The Beginning

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Hi again! I'm really excited to start writing this book, I'm planning on it being really action-packed! There are a few things you must know about the server; first of all, there can only be 12 official nations. second, each official nation is controlled by an ultra-powerful weapon called a Capital Weapon. There are many other "God Weapons" in the world, each of which lays claim to a chunk of land in the land claimed by the local Capital Weapon, but the owners of the local God Weapons must be led by the owner of the local Capital Weapon. Each God Weapon holder can control one city, and the holder of the local capital weapon can control another, the Capital. Every God Weapon controlled city in a nation must be taken out before the Capital can be attacked. This server has loads of mods installed to make it an amazing, immersive experience, set in medieval Minecraft, so there are lots of weapons like halberds, lances, and battleaxes. With them come new armor types and movement mechanics. Also, if you die, you are kicked for the rest of the week. The map is massive, so there is plenty of room for civilization to flourish. 

We logged on. About a thousand in all, and more were sure to come. We picked our spawn points, me, Scimitar, and Cited choosing the same general area, so that we would be together, and we stepped onto the teleporter. My vision faded to blackness. When I woke up, I was standing in a snowy tundra, a huge mountain looming in the distance. I got right to work. Making some wood tools, I found a cave and upgraded them to stone.

Around that time, a couple of stragglers spawned in. Not wanting to become known as untrustworthy, I asked them to get on discord so that we could talk about an alliance. Once they did, I learned that their names were Dom and Jack. They were quite friendly, and almost immediately agreed to partner with me, Scim, and Cite.

After I located the others, we set about getting iron. Finding a cave, we mined all the ore we could find and used it to make armor, tools, and weapons. All of us now had full iron armor and I had reinforcing plates on mine. We also made weapons so that we could defend ourselves in case of an attack. I had two scimitars because it symbolized me and Scim's friendship, and they were good for my style of fighting. I made an iron-strengthened longbow as well, because I like killing from a distance. Then I lined the inside of my overcoat with flint daggers, so that I could whip some out and throw them at opponents.

We spent the next few days building a small network of catacombs underneath an obscenely large, multi-peaked mountain that we found, which was in a perfect spot because it sloped down to a small flat area before reaching the sea on one side, so we could build a beautiful city there, and lots of cave openings on another, with rich ore deposits inside. Beyond that, there was another territory called The Mournlands, a huge expanse of lava flats and salt plains, riddled with vengeful spirits that can steal your soul and turn you into a mindless husk, born only to serve them, and they themselves serve only one person: the one who holds The Mourner's Axe, which was hidden somewhere in The Mournlands. On the last there was a vast tundra, the place where I spawned. All this was great, but I knew we needed a bigger nation if we wanted to stand against the massive armies that would soon emerge. So while Scimitar, Dom and Jack continued to build, mine, and train, me and CitedCello set out to find some new recruits for our growing faction.

After a few days of walking along the edge of the mournlands towards a sparse forest that we were almost positive had players, a wandering fire spirit got a little too close.

It attacked, shooting a tendril of essence into my chest, trying to steal my soul. I stabbed it with one of my scimitars, killing it. It's essence remained in my body, though. It felt like I was a raging inferno, brimming with destructive power. "Whoa!" Exclaimed Cite. "That was close!"

"Yeah..." I replied, holding my hand out in front of me. Flames burst into existence, burning bright against the evening darkness.

"Where did that come from?!" He asked, inspecting the fire. "Can you manipulate it too?"

"Maybe," I said, thrusting the hand forward as if to throw it. It shot away and into a nearby zombie. The mob was blown apart in a violent explosion.

"Daaaaang. That's OP!" Cited remarked.

"Maybe we can use it to our advantage. We've been having trouble with the cold back at the mountain. We could make a heatproof, smoke filtering box that I could shoot fire into, then vents in the sides could let out the warm air." I suggested.

Cite considered it for a moment. "That could work. We'll try it. But come on, we need to keep moving! I want to get to the forest tomorrow."

Over the next few days we explored the area, mining and befriending a few players. By the time we packed up to go home, we had three others with us, as well as stacks of iron, coal, copper, and tin. We had a bit of titanium, diamond, and mithril as well, but not much. We decided to go the long way to get back to base, through the mountains, as we didn't want to be discovered yet. The journey was rough, and we were constantly being attacked by giant storm birds. They came at us on narrow ledges, trying to grab us and tear us off the side of the cliff, but we were able to ward them off with bows and arrows. Then, as we came to the top of a mountain, I saw it; the Arctic Glaive, the Capital weapon of Titan's Veil, which contained the Mournlands, the tundra, called The Blizzard Steppes, the mountains, called Tempest Peaks, and the surrounding archipelago, The Champion Isles.

It's blade was buried deep in a large, glowing gem, and suddenly a ghostly voice was in my head. Take the weapon, it said, the gem is the heart of the titan, it is a monument, use it to designate your Capital city. This was obviously a message from the admins. I walked forward, placed my hand on the glaive, and pulled upwards. The artifact slid out easily, and I was left holding it, my own Capital Weapon, thrumming in my hand. I picked up the heart and put it in my pack. The crystal was strangely light against my back. Going back down to the others, I told them what had happened. Congratulating me, we pressed on into our new, rightful kingdom.

Well, I'm not really sure I like how this chapter turned out, I'll probably change the story to third person or make it about a different person entirely, but yeah, I'm gonna try to update often, and keep the chapters about this length. This story won't all be building castles and building up resources, there will be HUGE battles in the near future, with several hundred players fighting across giant battlefields, and secret plots to decimate entire cities in a single blow.

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