level 3 ~ 3-8 herbs
level 4 ~ 5-10 herbs
level 5 ~ 10-20 herbs
- Healingskill -
level 0 ~ can't heal
level 1 ~ can heal slightly injured, cracked paw pads, hallucinations, sOmEoNe StOlE mY vOiCe and Popped Tail
level 2 ~ can heal injured, slight infection, aW I aTe A sToNe, Sticky Sticc, s p i c y b o i and Broken Ears
level 3 ~ can heal infection, slight cough, slight cold, case of no memes, burns and a Broken Nose. First password is SpiritClan save me now-
level 4 ~ can heal severely injured, severe infection, cold, whitecough, Food Poisoning, I cAn BrEaThE fIrE and I've Eaten Too Much
level 5 ~ can heal I Broke My Leg, greencough, SpIrItClAn HaS yOuR tOeS, Case Of Death, HeLp I aTe A cAt and Severe Stomachache
level 6 ~ can heal deathcough, brain damage, I bRoKe My NeCk, Snake Bite and Broken Bones

•• s k i l l  l e v e l  i n f o r m a t i o n ••
Medicine cats have foragingskill, healingskill and swimmingskill.
Warriors have huntingskill, battleskill and swimmingskill.

•• h e a l i n g  c o s t s ••
Slightly Injured ~ 10 herbs
Injured ~ 20 herbs
Severely Injured ~ 33 herbs
I Broke My Leg ~ 20 herbs
Hallucinations ~ 10 Catnip/Herbs
Case Of No Memes ~ 60 Herbs (-30 more herbs if you want to restore their memes)
aW I aTe A sToNe ~ 10 Herbs
SpIrItClAn HaS yOuR tOeS ~ 50 Herbs (-10 more herbs if you want to restore their toes)
Brain Damage ~ 100 Herbs (also needs to submit the command /Ask SpiritClan to have mercy on (Cat)'s soul)
I bRoKe My NeCk ~ 200 Herbs (also needs to submit the command /Ask SpiritClan to have mercy on (Cat)'s soul)
Case Of Death ~ 500 Herbs
sOmEoNe StOlE mY vOiCe ~ 20 Herbs
Burns ~ 23 Herbs
Food Poisoning ~ 50 Herbs
Sticky Sticc ~ 1 Herb
I cAn BrEaThE fIrE ~ 350 Herbs
s p i c y b o i ~ 600 Herbs
HeLp I aTe A cAt ~ 30 Herbs (and can use 5 more herbs for every cat they've eaten to save the cat)
I've Eaten Too Much ~ 30 Herbs
Broken Nose ~ 60 Herbs
Severe Stomachache ~ 550 Herbs
Snake Bite ~ 800 Herbs
Broken Bones ~ 900 Herbs (also needs to submit the command /Ask SpiritClan to have mercy on (Cat)'s soul)
Broken Ears ~ 60 Herbs
Popped Tail ~ 20 Herbs
Cracked Paw Pads ~ 5 herbs
Slight Infection ~ 10 herbs
Infection ~ 30 herbs
Severe Infection ~ 50 herbs
Slight Cough ~ 10 herbs
Whitecough ~ 30 herbs
Greencough ~ 50 herbs
Deathcough ~ 60 herbs
Slight Cold ~ 35 herbs
Cold ~ 50 herbs
Spirit's Curse ~ Incurable but feel free to use 150 herbs anyway

•• b o n d i n g  l e v e l s ••
level 1 ~ I just met you but you're my friend now
level 2 ~ we're best buds
level 3 ~ you're my meme buddy
level 4 ~ getting there
level 5 ~ guess what? you're now my best friend
level 6 ~ I know your secrets, you know my secrets, what's up
level 7 ~ ayyyy we're inseparable now :) (Can now become mates)
level 8 ~ can now breed (you can only have a level 5 relationship with mates)

•• c o m m a n d s ••
/Hunt with... (Cat's Name)
Starts a new hunting patrol. The command will not be counted if no one replies. Hunting patrols can result in a 1-50 bonus prey. There is no max number of cats for a hunting patrol. Can be used by leaders, deputies, warriors and warrior apprentices. Takes one energy.

/Hunt alone (Cat's Name)
Sends your cat out hunting alone. Can be used by leaders, warriors, deputies and warrior apprentices. Takes one energy.

/Fish (Cat's Name)
Sends your cat fishing. Fishing is similar to hunting but rather than catching fish according to your skill level, all catches can result in 10-20 prey. Success rates will depend on your fishingskill. Can be used by leaders, deputies, warriors, warrior apprentices and queens. Takes one energy.

