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I just really wanted to
Write this story for a while now

    New York City the city that never sleeps busy streets loud music and fashion parties here and their but for this year everyone is drawing their attention to the two new big shots young and handsome they were on every headlines of the news paper and everyones main topic

   Heartstrings manor

The heartstrings family famous for their running company Heartstrings Airlines and amazing eyes that's been their pride

   "Nathan have you heard the news!?"Elizabeth heartstrings the wife of the companies owner Nathan heartstrings "What news?" he asked curious to his wife sudden out burst "The Clearwaters are hosting a party!"she said excitedly "Aren't you best friend The golden boys father?"she added "Abrax?  Yes I am close friends with him do you want to go?"Eliza eyes lit up with sparkles "I love to!! we could properly them who knows we could make good allies"She smile

"Mother? Father? What are you talking about?"Their only child asked

"Avery! Me and your father had been thinking of going to the party the Clearwaters are hosting" she said out loud holding her 20 year old daughters hand "You mean the brat that won't shut up?"Avery said bluntly

Avery and the son of Clearwater don't get along nicely it's always a rivalry between them since high school even up till now but has a good sisterly relationship with the Clearwaters youngest daughter

"Avery be nice that boy has achieved alot but hey at least your close friends with their youngest"Nathan added with a kind smile "Do you want to attend the party with us?"her mother ask desperate for a yes answer Avery let out a sigh "Ok I'll go but only if Alice is around"she hugged her mother "I promise you my dear you'll enjoy it" her father added

  Salazar Mansion Italy (I changed Xayrz last name)

   "Xay! Xay!! XAYRZ!!" Zayra yelled out for her sister while running around the halls looking for her "Could you be more quiet I'm trying to read" a voice from another room called Zayra quickly open the door and went inside to see her younger sister lying down on the sofa with a magazine in hand

"Sister I have great news!"Zayra sat down next to her sister Xayrz put the magazine down to look at her "What is it?"she curious asked "Do you still remember moon and red?  Well they finally hit it off big! And is hosting a party at New York we should totally go!" Xay stood up from the sofa adjust her clothes and walked towards the full body window "I've been sitting on the couch for as long as I can remember but they finally hit it off huh I'm impressed those two has such strong determination in them"She commented her sister got up and went to her side holding her shoulders "I know right? So what do you say let's go? He'll be happy to you your his number one supporter of course and We could probably bring your fiance with us~"she tease Xayrz only scoffed at her comment "Sister Tony is probably to busy to come with us and what your saying is that we should fly all the way to New York just to party?" she cleared "Yes~" a long pause as Xayrz though it out "Well alright then a little party wouldn't hurt~"

The Salazar family one of the most biggest big shots and the owners of E, U also known as Emperial University  one of the most high ranking university around the globe and highest education systems with in the learning curriculum also close friends with the Clearwaters

  Lavender estate

The man of the family a very successful governor Carlos lavender and his only daughter Holly lavender a man who wants best out of the best "Mija! You should totally go to this party it could be your chance to find someone"He said to her "Papa I'm not interested in anyone yet I want to be live young and free I don't want to be tied in a man's grasp yet"She commented "Your cousin could go with you and also your getting older my dear I don't want you to live life alone I want you to marry a rich man who would love and support you also I heard from your cousin you fancy him"a light pink blush dusted her cheeks "Papa is just a small crush nothing else it'll eventually pass besides I'm not interested in money I just want to be loved"Carlos sighed at her own daughters stubbornness "Please holly I beg of you at least go I'll book you and your cousin a ticket to new york"he ended his sentence

He got up and left her just a perfect timing her cousin arrived "What was that about?"Tatiana asked "Papa wants me to attend some flashy party I don't wanna go to I just want to stay here not like I know anyone body their"She pouted sitting down on the plushed sofa Tatiana let out a sigh while rubbing her temples "Holly how are you not noticing he wants you to go because he wants you to get in with some who's got cash and so that our family would become rich...tsk... Talk about being a snake about it"holly only furrowed her eyebrows "Why would he even do that I'm not an object nor a prize to be won but if it shuts him up I'll go but I'm won't be looking for anybody and that's that!"she huffed out

   Clearwater manor

"boys have you thought of the people your planning to invite?"Audrey asked "Oh auntie we don't have any invitations everyone is invited!!" red said putting his hands up Audrey's eyes widen at her nephews response "What?! That means that the whole city is coming! You know you two are the talk of the world right now"She said in shock her elder son didn't gave much of a reaction "Mutter when is Alice coming home?"he asked from the other sofa he was lying down on "She should be home by now"She answered not a moment later Alice and Abrax walked in the room "Brother!" Alice instantly jump over the couch to give her older brother a hug "W-whoa!" moon quickly rapped an arm around her "Careful starship you'll spill my drink"Moon answer looking at his 14 year old sister "Cousin dearest!!! How was school" Red asked pinches her cheeks "Red that hurts"he quickly let go of her cousins cheek "It was but also annoying because everyone can't stop talking about the party you guys are holding ( ̄. ̄#)"

