Chapter 10

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Skyler's POV

We slept in the abandoned train that night. Willow had died, as well as Dawn. They were the only ones today. As the guys sleep, I keep watch out of the window. I don't see anyone.

Just as I'm about to wake Mitch up for his shift, I hear a bunch of shouting. Mitch and Jerome wake with a start.

"What was that?" Jerome asks.

"Something bad just happened very close to us," I say, shaking.

We grab our weapons and quietly leave our train car. We go in the direction of the shouting and see Jason's group and Adam. Ian is on the ground, a dagger in his chest.

"How could you do this?!" Adam screamed. He had his sword in his hand and was staring at Jason, Tiffany and Dina.

"Jason!" I yell. He looks over at me and frowns.

"Stay out of this, Skyler!"


I run to Adam's side and Jerome and Mitch join me.

"Come on, I don't want any more fighting tonight," Jerome says.

"Go away and we'll let you live," Mitch says.

Jason mutters something to Tiffany and they walk away. Dina follows them, but not before grinning evilly at Adam, another dagger in her hand.

"Dina!" Tiffany calls. She looks away from us and follows them.

"Ian, I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you. First Ty, now you," Adam sobs.

"It's okay. I'm going to a better place," Ian says softly.

"Please stay. I need a friend," Adam whispers.

"It's gonna be okay, Adam," Ian says. He closes his eyes and a cannon goes off.

Adam drops his sword and sobs. I put my hand on his shoulder and Mitch and Jerome take Ian's sword and makes him hold it in front of him, like a warrior.

"Do you want to join our group?" I ask Adam. He smiles sadly and shakes his head.

"No. I can't handle seeing more of my friends die. I think at this point, I'm better alone."

"That's fine," I say. I hug him and he picks up his sword.

"Thanks for helping," he says. I nod.


He waves goodbye and walks away.

"Let's get some sleep," Jerome says.

We walk back to the train car and I try to sleep, but I keep remembering when I first met Ian, Ty and Adam. It feels like it was years ago, when in reality it was only a week ago. Now, more than half of that group is dead.

It takes a while, but soon, I'm fast asleep.

A/N: I am a horrible person. I'm sorry.

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