Long Island Swan Song: Zack Ryder

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A/N- Decided to entertain all of the WWE fans that are reading this, and I'm sorry that one of these couldn't come sooner. Also, the narration in the video is kinda what I'm heading towards by the end. So, it will start out in the first person, and then it will head to a narrator who finishes out the tale. Hope you enjoy it!


(Y/N's P.O.V.)

I couldn't believe it at all. It has been two long years since Zack was last in the spotlight on a main event in the WWE. Today was the two year anniversary of the last ride of Zack Ryder. Whenever this day would roll around, I felt bad for him.

Last year, I wanted to make sure that he was okay, but I didn't see him the entire day. He got home around ten completely drunk. He never drank that much, except on this day. He kept working towards a return, but injuries got in the way. I still felt bad because I couldn't help him through the pain at all.

He wants to be back there more than anybody else. Well, he left bright and early on that day. I worried about Zack more than ever, and I wondered what he was going to do this year. I worried that he was going to go back to his ex, Eve Torres. She broke his heart, and I found him alone on the beach of Long Island. I'm still with him after all of that.

On any other day, Zack works very hard for his goal of redemption to come true. After his workouts, he would come home laughing and smiling. Today, he might leave and never come back.

Some of my best friends invited me out to a movie. We were going to see Pitch Perfect 2. Even the movie made me think of Zack. The Barton Bellas were fighting for a chance at redemption, and they got it. One of the songs that the youngest member wrote reminded me of Zack. When they sang it, I smiled and realized something about Zack Ryder.

When tomorrow comes, I'll be on my own, getting frightened of the things that I don't know.

When tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes.

Although the road is long, I look up to the sky, darkness all around and hope that I can fly.

And I sing along, and I sing along.

I got all I need when I got you and I, 'cause I look around me and see a sweet light.

I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight.

You're getting me through the night.

You kick start my heart when you shine it in my eyes, and I can't lie, it's a sweet light.

I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight.

You're getting me through the night.

'Cause you're my flashlight.

I realized that Zack, no matter what, would never leave me. Even if he is offered a job across the sea in Japan, I would follow him. Wherever he went, I would go with him. Even if I am scared of what is to come when the evening comes, he would come back to me, and I would go back to him.

After the movie, my friends dropped me off on the rainy day. I swore that sometimes, Zack controlled the weather. Whenever it was sunny, he was happy, and when he was angry, it rained as if there was no tomorrow.

I walked in the house, and I saw a smiling Zack Ryder in the living room.

"Zack, what is going on?" I asked him.

He repiled, "(Y/N), they just resigned me! I'm back!"

I couldn't help but smile at him. I was so happy for him, and this day wasn't a day to go down in history as the worst day ever, but maybe it would slowly turn around for the two of us.


(Narrator P.O.V.)

Zack and (Y/N) don't know this, but that day would pay off a few years later. Zack Ryder eventually became the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and his "flashlight" supported him through it all. No matter what happened, they would always be together. During the road to get back to glory, they did get engaged and wed. Trust me, it was a pretty amazing ceremony that those two put on.

When Zack won that championship, the story was ending, but it was also beginning as well. In fact, by this time next week, he will be defending the title for the first time against his idol, John Cena, in his hometown next week. The effort will be successful, and it will be the only time that the title was in jeopardy until the Authority challenged Zack Ryder. He was champion for almost a year, and he wants to get it back more than ever.

So, what's it all add up to? It's hard to say, but I think that this was a test, for Zack and (Y/N). Up against the fans, the Authority, the company, friends, they chose family over it all. They stuck together throughout the test, and I think they did alright.

Endings are impossible. Anyone with a keyboard can spit out a beginning, but endings are impossible to write. All of the loose ends are supposed to be tied up in this neat little bow, and if they're not, the fans always let you know it. Trust me, endings are the worst to write.

No doubt, endings are a raging pain, but does anything really end??

THE END...........................................


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