/Patrol with... (Cat's Name)
Starts a new patrol. Two other people must reply with either /Patrol with all or /Patrol with (Name Of Cats Currently In Patrol) (Cat's Name). If there are more than three people then the command will still be counted. Only problem is that the extra person will be wasting their energy. If there are less than three people then the command will not be counted. Can be used by leaders, deputies, warriors, warrior apprentices, queens and kits. Takes one energy.

/Forage with... (Cat's Name)
Starts a new foraging group. The command will not be counted if no one replies. Foraging groups can result in getting 1-15 bonus herbs. The max number of cats per foraging group is six. Can be used by medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices. Kits are also allowed to yeet themselves into the foraging groups but instead of collecting herbs they'll just be accompanying the medicine cats. Maybe they'll bring back a gift. Takes one energy.

/Forage alone (Cat's Name)
Sends your cat out foraging alone. Can be used by medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices. Takes one energy.

/Bond with... (Cat's Name)
Raises your relationship level with the person who responds by 0.5. Can be done however many times a day you want. Used by leaders, deputies, medicine cats, warriors and queens. Takes no energy.

/Force (Cat) and (Cat) to become mates (Cat's Name)
Forced to cats to become mates. Bonding will still need to be done but the two cats will be known as mates. The leader must tag the two players when they use the command so that the players will know they need to bond with each other. The two players won't be able to use the /Become mates command since the leader has already forced them to become mates. Used by leaders. Takes no energy.

/Become mates with (Cat Who You Have A Level 7 Relationship With) (Cat's Name)
Used to become mates with somebody. You can only be mates with one person unless something happens. Can be mates with the same gender. Used by leaders, deputies, medicine cats, medicine cat apprentices, warriors and warrior apprentices. Takes no energy.

/Force (Cat) and (Cat's Mate) to breed (Cat's Name)
Forced the pair to breed. The two cats will still need to put the /Breed command. The leader must tag the players so that they know they need to use the /Breed command. They still need a bonding level of 8. The two cats must be opposite genders (Tom and she-cat). Used by leaders. Takes no energy.

/Breed with (Mate's Name) (Cat's Name)
Can only be used if you have a level 8 relationship with your mate. You must also be opposite genders. The she-cat will then become a queen. After two moons the queen will give birth to 1-10 kits (Someone better have 10 kits or I shall thanos snap half the clan-). Used by leaders, deputies, warriors and medicine cats. Takes one energy.

/Force (Cat) to search for kits (Cat's Name)
This is used to make a cat who has a same-gendered mate (Tom and tom or she-cat and she-cat) search for kits. The one the leader forces to send out will be the one who stays in the nursery and looks after the kits. The pair must have a relationship level of 8. Used by leaders. Takes no energy.

/Search for kits (Cat's Name)
Can only be used if you have a relationship level of 8 with your mate. You must be the same gender as them to use this command. The cat who searches for the kits will be the one who becomes a 'queen' and looks after the kits. After two moons the cat will return with 1-10 kits (Again, someone better have 10 kittens XD). Used by leaders, deputies, medicine cats and warriors. Takes one energy.

/Hide (Cat's Name)
Only used when there is an attack. Leader's can't use this since they have more than one lives. Used by deputies, medicine cats, medicine cat apprentices, warriors, warrior apprentices, queens and kits. Takes no energy and makes your cat unusable for the duration of the attack.

/Attack (Predator) (If There Are Multiple, Then The Number Of The One You Would Like To Attack) (Cat's Name)
Only used when there is an attack. Used by leaders, deputies, warriors, warrior apprentices and kits, yes kits. Each kit has a special move that will only be revealed during an attack :) Takes one energy.

/Protect kits (Cat's Name)
Only used when there is an attack. Once used the queen will protect their kits. This means that if the predator isn't defeated and the random number generator chooses for it to harm their kits instead of the kits being harmed, the queen will be the one harmed instead. So for example, A queen protects their three kits and one of their kits become severely injured. Second password is I'm lost. Since the queen is protecting their kits the damage has been transferred over to the queen so now the queen is severely injured but their kits are unharmed. Used by queens. Takes five energy.

/Heal (Injured Or Sick Cat) (Cat's Name)
Heals the injured/sick cat. Before using, make sure your healingskill is high enough to heal them. Used by medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices. Takes one energy.

/Exile (Cat) (Cat's Name)
Exiles the cat. This is mostly used as a punishment. Once the cat has been exiled they will be removed from the game. Used by leaders. Takes no energy.

/Assign punishment to (Cat) (Cat's Name)
Once this command is used the leader will be able to choose a punishment in the same comment. They can choose one from the list of main punishments or simply make one them self. When it comes to choosing a punishment for a medicine cat who gets a mate without the leader's permission then they must either choose to kill the medicine cat or the changing rank punishment. Used by leaders and deputies. Takes no energy.

