My Saving Grace: Castiel

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(Y/N P.O.V.)

It has been two long years of an on and off relationship with Castiel. He would stay with me for a few weeks, and then he would leave and hunt with the Winchesters for a while. The cycle would repeat, but he would always come back more broken than the last time he would return. It always scared me how shy and shut down Cas would become after these hunts. I know that the stuff that he sees on hunts with the Winchesters is mostly unspeakable and he doesn't want to tell me. I'm okay with it, but I want to help him through it.

Well, Castiel left twenty days ago and he hasn't come back yet. This was the longest time that he has gone away. It was a dark and stormy night, and suddenly I saw a man break into my house, but there wasn't a broken window to be seen. He took me, and I started screaming.

"Now, you stay quiet, (Y/F/N). I want Castiel to come running to you, but it will be the last time you ever see him. Oh, and isn't that rude that I didn't introduce myself?? My name is Zachariah and you little boyfriend and I have had issues since dinosaurs walked the Earth. You're going to stay in this little room until I say it's safe to come out, which will be when Castiel is dead and in the cold ground."

I nodded my head and looked away from Zachariah. It wasn't unusual that I was scared for Castiel, but this time the fear was different. I was scared that he would be killed all because of me. As soon as Zachariah left the room, I started crying because I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to Castiel. I knew that everytime he came back, that meant he still felt something was worth while between the two of us. I wouldn't be able to say how much I loved him when he was near me. I also wouldn't be able to tell him my feelings I felt when he would go on a hunt with the Winchesters.

It's going to be okay, (Y/N). I'll be there soon.

I started crying even harder when I heard his voice go through my head. He always sends me messages like this when he is away. I didn't want to have him die in front of me. He shouldn't have to die like that, at the hands of an angry angel.

I thought back to all of the memories between Castiel and I. They were memories that brought me back to the happier times. My favorite one was the first time that we met. I used to be a waitress at a favorite bar of the Winchesters, and he accidently ran into me when he appeared out of nowhere. I didn't want him to go, so I looked around for a way out. There was no way out of there, except a window that reminded me of a jail cell. I looked out of the window, and it was too late. Castiel and Zachariah were already starting to fight to the death and I didn't know why I had to be in the middle of it.

All of the sudden, I heard somebody falling to the ground. When I looked through the window, I saw Castiel still standing tall. Zachariah was dead, and I wanted to jump through that window, but I don't think Cas knew I was even there.

"I'm here to take you home, (Y/N)." Castiel came out of nowhere, but I got used to it. He was covered in blood and it scared me to death. I thought that he came out unharmed, but I ran into his arms.

"I thought that you were dead, Castiel. I thought that Zachariah-"

"If he finds a new vessel, he'll never find you again. I will always be there for you, (Y/N)."

Hearing those words made it all worth while every time he came home. I kissed him, and we escaped.

Castiel was my hero that day, and I knew from then on he would always be there for me.


A/N- Sorry it's been a while since I last updated, but it's kinda been crazy. The next update is going to be Part 2 of The Finnish Mistake. Hope you guys enjoyed this one!!

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