Chapter 5

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I look around. Mitch is beside me, thank goodness. Clos from district 1 is on my other side.

"Mid," whispers Mitch. I nod.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, the time counts down. It hits zero and I sprint to the Cornucopia. The first thing I grab is an axe and a backpack. A cannon booms and I pray that it's not Mitch or Jerome.

As I run from the centre, I see Jerome running into the woods. I follow him.

"Jerome! It's me!" I say as I come up behind him. He sighs.

"Thanks for saying that or I would have shot you." He has a bow in his hand and a quiver on his furry back.

"Guys, I'm here," Mitch says, panting. He has a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other.

"Okay good. Let's go," Jerome says.

Together, we run through the forest, my heart pounding in my head. I hear another two cannons go off.

"Come on. Up this tree," Jerome says. He puts his bow on his back and starts climbing. Mitch and I follow close behind, and I silently thank Notch that I trained in climbing.

We reach a huge branch and we lay our weapons down.

"Alright, Mitch, do you want to sword or the bow?" I ask.

"Bow," he replies. He takes the bow and quiver of arrows. I take the sword and Jerome takes the axe.

"I'll also take the knives, so I have something for hand to hand combat," Mitch says. Jerome and I agree and Mitch tucks the knives into his belt.

"What other supplies do we have?" asks Jerome.

"I got a backpack," I say and they both grin.

"Good. Shall we keep moving?" Mitch asks.

We're about to climb down the tree when we see people coming into view. It's Clos, Titus, Alexis and Coral.


"I wonder where the others are..." Jerome mumbles.

"Ty is probably with Adam. He's not joining the careers. Tiffany is probably with Jason, I saw them talking earlier, but I don't know about that other guy, Quentin," I whisper back, still watching the careers. Titus is holding a sword and Alexis has a bow.

We stay as silent as possible as they walk past. Another boom sounds throughout the arena.

"Please don't see us," Jerome whispers, so quietly that I can barely hear him.

They walk past, unaware that we are sitting on this branch. Once they're gone, Mitch breathes heavily.

"If they saw us, we would probably be dead right now."

We climb down the tree and discuss a plan.

"Do we go for mid and check for more loot?" Jerome asks.

"Yeah. After that, let's find a safe place to sleep tonight," I say. Mitch agrees and we race for the Cornucopia.

When we reach it, I search the chests for anything useful. I find a gold chestplate and hand it to Jerome, who doesn't have a chestplate. He takes it and puts it on.

"Thanks," he says. We don't find anything else, so we run back into the forest.

We continue to run until we find a small cave, just big enough for the three of us. We lay our weapons down and sit in the entrance of the cave, waiting for the list of fallen tributes to show up.

A song plays through the arena and the list of fallen tributes shows up.

Watt: D5

Aran: D6

Calico: D8

Rye: D9

I felt bad that those kids would never go home to see their families again.  I look over at Mitch and Jerome.  They're both staring at the sky even though the pictures have already disappeared.  

"I'll take first watch," Jerome says finally, breaking the silence.  

Mitch and I crawl into our cave and take blankets out of my backpack.  We lay one down to sleep on and the other we put over ourselves.

"Goodnight Sky," Mitch says.  "Goodnight biggums." 

"Goodnight Mitch and Jerome," I say.  

"Go to sleep, little ones," Jerome whispers, trying not to laugh.  

I grin and rest my head down.  Soon, I fall asleep.  

I've survived the first night of the Hunger Games.  

A/N: Hey guys!  The picture at the beginning of the chapter is Jerome, Mitch and Skyler, in case you didn't know. :) Bye!

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