/Train huntingskill with... (Cat's Name)
The cat with the lowest huntingskill will raise their huntingskill by 0.5. Cats with the same huntingskill will not be allowed to train with each other. Used by leaders, deputies, warriors and warrior apprentices. Takes one energy.

/Train battleskill with... (Cat's Name)
The cat with the lowest battleskill will raise their battleskill by 0.5. Cats with the same battleskill will not be allowed to train with each other. Used by leaders, deputies, warriors and warrior apprentices. Takes one energy.

/Train swimmingskill with... (Cat's Name)
The cat with the lowest swimmingskill will raise their swimmingskill by 0.5. Cats with the same swimmingskill will not be allowed to train with each other. Medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices can only train with other medicine cats and are not allowed to train with other ranks. Used by leaders, deputies, medicine cats, medicine cat apprentices, warriors and warrior apprentices. Takes one energy.

/Train healingskill with... (Cat's Name)
The cat with the lowest healingskill will raise their healingskill by 0.5. Cats with the same healingskill will not be allowed to train with each other. Used by medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices. Takes one energy.

/Train foragingskill with... (Cat's Name)
The cat with the lowest foragingskill will raise their foragingskill by 0.5. Cats with the same foragingskill will not be allowed to train with each other. Used by medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices. Takes one energy.

/Play with... (Cat's Name)
When kits play five times they will start off with level 1 in all their necessary skills. Used by kits and queens. Takes one energy.

/Sneak out of camp (Cat's Name)
When this command is used you will sneak out of camp. A random number generator will choose what you do. You might find 100 prey, 50 herbs or you might even raise the border up by 1. Either that or you bring destruction upon the clan and cause an event to happened. There is also a chance you'll end up running into a clanmate. Used by kits. Takes three energy.

/Look for gifts (Cat's Name)
50% chance of finding a random gift that you can give to someone. Used by kits. Takes one energy.

/Boop (Cat) (Cat's Name)
Boops the chosen cat's nose. Used by leaders, deputies, medicine cats, medicine cat apprentices, warriors, warrior apprentices, queens and kits. Takes no energy.

/Spoop (Cat) (Cat's Name)
Spoops the chosen cat. Has a chance of taking away two energy from chosen cat. Also has a chance of the chosen cat pulling out an uno reverse card of their preferred color and putting the effect on you instead. You must tag the person you are spooping. Leaders can not be affected by this. Deputies can't as well. Every cat can only do this once a day. Used by leaders, deputies, medicine cats, medicine cat apprentices, warriors, warrior apprentices, queens and kits. Takes no energy.

/Pull out trustworthy (Red, blue, green or yellow) uno reverse card (Cat's Name)
Used when you get spooped. Reverses the command and causes the cat spooping you to be spooped instead. The cat who you used the reverse card on can use their own reverse card to reverse the effect. There's no limit to how many times you can use your reverse card. Used by medicine cats, medicine cat apprentices, warriors, warrior apprentices, queens and kits. Takes no energy.

/Ask the almighty SpiritClan cat for another cat (Cat's Name)
Used when you already have five cats but want one more. After this command is used I will reply with a yes or no. I will most likely say yes. If I do then you may make a new cat and they will be put on the waiting list. This can only be used once. Third password is your favorite uno card. Once used the command will be locked for you. Used by leaders, deputies, medicine cats, medicine cat apprentices, warriors, warrior apprentices, queens and kits. Takes no energy.

/Rankup to warrior apprentice (Cat's New Name)
You will train to become a warrior. Used by kits. Takes no energy.

/Rankup to medicine cat apprentice (Cat's New Name)
You will train to become a medicine cat. Used by kits. Takes no energy.

/Rankup to warrior (Cat's New Name)
You will become a full warrior. Used by warrior apprentices. Takes no energy.

/Rankup to medicine cat (Cat's New Name)
You will become a full medicine cat. Used by medicine cat apprentices. Takes no energy.

/Choose (Cat) to become the new deputy (Cat's Name)
Used only when the deputy has either died or been exiled/killed. The cat chosen will then become the new deputy. Used by leaders. Takes no energy.

/Travel to Spirit Lake (Cat's Name)
When leaders use it it's mostly with one medicine cat. When deputies use it it's for when the leader has died and the deputy is now ranking up to a leader. One medicine cat will need to go with the deputy. When medicine cats use it it's for a prophecy or to receive a sign. Used by leaders, deputies and medicine cats. Takes five energy.

/Don't Eat (Cat's Name)
Puts you at the bottom of the eating order. Used by leaders, deputies, medicine cats, medicine cat apprentices, warriors, warrior apprentices and queens. Takes no energy.

Rules Will Be On The Next Page —>
Please make sure to read everything on this page before moving on! Everything should be explained on here except for the events.

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