"Not gonna lie when I arrived at her school people were crowding over us I was so hard to drive"He grunted rubbing his temples "Oh darling at least your made it home safely with our baby girl"Audrey hugged her husbands arm soothing him "Besides what's this whole party is all about?"Alice asked looking at her brothers grey eyes "Well it's to celebrate for our achievement and to also celebrate you since you just recently turn 14"Moon said taking a sip of his drink "Brother my birthday was 7 weeks ago"Alice answer back "but it doesn't hurt to celebrate it again does it?"red smiled playing with the fur of his vest

The golden boys both very successful in an early age of 22 Moon had achieved his tect and science company Red had finally became a stylish designer who makes clothes at top notch it was a surprise how far these two had come and is the talk of the year it was clear they work hard to reach this far

After a couple of days it was the night of the party and everyone from every part of the country went to the party and spilled in Clearwater gates in cars  so many people came

"My my I didn't expect my nephew to hit this big~"Felix cooed

Felix Clearwater a famous movie director and party boy his almost well known around every party since his always their

"Indeed you have such a interesting family babe"Clara giggled while holding her lovers hand

Clara parks Singer and model also known as the most beautiful girl in the country a goddess that decen from the heavens as they say

"Hmm? Dante?"Felix question at the silver haired man "Whoa buddy I didn't expect you to be here especially since your not the type to attend such events your much of an introvert"

"Yua wanted to come and see her son and personally congratulate him"Dante bluntly answered his cousin

Dante Clearwater secret agent spy for the government one of the most high ranking spies in world not much know about him since he goes by many names

"Hmm where yua-san go? Isn't she supposed to be with you?"Clara asked

"She went inside I stayed out for a minute to breath because the inside is packed with people here and their"He answer leaning on a pillar

"Ahhh I see well we came because we want to share the good news!"Clara clap her hands flashing a smile every man would fall for

"What is it?"Dante not being to effected by her beauty

"Were getting married!"Felix announce loud and clear

"Well Ok congrats"

"Seriously do you not give a dam in the world?" Felix lazily asked

"Do you ever stop partying for once?"  he talked back to Felix while Felix did a dramatic "Ouch my feelings are hurt"

The inside was packed with people here and their with high and low status drinking dancing and basically partying wild

"Moshi mosh~"moon turn his head to meet with his childhood friend

"Xay! It's been a while how are you?" moon asked

"Oh same old my sister gave up the position of president of the University and now I'm running the family business"She cooed talking a sip of her drink

"I see well congratulations on that so how's your fiance?"

"Anthony? Oh he said he'll be busy and won't be able to come with us"

"That's odd"Moon pointed out

"what's odd?"She questioned

"It seems like his always busy and spends alot of his time away from you don't you think it's a little bit off"

"Moon your talking nonsense of course his a busy man and I don't wanna disturb him his working pretty hard if I do say so myself~"he finished her glass

"Yeah right...also where's your sister?"Moon asked looking around

"Oh you mean rara? She went and changed because she wants to take a dip in the pool what about you wheres your precious little sister?"Moon point to where Alice and Avery were talking to each other "She's with goldie locks"He spat at the end

"Seriously after all this years you two are still rivals?"She blurted out

"Of course I do she's just so annoying but it can't be helped since Alice likes her so much"He grumbles

"Oh boohoo~ but like all they say the more you hate the more you love~"She tease which didn't made moon feel even a slight better

On the other hand Alice feels abit less pressure of the epic party because she has Avery to talked to which kept other people away from interrupting them

"It's been a long time we haven't seen each other al and you've also grown alot since I last saw you were just a cute little girl back then"Avery chuckled

"Ohhh thank you avy well you seem to only get beautifuler say are you and brother still rivalry at each other?"She asked

"Or you mean your brother who's named after a flouting rock yeah we still rival each other"Alice only showed a small smile

"You know brother actually likes you secretly of course~" She teased

"What eww no besides I got myself a boyfriend and we've been going out for a week now"Alice gave a shock expression since she doesn't remember Avery telling her that she already have someone

"What?! Really? Why didn't you tell me"Alice pouted Avery chuckled

"I forgot to tell you I'm sorry about that but his not with me right now he said is coming soon his name is Morgan"she smiled but deep down in Alice gut she didn't liked the idea

Through out the whole night everything went great everyone partied to their heart's content they drank and danced meeting new people here and their it was perfect

Let's just hope history won't repeat itself again

(Well that's about it also Alice belongs to Inugami_sama and sorry if it's abit bad I kinda rush this)

And also if you want to know how epic the party was just watch this


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